Enough's Enough: ESPN's Skipper Says Net Will Dial Back Its Coverage Of Tim Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by NotSatoshiNakamoto, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Johnny Football
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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  3. Clovis

    Clovis New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Being a fan of Tebow, I am very happy about this. Let him focus on football, let teams bring him in for football reasons, not publicity. In the long run, this can only help his career.
  4. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    This girl is to hot.Thats body paint by the way

  5. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    The venomous media eats people alive. It's their job to milk every oz of controversy out of every possible opportunity. Tebow always says the right thing, does the right thing, gives 100% effort on and off the field. He doesn't kill dogs, beat wife, rape girls, sell drugs to minors. So where does the hate come from? I blame the media. They manipulate public opinions to build him up for taking him down. Tebow supporters and haters are fighting like gamecocks in a cage built by the venomous media.
  6. Itsjustme

    Itsjustme Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I think it's way more simple than people are trying to make it out to be...

    ESPN stands for "Entertainment and Sports Programming Network".

    An injured backup QB is neither entertaining nor relevant to Sports Programming, so they have to drop his coverage. Watching someone get X-rays or sit on the bench is not exactly must-see-TV.
  7. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    The bullshit ESPN spun from Day 1 at Cortlandt was so agenda-driven obvious to anyone with two brain cells. The Jets said "Tebow's the backup - there's no QB controversy" and yet those dirtbags at ESPN refused to take it at face value and instead fed their viewers one disingenuous shit sandwich of innuendo after another.

    The capper: back in August on Sportscenter, they ran a pre-recorded Sal Palantonio "Live from Jet's camp" report. Palantonio reported the day's events at Cortlandt and ended his report by saying that Rex and the Jets remained steadfast in their claim that Sanchez was the starter and Tebow was the backup. After the Palantonio film clip ended, Linda "Gums" Cohn, Sportscenter anchor (and former Wood Memorial Also-Ran) picked it up from there by skeptically blurting out: "well if there's no qb controversy, why is Tebow taking so many snaps behind center?!" I wanted to throw a bale of hay at the TV.

    Nowadays, ESPN's gone back to the tried and true Kobe-and-Lebron formula. In particular, they're running one "what's wrong with the Lakers?" story after another. Just today, they had the ENTIRE left side of the screen (showing the upcoming sequence of stories covered) all Kobe/Laker related.
  8. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    We are going to hear the Lakers circus the entire NBA season, why A. They created it. and B. They are popular.
  9. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    This is as good a prediction as any.

    To really see if there's a chance of reaching meteoric heights, Johnny Football needs to follow up his Heisman season (as a freshman) with a national championship. That was one of the things that really amped up the electricity around Tebow. Tebow was the first sophomore to win it (it seems like a trend now, but underclassmen didn't used to win it). So it may have been the first time ever that a returning Heisman trophy winner played for the National Championship (against the current year's winner, no less). And to win really cemented him as clutch, or significant, or something.

    As a freshman, Johnny Football's going to be around a while. He will either elevate in hype by achieving more, or level off because he hangs around but doesn't win.
  10. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    This is part of the problem with Tebow. College football is not the NFL. Tebow is not an NFL QB. Heisman trophies and national championships often mean nothing when you move up a level, and that step from college to the NFL is a big one. Johnny football is a nice college story, but is he an NFL talent? Who knows? But he appears to lack something that most QBs entering the league need and it is something he can't change - size and height.

    Please don't label me a "hater" for having an opinion (shared by most coaches and management in the NFL), but Tebow does NOT have the skills needed to be an NFL QB.

    And the media circus that ESPN has now admitted it created and fueled, combined with Tebow's lack of NFL QB skills is why I and many Jets fans did not want him on this team. The best thing for the Jets would be to trade him in the off season to anybody that will take him and if nobody wants him (a possibility) cut him.

    He hasn't started games because he doesn't deserve to, even with the mess that the Jets offense has been. And it's not that I'm a hater, it's that I'm a Jets fan and the bottom line is the whole Tebow thing was wrong for this team at a very crucial time coming off the controversies at the end of last season. Instead of putting that stuff in the rear view mirror, it made it all worse. It's no fault of Tebow the person, but it is what it is and the Jets did not need ESPN at training camp charting the QBs on a daily basis nor did they need multiple reports every week about when he was going to win the starting job. The sooner he is on another team, the better for the Jets and maybe for him, because he is not the future here and his role is not going to change this year or next .
  11. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Stats are for losers, media pressure is for pussycats. Winning cures freaking everything. The problem jets has is losing, not a freaking backup on the bench.
  12. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Lack of QB skills or lack of consistency? Because clearly he has the skills to QB. I would agree that he didn't QB well consistently enough to silence his critics, but to say he doesn't have the "skills" to QB is not accurate.
  13. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    It is absolutely accurate.

    - Tebow struggles with assessing defenses pre-snap.
    - Tebow struggles with assessing defenses post-snap.
    - He struggles with 3, 5 and 7 step drops.
    - He struggles mightily with his footwork.
    - He is unable to get the ball out of his hand quickly.
    - He tends to telegraph his throws, and stares down his targets.
    - His progressions are basically non-existent.
    - He is inaccurate.
    - He struggles with check-downs, and tends wants to run the ball himself.
    - Etc, etc, etc...

    These things are quarterbacking 101. They are usually cemented very early in a quarterback's high school and college careers. Tebow had the disservice of playing for a coach that had zero interest in improving his quarterbacking acumen, in favor of a smash-mouth option game plan that resulted in single coverages due to a constantly stacked box.

    So yes, Joe Willie is absolutely correct. Tim Tebow does not have an NFL quarterback caliber skill set.
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    but but but.... look what he did in college!!! He's pretty good, the rest of the planet just hasn't figured it out yet.

    Sorry. Love the heart and desire. Love the off field personality. Love that there is no threat of him going out and getting arrested for DUI, and won't beat his wife or girlfriend.


    He's so friggin far behind the curve with the other Qbs that have been drafted anywhere from about a year before he was until now... that I doubt some team will see the light and is willing to go ALL IN and fix tebow's deficiencies, especially when younger ones are coming out every year who don't have such a steep hill to climb. EVEN LESS likely that there is a team out there that thinks he's fine as is and is going to bring him on and build around a QB with his... uhhhh... QBing skillset.

    Sorry. Ain't happening.
  15. JackBower

    JackBower Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    So are you saying that the ability to play QB consistently and having the "skill" to play QB are two different things?
  16. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You are stating things that most young professional QBs struggle with. That is why there is a learning curve when they enter the NFL. Tebow is no different. You have the oddballs such as RGIII and Luck, but look at Cam this year. He is struggling even after a great season last year.

    But there is a difference between struggles with *at times*, and not being able to do so.
  17. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Well, he won in the NFL, didn't he? You have no point.
  18. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I'm going to guess that was a sarcastic rhetorical question and you agree with me, because the answer is inherent in your question.
  19. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Let's not look at Cam Newton, and here is why. He is on an abysmal team, where he is forced to essentially carry the offense. He has 1 aging play maker in Steve Smith, and two overpaid, below average running backs, coupled with a horrible offensive line. They also have a not so good defense.

    Cam's stats, despite the terrible team surrounding him, are very respectable. 59% completion, 3200 yards, 16 TDs 10 picks, and hes leading the team in rushing.

    Cam Newton has essentially doubled Tebow's regular season production from last year, so if you want to call that struggling, then what Tebow did last year was beyond abysmal (which by the way, it was).
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Sure I do when you look at how those wins came to be. Mostly him burying the team into a hole with lack of production, having the defense keep him in it, and waiting for teams to go into prevent... err... change to bend but not break defense.

    He was one of the guys on the field when they won though I suppose. they won in spite of him and most of the NFL sees that.

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