The key question which U do not address sadly is how many VLTs does Woody have? Someday U will realize the only IMPORTANT thing in sports is winning CHAMPIONSHIPs :sad:
The problem with the article in the OP is it assumes Woody would know what to do to fix the team if this message only got through to him. Whether he needs the message is, I suppose, debatable. But assuming for argument's sake he is in some kind of bubble, unaware of the level of fan unhappiness, it might make sense to have some form of protest. I still love the idea that Giant fan had flying that plane over the Meadowlands, 15 years of lousy football is enough. But for one thing. I don't think Woody knows how to fix the problem, because it starts with him. Look at last year. The Jets fell to 8-8 after losing the Champ game. What was the biggest thing they did? The Tebow Trade. Yeah, in effect they changed out Brunell for Tebow. Woody is over his head. That is the real problem. We have the worst owner in the league, and that is saying something. So I don't see much to be gained by that particular form of protest. I would go for mroe of a Woody Must Go chant at every game, until he does.
Guess U do not go back far enough to the NYJs fans renting a airplane towing a sign that read "If Joe Walton brain was in a bird the bird would fly backwards" :sad:
The Jets history stinks though. New York is about winning championship.s Unfortunately the other team in this town is who you should be comparing us to....not our own lousy history. The Giants have 5 Super Bowl appearances in the last 30 years and have won 4. We havent had a home playoff game in over 10 years. We haven't won a division in over 10 years. We havent seen a Super Bowl in over 40. Are we close to a championship now than we were 2 years ago? Obviously not. Who on this team do we have to look forward to? Continuity doesnt win championships just because.
I don't care. In the last 13 years, we've had to deal with 5 championships between New England and the Giants. Hell, they even played each other twice in the big game. I don't care what you say. Not even cubs fans go through this much embarrassment and shame.
it's not Woody's fault the Pats got lucky and had the best QB of this generation. If they didn't get Brady we'd probably have a SB app in the last 12 years and if the Giants played in the AFC they probably wouldn't have a SB app.
Some day NY Junc will learn that the ONLY thing that U can brag about is winning CHAMPIONSHIPs not W-L records or PO appearances :sad:
There U go again with your coulda, woulda, shoulda. How do U know that no Brady would have secured us a SB appearance in the last 12 years :sad:
Hate crap like this. Yeah, it would be nice if every fan was on the same page, but that would never happen. And why should it? Like the article says, the Jets have the most expensive tickets in the NFL. We're supposed to just eat them to send a stupid message to the owner which he probably won't care about anyway? It's nice in theory, but in practicality, it's pointless. Junc is right though, this has been the best era in Jets history that wasn't just a one-year wonder. The sad part is, the Patriots have also had the best era in their history at the same time, and they're even better and in the same division. Then throw in the Giants, and I understand the frustration. But on the whole, since 1997, the Jets have had three losing seasons off the top of my head.
So then where R the CHAMPIONSHIPs. Comparing our recent record to our past records is totally senseless IMHO unless during that period we had won 3/4 SBs. Come to your senses that the NYJs have been a losing team since 01/13/69 the day after they won SB3 :sad:
The only thing that is considered a winning season is a Superbowl. Greatness is not defined but Afc Championship births.
you might want to find another hobby. If you don't get joy out of the journey I feel bad for you. It's hard to win a SB, we may never win one but I'll always enjoy watching them play.
I recognize that. But that was 40+ years ago. I wasn't even close to born yet. Since then, this has been the best for the Jets. Hard to even argue that. Obviously, Super Bowls are the goal and the ultimate satisfaction. But as Junc said, if you only get any joy watching the team play in a Super Bowl, then you must be a miserable fan, and that goes for 31 of 32 teams every single season. You have to enjoy some of the ride, otherwise, what's the point other than driving yourself nuts.
Gee....Posted the exact same thing my self and it was removed by the MODS. Guess it wasn't such a bad idea after all!
I want to send Woody a message: THANK YOU Woody, thank you for trying to win. It hasn't happened w/ a SB yet but I appreciate that you are always trying to win. I hate PSLs, and I hate how you overcharge us for tickets, I hate the new awful tin can you built but on the field you always try to put a winner on it and I appreciate that.
Pictures don't lie.....embarrass Woody with crickets at the stadium. Concessions=dollars especially when you charge 15 for for a beer. Jersey sales must be all but dried up at this point. Would you buy your kid jets gear? Just so they can get beat up or teased at school?
I said parking revenues and food are the only sources. Take the train and pack a lunch or eat before or after the game. PSL owners are stuck with the original investment, that's the risk you take. I wouldn't give Woody another dime, you have to hit him where it hurts in the pocketbook. Boycotting the rest of 2012 is stupid idea.