Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Whether the Jets move forward with Sanchez or go in a different direction it is obviously clear that the present front office and coaching staff need to be replaced. Why in the world the Jets hired a moron like Sparano who is as clueless as Rex is about the QB position is beyond me. This falacy of hanging onto Rex because he went to 2 AFCCG back to back is ridiculous. The state of the Jets franchise is broken and the future is pretty bleak without a major shake up.

    It's hard to believe that I hear some of you guys still having faith in a guy that piece mills a team together, a coach that has lost control of his team, an OC that should be coaching Pop Warner and a QB who's confidence is shot. As this team fell apart I admit it was humourous from my stand point. Now it's pitiful to watch and that's a lot worse.
  2. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    Oh my god

    Rex Ryan is a poster on TGG
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So basically if the "good QB" came in and the only thing that changed was he made only positive plays and didn't make any negative ones (even though the crop of "good QBs" right now make plenty of mistakes) we would be better. This isn't a shocking revelation. The shocking thing is that you believe you plug and place a QB and the only differences will be in one direction, the good one. That nothing negative will happen. You can't break down football games to one play, say this QB wouldn't do that, then ignore the 59 other minutes of the game pretending it would remain the same.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    didn't say it did, Mark has been horrendous this year and deserves his share of the blame and probably deserves more blame than most but he doesn't deserve all of it.

    Not really, you aren't winning big consistently Philip Rivers, Jay Cutler, has Ryan Fitz ever played in a big game let alone won one? Chad henne, Carson Palmer, Matt Cassell, Brady Quinn, Tony Romo, etc... It's TBD w/ cerain guys that have been great #s guys but never won anything like Ryan, Schaub and all the rookies.

    The Jets won FOUR road playoff games in 2 years including beating the hottest teams in football in the div rd each year. You aren't doing that w/o quality QB play. Everyone likes to take credit away from mark but he was excellent in postseason for us so we know we can win big w/ him. The goal is to get him to play in the reg season the way he has played in postseason. That doesn't seem to be working very well.

    By the way our OL and RBs were not great in 2010. Our run game was decent, our OL was good, our WRs were in and out outside of Braylon and none of the 3 top WRs we had that year have done anything since. Many more QBs have much better talent around them than mark had in '09 & '10 and yet they can't win in January.

    yeah we should clean house like the Giants should have after 2006 when Coughlin(who only had 2 AFC Championship Games on his resume at the time) lost control of the team, Eli stunk and the team was regressing. That would be a wise move to make.

    You don't give up on players/coaches b/c of a bad season or 2. You make moves, you try to get better but you don't clean house or you turn into the post-Marino Miami dolphins w/ a new HC every few years and new rebuilding plan that never works out b/c they never stick w/ anyone long enough.
  5. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So we should just sit and watch a team the FO mismanaged and miscalculated with talent flounder and expect them to come back next year? If Tanny stays, we need to change our big FA, trade up for players approach. If we do that, we are going to remain a top heavy team with little to no depth. If we keep Rex/Tanny, we need to them to change as coach and GM. If they aren't going to change, we are going to continue onwards with this mess.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yes they deserve to come back. These are the guys that led us to back to back title games and have the most playoff wins in Jets history under their watch. Changes need to be made but not a complete overhaul.

    AGAIN, imagine if the Giants did the same thing after 2006 when they were in mutiny mode, Eli wasn't developing, they hated Coughlin, Coughlin's accomplishments at the time included only reaching 2 title games(for another team). You don't give up on talent easily. Rex and Tannenbaum should be on the hot stea next year b/c you can't have 3 mediocre/bad years in a row but as of now they have earned the right to come back.

    Our depth hasn't been too bad. Each year we've lost key guys and for the most part have been able to overcome but this year we lost our best D player(best in the league) and bst O player. That's tough to overcome. No one has depth to overcome losing players as valuable as those guys.
  7. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    How exactly are they going to improve this mess next year keeping all the same guys in place? As for the Dolphins, it wasn't a question of leaving anyone in place long enough it was about who they brought in.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    How did the Giants improve from 2010 to 2011? how did Houston improve from 2010 to 2011?

    I'm not saying bring the sam team back, moves have to be made but the GM is the guy who built one of the best teams in the league in '09 & '10, the coach led those teams. why would we give up on them b/c they had a bad year or 2? did the Steelers give up on Cowher in the late 90s? '98 and '99 they were 7-9 and 6-10, they missed 3 straight postseasons from 98-00. wouldn't it have been easy to start over?
  9. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Exactly. I generally think Sanchez sucks but you can't sit there and put the Texans game on him when he was one of the main reasons the Jets were even in position to win
  10. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    No Junc. I want to hear your plan. The Jets are not the Giants nor the Texans. I want to hear how they improve this team in your opinion.
  11. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    And you can't compare the Steelers and Jets. The Steelers are a professional organization. The Jets are a clown show right now.
  12. concussion80

    concussion80 New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    I dont get this thread. Sanchez is our QB because we really dont have anyone else. I mean Tebow? Really? So what are we supposed to do?

    We show up at the games support the kid and hope for the best. If you dont like that attitude you can eat my dirty boxer shorts.
  13. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I agree with much of what you are saying. What Sanchez lacks is consistency and efficiency. Sanchez is a guy where, if its going great - its going great. By it I mean, they are able to run the ball, make some nice PA completions on early downs and the defense is playing solid football. The part that is hard to over come is: If its going bad, its going REALLY BAD. And this season it has gone from bad to really bad within a blink of an eye, mostly because of Sanchez. When he makes mistakes - its very difficult to over come, not only for the team as a whole but himself individually.

    The way I see the offense is as follows: An above average QB will be able to win some games with this team. An average or below average QB will struggle and need a lot of things to go right in order to win.

    This team will never be able to rely on Sanchez arm to consistently win games. That is a major issue given that the league today is catered towards QB play, the passing game, and high scoring games.

    With that said, the JETS will need to decide quickly in what direction they want to go in. Do they want a QB who we can put the whole game in his hands and ask him to go and win, or, do they want a "game manager" - make some good plays here and there.

    IMO this team doesn't need to be blown up or rebuilt. I think with a healthy offense and a few more weapons, Sanchez will be able to do well enough for us to win games.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The pan is to draft well and have a good offseason. we need help at OL, WR, RB, LB- those are the areas we need to attack this offseason. I don't know who is available to give specific names but I do know this GM built the teams that made back to back title games so he deserves a chance to do it again.

    yeah we aren't professional, did you know we have the least amount of arrests since 2000? 8. did you know the non clown pros like Pitt have 17? your clown team has 28.

    Our clowns have the most playoff wins undre rex in the league(that will likely be eclipsed this January but we'll still be near the top).

    It's always easy to look back, it's not easy to look forward and project. I'm sure many Pitt fans were calling for Cowher to be fired and major changes to happen, thankfully for them their franchise didn't make that mistake. The Giants wouldn't have 2 more SBs right now(the only had 2 prior to 2007 so they were not an elite franchise in the SB era prior to the last 2 runs) if they made a similar decision.
  15. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    This debate is pointless because you can offer no insight on how to fix the problems. You have fiscal issues that are going to severly limit your moves, you have gaping holes on both sides of the ball, a head coach that is out of answers, an OC that is horrible and no identity whatsoever.

    Additionally, you get butt hurt and defensive and retaliate with nothing more then pointing out issues with other organizations because you are unable to look at your own team and recognize that they are a joke right now. Sorry Junc, but I am not listening to deflections and excuses. I'm out.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I can't give specifics, no one can. I don't know the cap, I know we are supposed to be in cap hell every year but our GM always manages to keep us out.

    we don't have gaping holes, we are not far off from being a playoff contender again. a good offseason fixing a few of the holes we have will get us right back on track.

    I don't get hurt, I'm not a whiner who gives up at the first sign of adversity. I give you concrete examples of other organizations sticking w/ their troubles HCs/players and eventually winning. we are less than 2 years removed from playing for the right to go to the SB, I'm not giving up on those guys so quickly.

    It won't be easy to get us back to that point but I have confidence in this regime to get it done. Will we have to make chances to the scouting staff? maybe, I'm not around those guys to give a real answer but there are changes that need to be made just not a complete overhaul.
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I have no problem agreeing with how many other USC Qb's flunked in the NFL, but Palmer's problems were first a lack of good players around him and eventually injuries. I know Oakland is not getting it done as a team, but he is still putting up good stats. In short he's an exceptoin even if, as you say, he did not reach the level he might have.
  18. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    You have 36 players signed and right now roughly 11 mil to sign 17 more. Amongst the FAs are Greene, Keller, Moore, Slauson, Cumberland, Landry and Bell. I assume they will cut Pace and Scott and free up some money, I believe about 15 mil. So figure approximately 25 mil to sign 17 players. With that you need to rebuild or re sign 2 OGs a TEx2, FS, SS, RB and probably want to upgrade at WR. But the real issue is depth. Years of mishandling drafts and extending unwarranted contracts have left the cupboards seemingly bare.

    Mangini and Tannenbaum put the core of the team together in 2006 and since, Tannenbaum has added little. Lets say 4 years of bad drafting and the last couple of not been so kind in the FA market. As much as you fall back on 2009-2010, only 11 or 12 of 22 starters are the same with 2 more most likely on their way out the door. Your QB showed that he needed talent around him to successfully manage a game which right now, he has none. Your looking at 13 positions that have changed over and not been filled very well.

    With the fiscal limitations and yes, gaping holes, the task at hand is huge. How you can sit back and say Tannebaum works his magic and Rex can regain the team because Coughlin did is nothing more then a desperate hope. The reality is that Woody needs to make a serious decision about whether or not he trusts these guys, who have taken a team two years removed from back to back title games and made a mockery out of them.
  19. scarfnation

    scarfnation New Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    No one knows shit about the cap, so stop trying to figure it out. Everyone is going to have different answers. Do you see Google just announcing the payroll of their employees? no, neither with the Jets. Its not public information.
  20. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Yes, NFL contracts are public information.
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