Article: Tim Tebow, New York Jets would benefit from position change

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Demosthenes9, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Oh cute, trollboi found a new toy to play with.

    Run along now little fella.
  2. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I started this meme like 6 months ago. This one is still my favorite:

  3. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    You're going to need a Chiropractor after that violent dodge.:rofl:

    I note that you completely ignored defining what you mean by "always". In fact, I note that you didn't even attempt to specifically refute a single thing I said, except to dodge it by saying it was "spin". You obviously meant a QB's performance in college in your catch-all "always" designation. Well buddy, you're talking about Tim Tebow, because he was one heck of an accurate QB in college, not to mention one of the most efficient college QB's in NCAA history.

    If you're not willing to stand behind what you say, even when you unwittingly make someone's point for them perfectly, then maybe you should shut your trap. This is a Discussion forum, not a post and flee forum.

    That's the understatement of the year.:rofl:

    Below is a list of the 23 NFL QB's in the Hall of Fame from the "modern era".

    18 of 23 improved their completion % at least 5% from their 1st year in the league with significant playing time, to their best year in the league with significant playing time.

    8 of 23 improved their completion % at least 10% from their 1st year in the league with significant playing time, to their best year in the league with significant playing time.

    6 of 23 improved their completion % at least 15% from their 1st year in the league with significant playing time, to their best year in the league with significant playing time.

    The least amount that any of them improved their accuracy was 2%, and that was only one guy.

    These guys were the best of the best that are already in the Hall of Fame from the "modern era", and every jack one of them improved their accuracy at least a little, and most of them improved their accuracy a lot.

    Otto Graham
    1st year - 54.6%
    best year - 64.7%

    Bobby Layne
    1st year - 51.8%
    best year - 54.9%

    Norm Van Brocklin
    1st year - 54.5%
    best year - 56.2%

    Bob Waterfield
    1st year - 52%
    best year - 57.3%

    Y.A. Tittle
    1st year - 55.7%
    best year - 63.7%

    Joe Namath
    1st year - 48.2%
    best year - 52.9%

    Johnny Unitas
    1st year - 55.6%
    best year - 58.5%

    Troy Aikman
    1st year - 52.9%
    best year - 69.1%

    George Blanda
    1st year - 35.9%
    best year - 53.6%

    Terry Bradshaw
    1st year - 38.1%
    best year - 57.7%

    Len Dawson
    1st year - 61%
    best year - 66.4%

    John Elway
    1st year - 47.5%
    best year - 63.2%

    Dan Fouts
    1st year - 44.8%
    best year - 63.3%

    Bob Griese
    1st year - 50.2%
    best year - 63%

    Sonny Jurgensen
    1st year - 56.5%
    best year - 64.1%

    Jim Kelly
    1st year - 59.4%
    best year - 64.1%

    Dan Marino
    1st year - 58.4%
    best year - 64.2%

    Joe Montana
    1st year - 64.5%
    best year - 70.2%

    Warren Moon
    1st year - 57.6%
    best year - 64.7%

    Steve Young
    1st year - 52.2%
    best year - 70.3%

    Fran Tarkenton
    1st year - 56.1%
    best year - 64.2%

    Roger Staubach
    1st year - 59.7%
    best year - 62.6%

    Bart Starr
    1st year - 54.4%
    best year - 63.7%

    Throwing habits that led him to be one of the most elite passing QB's in NCAA history. You can't make this stuff up....

    The WHAT? Surely you jest....

  4. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Nope, CC says Elway was lying when he said that....

    Cool, so it's just that easy, huh? How many times have you done this? How many NFL QB's do you know who've done this, successfully, in one off-season? Boom, just like that?

    You know, it is possible that he may never master the "new" throwing motion to a point where he becomes close to the passer he was at Florida with his old motion. Garth Brooks might never be able to transform himself into a top flight opera singer, even if he "applies" himself over the course of a few months. Tebow may end up having to go back to his old motion completely if he wants to re-gain his college accuracy.

    Yeah, it's called his bromance with Sanchez. You can put the McElroy genie back in the bottle, but no matter how much stuffing and shoving and stomping you do, you can't put the Tebow genie back in the bottle once you let it out and it grants a few wishes for you.
  5. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Of COURSE!!! That HAS to be it. It CAN'T be because Tebow sucks a big fat one as a QB. His 46% completion percentage is EXACTLY what the Jets need right now....
  6. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Don't be such an idiot. Sanchez has been playing awful for the most part all season long. If Rex was even considering replacing him at an earlier time of the season and didn't want Tebow coming on in relief, all he had to do was demote Tebow to #3 on the depth chart and dress McElroy for games as the back-up instead. It's not like they've used Tebow much anyway, so if he specifically didn't want Sanchez to be replaced by Tebow in a relief position, he would have had McElroy be active, not Tebow. What if Sanchez had gotten hurt at any point in the season, during a game? Guess who was coming in to finish the game? Tebow, of course.
  7. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    lol man you groupies are dumb
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Don't be an idiot. (Hey, I can do that too. Doesn't help your point.) If Rex would have thought there was a chance in hell of Tebow repeating the magic of last year, he'd be playing. Bromance my ass!!! He sees Tebow every friggin day, and THAT is why he's on the bench.

    Face it. tebow sucks (don't know about McElroy) and that is why Sanchez stays in despite looking... like... well... THAT.
  9. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Pretty sure that wasn't the question. The question was whether Rex intentionally waited to bench Sanchez until Tebow was out with injury. The evidence for that is extremely weak and circumstantial and requires one to make a lot of assumptions that aren't in evidence, among them the idea that Rex Ryan is clairvoyant and knew both that Sanchez would be awful against the Cardinals, and that he would stay healthy in every game and never go down with an injury.
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    How is that weak? Sanchez sucked all year and could have been pulled for the boy wonder. Some of you even said had Tebow not been injured, Sanchez probably wouldn't have been pulled. I think Backup QB said it himself just yesterday.

    Are you really that dense? Of COURSE Rex didn't know tebow was going to be injured. All I said was that it presented an opportunity to pull Sanchez in yet ANOTHER stinker to get a look at McElroy and avoid any of the politics that surround Tebow. Didn't some of you say they could go back to Sanchez if they played McELroy but NOT if they went to Tebow?

    All that points to Rex avoiding going to Tebow on purpose. Why? cuz the politics that surround a player that REALLY FRIGGIN' SUCKS!!! Yet some of you say it is really more about a bromance with Sanchez.

    Yep.... got nothing to do with what Rex probably thinks of Tebow's abilities at all. Nope. None.
    #50 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  11. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    If it wasn't about a bromance with Sanchez then Sanchez wouldn't be starting again this Saturday. I think there's a very good chance they will make Tebow inactive again this Sunday, giving them a perfect opportunity to "get a look at McElroy" if they wanted to, and yet, Sanchez is slated to start.

    And if Rex was trying to avoid going to Tebow as the main QB at all costs, then you have to answer the question about what happens if Sanchez gets injured in the middle of a game and goes out. If McElroy is inactive, he can't play. It would have to be Tebow. Seems a pretty good chance, considering that NFL QB's get hurt all the time. Doesn't sound to me like Rex trying to bar the door of Tebow ever having to go on in relief of Sanchez.
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    man, you are such a terrible liar.

    In your last post, the one JF responded to, you weren't talking about the "politics" or Rex trying to avoid it.

    Here is what you said in case you forgot:

    So let's add this onto the list of descriptives for you: Totally farking clueless, have no idea what you are talking about, don't ever let a silly little thing like FACTS get in your way, and now, willing to FRAKKING LIE in order to try and not look really stupid.
  13. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yes I did you idiot. If you had the attention span better than that of a goldfish, you could have focused on more than one point at a time. Have I NOT mentioned the headache that is Tebowmania? Mentioned it many times... That's politics!!! not because Tebow is good, but because people are in love with the guy!! It's because of who he is!!

    Then why the hell are you guys saying Rex CAN'T go back to Sanchez if Tebow plays, but they can any time they want if they go to McElroy?

    Politics, dumbass!! Too much media and jock sniffers in love with a terrible passer.

    That's part of the equation. That and he sucks! Tebowmania probably wouldn't be a problem if Tebow were actually good. Why not have a real winner in there that everyone loves. Even if he sucked, probably wouldn't be a big deal putting him in there to shake a few things... if the media and his one brain cell fanbase wouldn't throw such a hissy fit if they went back to Sanchez?

    Goes hand in hand dude.

    you forgot Genius, but it looks like you managed to get all of your cliches into one sentence. Say it three more times, and I bet it might make you feel better about the value of your Tebow jersey falling far enough to buy at the local dollar store.
    Stomp your feet a bit more and throw out some more namecalling. Won't matter, tebow will still suck at the end of the day. you sure you don't want to throw in religious bigot too? That one is popular from Tebowners too.

    What are you? Twelve?

    Hilarious watching you guys resort to school yard smack and squealing like a kid who had their toy takn away. Tebowners do that.

    So in an effort to bring this back on topic rather than a 5th grade playground of liar liar pants on fire, explain to me OH GREAT SMART ONE, why they can go back to Sanchez if McElroy plays, but not Tebow... and then tell me how that isn't political? (just so you understand, politics meaning media and a whole legion of pissed off Tebow jock sniffers.) give me some insight to that genius of yours.
    #53 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Nice try at spinning your way out again liar.

    BTW, "a real winner in there" >? He went 7-4/8-5 last year, taht, by definition, is a WINNER. I know you don't like it, but you can't change the facts.

    You are the sack of shit running around here lying in just about every post you make, you you ask if I'm twelve ?


    Gee, I don't know, maybe, jsut maybe, it would be because Tebow is a BETTER QB than McElroy ? That if Tebow comes in, he WILL do better than Sanchez has ? That people will clearly see that he IS the better option ?

    That would be one reason.
  15. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    If the shoe fits. More namecalling I see...

    I bet Tebow would be EMBARRASSED to have people like you defending him.

    So it's pretty much a given then that Tebow will be better than Sanchez? Some of you seem to act like Rex already knows this but is being stubborn or something.

    ...and so what if Tebow comes in and does better. Doesn't the coach WANT the best player out there? What is the harm?

    I still think it is because he KNOWS Tebow sucks and doesn't see the point in starting him. Are you one of those that suggest Rex knows Tebow is the best one, but won't play him for some OTHER reason whether it is politics or because of Sanchez's huge contract? If so, he's doing the Jets a terrible disservice. I don't buy that at all.
    #55 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  16. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    Guys, stop the name calling or I will close this thread.

    You can have a discussion without the attacks.
  17. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    ... minutes later ...

  18. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Apologies WW85. Didn't see your warning.
  19. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Well you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's just that, an opinion. While there may be some who like him solely because of Tebow the person, I think the vast majority of Tebow supporters like him because of his football talent and record as a winner and the ultimate competitor, and there are a lot who like him for a combination of those reasons.

    Hard to believe you're serious, yet I know you are. Too bad the facts don't line up with your opinions.

    I can't believe this needs to be spelled out. Rex and Tanny have a lot riding - including their monumental pride - on the idea of Sanchez being a success. It's a fatal bromance. Maybe you just actually should believe that Rex is a little mixed up about his priorities, and that his pride is getting in the way of doing what is really best for the team. Maybe Rex is going to ride Sanchez to the end of the line. He's not too worried about McElroy coming in and lighting it up long-term and creating a controversy, but if Tebow comes in he knows that he may very well out-play Sanchez, and if Rex has already decided to ride Sanchez to the bitter end, he can't have that.
  20. danangmarine68

    danangmarine68 New Member

    May 18, 2012
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    Wow he's an "idiot" in one paragraph and a "genius" in the next. consistency in you insults is not one of your finer points. Interesting that you compare Tebowmania with a headache, as I'm sure you've heard the age old saying "if you stop beating your head against the wall, the pain will go away". Likewise if the Tebowmania is bothering you to that extent then it may be advantageous to your well being to give it a rest and sign off of the forum for a while.

    I post the following observation with all seriousness as I have had to deal with an Obsessive Compulsive family member for 37 years. Though every other member of the family can see this disorder the person with it has not one clue. That person in question is in complete denial to this day. I've read almost all of your posts since joining this forum and I've noticed that there appears to be OCD signs in your ramblings. After 37 years I've gotten pretty good at recognizing those signs. Perhaps a sabbatical from Gang Green may help. At the very least it will probably allow you some quiet downtime from the "headeache that is Tebowmania".

    P.S. Sorry WW85, I was catching up on this post and was replying to a post on a previous page. I don't partake of the usual name calling and hope that this is not misconstrued as such.
    #60 danangmarine68, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012

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