This team has much bigger problems than worrying about whether some guy wearing a fireman's helmet comes to our games anymore.
the way i read it he'll continue to come to games, just with out the fireman helmet, and (i presume) less of the attention whoring
When I saw him Thursday night with the 6 jersey instead of the 42, I said WTF. My wife and I laughed because we couldn't believe anybody but his mom would wear a 6 jersey. Fireman Ed wants attention, and he is getting it. Is he going back to being a dolphin fan?
no matter how bad it is.. its no longer SOJ.. this is new, this is different. Jets are playing a meaningful game in December. AGAIN! thats like 4 or 5 years in a row, I think. Do you guys remember the fake spike game? We went something like 3-33 after that game. thats SOJ. these jets still have a shot at playoffs.
Sanchez defenders need to realize that once he retires from the NFL he will be doing exclusive commercials for Western Union. He literally doesn't have a cell phone, he telegraphs friends and relatives. Consistency is a virtue.
Some of you really need to put things in better perspective. I am a die hard Jets fan and have been for 46 years, the last 32 as a STH. While we all suffer with this team, you have to put this all in perspective. It is a game and it is entertainment. The players are people with families. For fans to spew such unabashed hatred towards a player is ridiculous. For fans to get in fights over who they think should be the QB is absurd. The same thing was going on 5 years ago with Pennington. People wearing Pennington jerseys were getting in fights at the stadium because some fans hated him. Get a life.
Fighting over professional sports I mean really... if you gotta abuse someone why not abuse people who aren't on our side even jets fans hate jets fans - crazy
Are you serious? I would hate to sit in the same section with that clown. Actually I would hate to sit in a section with anyone wearing a Sanchez jersey. You should have complained to security and had him thrown out. He reminds me of the idiots at Shea Stadium during Mets games who used to run around trying to get everyone to do the wave. Or the morons who casually stroll in front of you while you're trying to watch the game. Soooo annoying.
This here is example of why a lot of Jets fans are idiots. So fucking what he was wearing a Sanchez jersey. He is on the team and there nothing wrong with him supporting a player on his team. People really need to get a life dumb assess.
You're right, but all teams have morons, just not the Jets and losing makes it even worse. Alcohol plays a big factor in the actions of some at all football games.
football fans, sports fans in general are filled w/ morons. I include myself in that, why do we care about watching others do what we cannot? but we love it, watch it, spend money, etc... so we are all a bit moronic.
I guess it's how someone defines a moron. A moron has no regard for another person and lacks the lack of intelligence to understand they are disrupting other's fan experience at a football game. I'm a fanatic, I root for my team and respect other's in a public venue, that's the difference. Even if you don't like Fireman Ed, which I can understand, it doesn't give any (Moron) the right to attack him at a Jet game.
This is on the mark. I refuse to wear a Jets jersey to buffalo or Pittsburgh anymore. There is always more than one drunk asshole looking to start a fight, sometimes before you even get in the stadium. It's not worth the hassle.
I've been to Cleveland, Cincy, Miami, Pittsburgh, Indy, Buffalo and Pittsburgh to see Jet games and only was given shit in Cleveland by a drunk. I have a Wife, two Kids and a great job and I'm not going to kick a guy's ass for being verbally abusive. My employer wouldn't be too happy if I was in jail for fighting. I'll let the drunk, unemployed assholes go to jail where they belong.
Really? No problems in Pittsburgh or Buffalo? I'm surprised. Cleveland fans were brutal, I can attest to that, but maybe I shouldn't have been tailgating in their famed "Muni Lot", haha.