Tebow's Contract

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by hwismer, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Fixed that for you.
  2. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Yep, and yet now they want to act like Tebow was the #1 pick and huge and wonderful things were widely expected of him in the NFL and that he has somehow not lived up to those false expectations. Despite the fact that he still has a better starting winning % than most of the new, young QB's who have come into the league in the last 5 years.

    This could not be more true.

    Interesting. I recall you being 100% uninterested in playing the IF game a few weeks ago when I brought up some of the missed/blocked field goals, dropped TD passes, etc. last year.....What's good for the goose....
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    How many of those QBs get a stretch where there are 6 games out of 11 where the defense holds teams to 15 points or less.

    What do you think THEIR record would be if they were on the Broncos for those games?

    That's the secret to Tebow's much hyped win loss record. Just another gimmick that defines Tim Tebow's career. You might have been hoodwinked by it, but the NFL ain't falling for it.
  4. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You can't say that. You don't know if he would have scored more points if his defense gave up more points. There is no static predetermined amount of points the offense will score in a game. It all depends on the flow of the game.

    As you were.

    Carry on.
  5. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Hmm, defense held to 15 pts or less in 6 of the 11 games ? Think that might have anything to do with an insanely low Interception rate ? He had one anomoly which was the Bills game where he threw 3 picks. In his other 13 starts last year, he threw a whopping 3 interceptions.

    Compare that to Orton who had 7 ints in 5 games.
  6. sunbeam

    sunbeam Banned

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Wow Tim Tebow has his own stalker. It's incredible if you think about it, that Concerned Citizen follows the guy in a sense to a message board devoted to his new team.

    And maintains a very regular posting record denigrating the man at every possible turn.

    Something doesn't make a lot of sense about this.

    Tell me Concerned Citizen. You are obviously very concerned about the Tim Tebow menace.

    As a Concerned Citizen, I'd wager you have a sizeable collection of photographs of Tebow. For, you know, reference.

    Bet you have a lot of magazine articles too. I wouldn't doubt that you record all the Jet games, just in case he plays. I mean you would have to study it closely so you could write up everything he did wrong on this board.

    Heck, you seem like a thorough guy. Bet you have a webfeed that pulls any article that mentions the name "Tebow." Do you follow him on twitter by any chance?

    There's something a bit odd about this whole situation. I mean, theoretically you are a Broncos fan, right? And fortunately Tim Tebow got traded, so he couldn't hurt your team anymore.

    But as a Concerned Citizen you follow him to a board for his new team. After all they have to be warned about how terrible, and bad, and... and dirty Tebow is. Then you find that you can always write just a little more about him. Even if he doesn't play that week you like to log on and talk about him.

    It just doesn't make sense. I get the feeling I should have this figured out, it's like there is this idea on the outskirts of my consciousness, but it just won't come out. It's like that idea is hiding.

    I wonder why it's hiding?

    You post on a Broncos message board too, right? Do you tell them how much you write about Tim Tebow? About how bad and worthless he is? Do they nod, and say "You know it Concerned Citizen, you really peg that guy?"

    Help me to understand this fetish Concerned Citizen. There is some way it all makes sense right? It's kind of troubling me.
  7. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Haha. Sunbeam, nice try. I've asked him the same questions many times but he never answers them, and never will. Just avoids it and goes on to the next topic.

    I'll bet he continues to follow Tebow's career in Jax or wherever he ends up.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Well, you STILL seem to think I care about Orton. We already KNOW he sucked. Good riddance, glad he's gone. since when did Orton become the measuring stick for what should be a good QB? Being better than Orton STILL had him ranked 32nd in most major stats.

    ...and as I already explained, there's more to life than NOT throwing interceptions. Nice stat. Only 6. Too bad he sucked at everything else. Good for almost a fumble per game, and STILL didn't move the chains nearly enough to make winning sustainable without a defense keeping teams to 10 points.

    He didn't throw interceptions because his passes either went straight into the dirt or into the 10th row. yeah, not going to throw many interceptions when almost half of your throws are uncatchable for defenders and receivers alike.
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Nah, there's plenty of them from his groupies. Never have to look far for a pic.

    Just trying to get people off the kool-aid celebrating his mediocrity.

    remind me why YOU are here again? I seem to recall YOU saying you followed him here.
    #49 Concerned_Citizen, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  10. sunbeam

    sunbeam Banned

    Nov 15, 2012
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    I'll tell you why I am here.

    The basis of what I am interested in is seeing spreads come to the NFL. Some teams, heck most teams now, have elements of passing spreads incorporated.

    Last year was the first time an NFL team really tried any of it in the NFL. And for me it was exciting. I'm not going to pull any stats, as a Concerned Citizen I would think you would volunteer to get them for me. Ah, who are we kidding, you already know them as a Concerned Citizen. That's what Concerned Citizens do.

    Last year you guys had an excellent running game, and excellent time of possession numbers.

    How are both of those this year?

    My take on what happened with Denver last year is they backed off things when they were working. Yeah, I think Elway had an agenda. And I don't like having my rebel movement thwarted by Ol' Horseteeth. I hope someone drives a car up his ass next time he is at his dealership.

    As far as Tebow goes, I'm not religious. But I have to admire someone who has convictions and lives up to them.

    And it's neither here nor there, but I also think he is gay, and faces the very last person he will ever admit it to in the mirror when he shaves every morning.

    The guy has everything. Looks, ability, drama, a champion's spirit. A personal life that is going to blow up into an epic TV movie one day (yeah I think he is gay again). Heck they'll probably do it like Game of Thrones.

    And the guy has "It." That elusive star quality that makes people interested in this person, as opposed to that person.

    Now every time Manning polishes his neck bolts, and pitches another product I guess you can say "I'm proud to be a Bronco." (I'm so hoping he plays Lurch in an Addams Family remake. Or maybe Herman Munnster.)

    But me man? I'm a rebel. Just like those wild and crazy Sabermetricians.
  11. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    What agenda was that? Sticking with a winning formula and not re-inventing the wheel for a QB who can't pass?

    Holy CRAP!!!! Someone managed to do something on this board I NEVER in a million years though possible. Make me defend Tebow a bit.

    I have a hard time believing a guy that can score dates with Taylor Swift, hung out with the Broadway chicks, and was dating that chick from 50,000 B.C. is actually gay. Not buying that one. (And that isn't even considering his support for groups that fight against gay rights like focus on the family.)

    Who knows though... I had Clay Aiken pegged, and people said he was Christian and steered away from women for his values.
  12. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Absolutely not.

    Tebow nation loves to ignore just how good Denver's defense was last year. They love point to the #20 defensive ranking. They completely ignore the fact that the Tebow led offense punted constantly, giving opponents many, many additional possessions.

    But instead believing me, lets look at some facts.

    Last year, under Tim Tebow, the Broncos averaged 7 punts per game. This year, they are averaging 4.6 punts per game. If you don't think that an extra 2 possessions per game isn't a big deal, then you are truly an idiot.

    The difference between our defense last year (#20) and our defense this year (#3) is 60 yards per game. Teams could have easily gained those 60 yards in the additional two possessions the go-nowhere Tebow offense gave them. Furthermore, last year Denver's giveaway/takeaway margin was -12, where this years it's -3. Meaning that there were 9 additional possessions that we gave opponents throughout the season. I'm not putting that all on Tebow, because aside from his ridiculous number of fumbles, he took pretty good care of the ball through the air. But it does help illustrate just how good the D was last season.

    Finally, before you break out the bullshit 'made many key acquisitions on defense' line, the only addition from last year as a starter is Derek Wolfe, a rookie, at DE. Champ is a year older, and we were without our starting MLB, DJ Williams, for the first 9 games. Don't go there.

    Now I know that you will probably continue to live in fantasy land, and think that the Bronco's defense didn't carry the Tebow offense all season last year, and those of us with common sense will continue to laugh at you, but debunking the Tebot mentality is child's play.
    #52 phaytal, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  13. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    A. Wesley Woodyard is better than DJ Williams, the Broncos need to dump DJ.

    B. The defense is good against weak offensive teams, but against good offenses they get lit up, don't bring up the Saints game Drew Brees is playing like hot garbage right now.

    C. Tebow AND Orton did hold this team back, because they are not GOAT like Peyton Manning.
  14. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I'll give you that.

    Held the Texans to 60 yards less than their average.
    Held the Patriots to 80 yards less than their average.
    Held the Falcons to 130 yards less than their average.

    I'd call all three high powered offenses, and despite all three being losses, I'd pin those losses on the offense. Particularly the 8 turnovers that the Broncos committed in those 3 games.

    Denver's D is legit, even against top offenses.
    #54 phaytal, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  15. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    One other thing I forgot, Jack Del Rio is a much better D coordinator than Dennis Allen. How he got the Raider job still baffles me.
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Agreed. ...and even in the losses against Atlanta, New England, and Houston, they were nearly able to overcome the early turnover problems and each of those games still came down to the final plays of the game.

    Defense has done an excellent job holding the fort while the offense adjusts to Manning and he recovers from the nerve damage.
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    It's the Raiders...
  18. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Denver's D has a new coach, a change in scheme from a 3-4 to a 4-3. Two "new" starters on the D line, a "new" veteran MLB, and a "new" Saftey.

    Adiditionally, you have guys like Rahim Moore and Chris Harris who are now in their 2nd year instead of being "wet behind the ears" rookies.

    Sure, Manning has helped quite a bit as well, there's no denying that. But don't sit here and act like this is the same defense as last year, because it isn't.
  19. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Of course you would ignore the 2 and a half extra possessions that Tebow provided his opponents with his go-nowhere offense. Why in the world would I have expected anything less?

    You're like an excuse machine. You should patent that shit.
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    There really isn't a lot of difference with the defense. They didn't run a lot of 3-4 last year either. We just didn't have the D-linemen for it.

    besides it is irrelevant. The defense was actually pretty solid last year despite what the rankings say. Most of that was skewed thanks to games like Green Bay, New Englane, and Detroit. Look at each game individually, and focus on the ones they won... not hard to see who actually did the heavy lifting.

    Also, here's why the rankings are misleading, IMO.

    The defense had the ranking in the 20s because the offense never stayed on the field. More time on the field, more possessions, more yards are going to get racked up on you. You pretty much saw them at their worst since they were always heading back on the field after a 2 minute break. Offense did them almost no favors other than punting rather than turning the ball over. Rewind a few years back when the Broncos were ranked 30 out of 32... Only teams that were worse were Kansas City and the 0-16 Detroit Lions. However, NEITHER of those teams had an offense that stayed on the field. The Broncos actually had a half way decent one that year with Cutler, ranked #7. If they had either Detroit's or Kansas City's punt all the time offense... like the one we had last year... no question that defense would have been 32 and it wouldn't have been even close to 31.

    Put last years defense with an offense that actually stayed on the field, they would probably have been closer to a top 10 last year.

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