Enough's Enough: ESPN's Skipper Says Net Will Dial Back Its Coverage Of Tim Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by NotSatoshiNakamoto, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Broncos were 1-4 when Tebow took over. I'm sure you know that.
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    It wasn't McGahee time, DT time, Decker time, Fox time, McCoy time, or any other "time" in Denver last year with the game on the line. It was Tebow time. He led the team.

    But... he didn't win alone. I'm not saying that. Matt Praeter was outstanding as well. He was clutch.

    If teams went into "prevent" that is their fault if it didn't work. Quit bringing that ridiculousness up. They are professionals and they get paid to stop the other team from scoring. They know how to do their jobs as coaches and players. They didn't play "prevent" because they thought it wouldn't work. They thought it would work. And once they saw they were going to lose, they should have switched it up. Point is, those teams who lost playing that defense couldn't stop Tebow (the Broncos) no matter how they tried.
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah, you remind us every day. It has also been pointed out that a lot of things happened and needed to happen for the turnaround, many of which had nothing to do with Tebow.

    Statisticly, the Broncos lost production in everything but the running game once the switch happened. Less offensive points, less yardage, lower completion percentage, lower 3rd down conversion rate... lower on just about everything, yet they started winning? Could they not of won with more production then?

    How is it then with less production did they start winning games?

    Well, the level of opponents got weaker. The defense figured out therir scheme, which Fox had to implement at camp due to no offseason. Von Miller needed to adjust and took a few games. dumervil was recovering from a year off.

    They won with less offensive production because the defense stepped up and carried them.

    But since you see the world through Tebow colored lenses, I'm not surprised the only difference you are able to see is Tim tebow.

    Yes I am going to keep bringing it up, because that is why he looked a lot better late in the games. you're right, it is their fault. Glad you can admit that, because you guys have spent weeks denying that this was happening to begin with saying prevent had nothing to do with it... saying it was the spread offense. :rolleyes:

    Tebow only had a shot at the end because the rest of the team kept him in it while he sucked all day.
    #63 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  4. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Because you never seem to remember that very relevant and important statistic.
  5. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...and you can't seem to understand why they actually won. You think it is the three and out machine that did it.

    Don't take MY word for it, let's see what the rest of the league thinks... oh, that's right. Nobody wants him.

    maybe you can explain why a guy that you think took the team from 1-4 to the playoffs can't seem to catch a break with the rest of the league.

    One SIMPLE answer.... they don't agree with you that he's the reason it happened.
  6. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Once again, that is a lazy argument and does not have any merit.

    If player X is good, than teams A, B, C, D, E, F, etc... will want him. It is not a truism. There is more to having Tim Tebow on your team that teams have to consider and they have nothing to do with football.
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Your view of the world through T-hater lenses, is that Tebow actually held back the Broncos last year. I mean they were headed to the supewrbowl right before they benched Orton!

    I know it pains you.
    I know you are butt hurt over all the times you were WRONG last year
    but the fact remains that you can not go back and change and revise history.

    what is done is done

    Tebow helped the Broncos turn their season around last year. You can say it was outstanding defense (hey that's what a defense is suppose to be) you can say it was Praeter (he was great and the offense got him in position to win those games).

    and the truth is that It was a team effort. but sometimes one missing piece of the puzzle is all it takes to go from losing to winning , Champ said Tebow energized the team BTW, I trust champ bailey , future hall of famer, over you everyday and twice on sunday.

    You can also stop hiding behind the wild exaggerations like " tebow gets all the credit" when in fact we both know he barely gets any at all.

    The defense was great in the games Denver won.
    Tebow was great in the closing moments of games
    Prater was great when he was called upon
    Magahee was great in the ground and pound offense.

    It was all feel good vibes and a fun season, a season that garnered you a top 10 all time QB (Peyton , no matter what you want to believe would not have headed to Denver if they had continued marching towards 4-12)

    Your premise that Orton could have won those games is also VERY flawed. The offense needed to change,specifically in the games that were won during the 7-1 run. In those games there were hardly any turnovers. The bulk of the turnovers came in the last 3 losses . Orton , in the "wait until garbage time offense" would have fed a steady diet of TOs to the opposing teams. 4-12 would have been Denver's destiny with Orton at the helm (and perhaps even the defense would have struggled overcoming the TOs).

    You are right that Tebow rides the bench now and the glory from last year is fading

    I am right that tebow help lead a turn around for your franchise last year. (<---- this last sentence is what drives you batty, but you can not change it Mr. Archer, you just can't)
    #67 CowboysFan, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I don't know where you got this idea that I was upset about winning last year... I even wanted a switch from Orton last year. Didn't even care if it was Tebow at 1-4.

    but it is what it is. I look at HOW the games were won and looked at what the WHOLE team was doing and not getting hung up on just one guy, and I feel just about any schmuck could have won most of those games under the circumstances. Even Orton with a defense that held opponents to 15 points or less. If Orton can get a 23-2 record with that kind of defensive performance, I can't see what is so damn special about a guy who barely edged out wins against bottom feeding teams that were held that low. That happened 6 times last year, 5 of them were won, 3 had to go to OT.

    Nope, it was a team effort. Tim Tebow is merely a cog in that machine. Not 33% of it either. A cog that got far too much credit. The NFL seems to agree with this or he would have been signed as a franchise QB until doomsday. More than just a couple teams would have been interrested and would have offered their first born if he were HALF as good as you guys seem to think he was last year.
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Like what? You guys tell us all the time about all the great players that have nice things to say about Tebow.

    He won't bring you bad press about cheap shots on the field.

    He won't bring you bad press about a DUI or wife beating.

    A lot of players love what he is about. Fans love the guy. So what is the problem if it has little to do with all the great stuff he can bring on the field? What could possibly be wrong with him off the field that would make teams not want him.

    I think what I said has plenty merit and isn't lazy at all. Teams want to win, and Tebow is a winner, is he not? So why is it then when someone like Cutler becomes available, teams call with deals like the one the Broncos got. (Hint: a lot more than a 4th.)

    The answer is, they just aren't impressed with him as you obviously are. Think he's way too much work to get him where they want him, and realize there is a lot more to do with his winning record than just him. Like I said, teams seem to be much more willing to offer a lot for Cutler, Kolb, and Matt Cassell. Why did Tebow only warrant a 4th, BEFORE even the draft took place? Still young, right? still had tremendous upside right? Still had to work with him like you would one of those studs in the draft.... right?

    Something ain't adding up here, and if it isn't that they think he sucks, then what is it?
  10. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Neat. You still glossed over the fact that Newton carries the Panther offense, and Tebow did the exact opposite. I'm sure you know that.
  11. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The NFL is a quarterback driven league. Teams frequently spend multiple first round picks to move up and get guys who they believe have what it takes to be a franchise QB. That's without ever having seen them take a snap in the NFL.

    Many NFL teams are starving for a franchise QB and will spend a lot of resources to obtain one if given the opportunity. None of those teams wanted Tebow. That's after seeing all the stats stats stats you guys just love to regurgitate.

    Because he's not a QB.
  12. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Yeah, that is why Tebow may not be a starter in the NFL anymore. With the success of rookie QBs, teams will draft them and make them the starter immediately. Then they get a mentor, not competition.

    Tebow may be delusional to view himself a starter in the NFL. He has to wait for his opportunity, and doesn't matter how much the Tebots scream, they will be silent to the eyes of the NFL.
  13. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I got the impression from the myriad of negative post you have made about last season. I find it hard to believe that you were cheering for Tebow if only based on that. However you can always tell me your log in name at Broncos message board and i will be happy to research it.:wink: but i know you guard it like a state secret.

    Its great that you feel ANY schmuck (your words) could have won those games as starter. Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how wrong it is . The fact is that a turnover prone QB wold not have helped their team win. So it was Tim Tebow (in case you needed to name the "schmuck) .

    As far as you saying "no" about Tim leading the turn around , sorry but Tim was the missing piece of the puzzle and did LEAD the team , even if you only want to acknowledge the energy that the change produced. Also the record leading up to that moment really puts the evidence in my favor,. You can say he sucks, that he cant throw, that he is a clown, that he should be playing cricket overseas instead of football but the turn around coincided with him being named starter. Yes the defense played better, has it ever occurred to you that maybe not having to deal with the original human butt fumble Kyle Orton's mistake might have helped them be better?
  14. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    well I do know of three teams that wanted/want him as a QB on the roster (at least publicly).
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Please explain why they were unwilling to offer more than a measly 4th round pick if that's the case.
  16. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Man I have never said the guy is hall of fame, I have always fought the fact that people say he can't play QB .

    You stated no one wanted him, well Denver drafted him, Jets and jaguars wanted to trade for him.

    heck he is on the Jets right now , they want him. speculating on the off season is just speculation.

    He has already proved most analyst wrong. So if he is worth a 4th round pick , well that's maybe where he should have been drafted.

    I know for a 100% fact (please do not make me scour the internet, just trust me ) that buffalo and the patriots were ready to draft him in the 2nd or 3rd round.
    #76 CowboysFan, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  17. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    I know Buffalo would have taken him in the late 2nd round. Sucks that Tebow might be the best QB in the 2010 draft class lol.
  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I said no one wanted him as a QB. If some team thought he was a franchise caliber QB they would have been willing to offer far more than a 4th rounder. The Jets got him to be Brad Smith II. Unfortunately he sucks as a wildcat QB too. At least they got a good punt protector out of the deal.
  19. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Hey LTJF, why don't you list all the teams that were even in a position to want to trade for Tebow if he was seen as a "young, developing starting QB" ala Ponder or Locker?

    Fact is, most the teams in the league either have a true franchise QB, have someone they consider to be their franchise QB, have someone they are developing as their franchise QB (but aren't sure of yet) or like the Colts and Washington, were eyeballing "generational talents" Luck and RG3.
  20. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    There are about 11 franchise QBs on earth. So if your premise is that he is not Brady, or Rodgers and not worth the investment...ok I understand it, neither is anyone else .

    I am sure you understand my premise which is completely different. I have read your post and you think he is not even worthy of being any level of QB and that is what i was addressing.

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