Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Fair enough
  2. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    the plan is for tebow to take over and the whole team sing this in the locker room every sunday.[YOUTUBE]fwgfphnUdeU[/YOUTUBE]
  3. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    But, but, HE led the Jets to TWO AFC championship games! Any rational person now recognizes that he was along for the ride. Did he make some quality throws along the way? Absolutely he did. But, here's the thing, he had a top 3 defense, the number one rushing attack and a well above average O line protecting him. Can anybody see that he was a part of those teams' success, hardly the reason.

    This year I'm done with Mark. I have zero faith that even if he had better skill guys around him that he wouldn't still sabotage drives with INT's or the ungodly fumbles that he's notorious for. Yep, time to move on...
  4. june19

    june19 Active Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Ya all sanchez supporters be back with mark! I don't understand what you see in him, he sucks!

    Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
  5. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    and the defense allowing an 84 yard TD drive or the special teams fumbling does not absolve Sanchez for throwing the interception.

    the relevance of that interception is how it impacted the game at that moment, not whether the rest of the team played horribly afterwards.
    and that argument can be made for every QB in the league. it is not a compelling argument.

    which QB if they had a great offensive line, great RB and great receivers would not win?
  6. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    You can kill the overall talent on this team all you want, but we would still be ok if not for ridiculous deficiencies in two areas ... QB play and pass rush. Keep 50 players exactly the same, but give me Andy Dalton (2nd rd), Michael Johnson (3rd rd) and Geno Atkins (4th rd) from the Bengals and give them Sanchez, Coples and Ellis.

    You can't tell me we wouldn't be at least 6-5 right now and in the middle of the playoff mix just by switching places with 3 players who were drafted lower than our guys.
  7. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Sanchez deserves to be in the Pro Bowl this season.
  8. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I do agree with you. Sanchez is our QB and frankly I'm not a hater at all. He drives me nuts when he throws an INT in the RZ b/c he is forcing a ball in when he s/b throwing it away and settling for the FG. But Our OL play sucks and this team will not be better until the OL is improved. We can't consistently pass block, can't consistently run block and we suck in goal line. Dave Deguglielmo is a good OL Coach and he needs to fix whatever the hell is wrong w/that OL. It looks like he has been a very positive influence on Vlad and hopefully that will continue to the point where Vlad is ready to start. Moore looks to me like he is done. Howard is not the long term answer at RT. There will be some opportunities in FA for a OG or T . If the OL is improved then I would expect Sanchez's play to commensurately improve.

    I am not one who thinks that Sanchez is a lost cause at all. In fact if you look around at some of the options in FA you will quickly realize that we would be better off keeping Sanchez and fixing the OL.
  9. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    because in 2010 they surrounded him with better talent and made a deep playoff run.
  10. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Teams without an elite QB (that's be about 25) have to build a 'real' team with solid D, solid OL, and above average running game. See the 49'rs for example.

    Going on and on about how our non-elite QB isn't carrying the team and making everyone around him better is just stupid.
  11. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    i think the fact that he was 5th pick overall justifies some of the bitching.
  12. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Wrong. Delusional people like you are talking about how our non-elite QB isn't carrying the team.

    What the rest of us are saying is that our truly terrible, utterly worthless QB is making a bad team much worse. What we are saying is that Mark Sanchez is an embarrassment to the Jets, to Jet fans, and people who watch football everywhere. What we are saying is that no matter what other changes you make to the team, it will always be held back and made worse by the panic stricken poor decisions of Mark Sanchez and his happy feet.
  13. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    There are two problems with your post and all those others that incessantly bash Sanchez after every game.

    First, most of the Sanchez haters ignore everything else that is wrong with this team. This team is terrible from top to bottom. Yes, Sanchez is having a bad season and is making stupid mistakes. The cause, I think, is that he is pressing because he know that against good teams, he has to perform at a high level for the Jets to win. So he is forcing things, something that he has not done until half way through last season. But when you look at this team, where is the talent that would lead to 7 wins? The running game is pitiful and the RBs are among the worst in the league. The WRs are worse. The special teams are a joke. Blocked kicks, fumbled returns - it is a mess. The defense is also bad. The team can't stop the run, can't cover a tight end, can't put any pressure on the QB, and can't get off the field when it needs to.

    The issue I and some others have is that you and others think that changing QBs is the answer when it will do nothing, especially with the other QBs on the roster. Tebow is not an NFL QB and putting him in does nothing. We are not getting Denver 2011 redux here. This team can't retool the offense to run a Tebow based offense with 5 games left. McElroy has no arm. I'm sorry, but bringing Tebow in after what happened at the end of last year was a disastrous move and highly predictable in its negative effect on this team. After last year's end of the season turmoil, this team needed a quiet season, to focus on team, and to fix the areas that were lacking - OL, WR, RB, and LB. Instead, the Jets brought the circus to town in Tebow and the spotlight was on this team and the QB position from March until 5 seconds ago. All we heard was predictions as to when Tebow would start and, once the season started, an incessant clamoring from the media and some fans for him to start. How would you perform on your job if your company and everyone around you was talking about when you would be replaced??? It is impossible to succeed under those circumstances. Look

    Look, it is clear that Sanchez is done here. The Jets have ruined this kid. I don't know if he would have succeeded or not, but he has the tools. But the Jets wrote the book on how NOT to develop a QB and he clearly needs to move on and so do the Jets. I could see keeping him next season as a back up to a new QB or to keep the position warm for a rookie, but I don't see him here past 2013. But the answer is not a QB change now. The answer is to blow this team up from the top (Tanny) to the CS (including Ryan - he is partly to blame for this mess from a personnel standpoint and for ignoring the offense for 4 years), to the players after the season. Trade Tebow for anything jus to get him out of here, trade Revis for draft picks (he is going to hold out anyway), cut high priced players, renegotiate others, create cap space and acquire draft picks and start over. Having said that, Sanchez is cleary

    After that long explanation of the first problem with your post, the second problem is simple.

    You are a 3/12 join and have been a Teblower from day one. Your agenda has always been clear.
    #3074 Joe Willie White Shoes, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  14. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Andy Dalton has one of the top 2-3 WRs in the game. Sanchez has been throwing to Moe, Larry & Curly.

    Here is the difference between the Jets and a good team. Sanchez turns the ball over twice and the Jets surely lose. Other good teams, such as the Falcons, can win when Ryan throws 2,3 or even 5 picks.

    Then against bad teams when Sanchez plays keep away and let's the running game and defense win, he is criticized for being a "game manager" and not throwing for 300 yards. He can't win this year (no pun intended).
  15. kubernetes

    kubernetes New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Depends on what the question is.

    I think we should just start McElroy, give him a tryout for the rest of the season. What's the worst that could happen?
  16. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Can we officially change his name from Mark Sanchez to Mark Ass Fumbler?

    I dont think it is a question of whether or not he sucks or is improving. The answer is he is just not very good anymore.

    Team had a decent short lived run with Ass Fumbler at the helm. Its time to move on to bigger and hopefully better things.
  17. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You asked "where's the talent that would lead to 7 wins?" We are 4-7, BUT, there are 3 games that we had great shots of winning, but Mark Sanchez farked them up, the games against the Texans, the SeaHawks and the Pats the first time around. Win those 3 games instead of killing ourselves, we are 7-4.

    Against the SeaHawks, if Mark throws the TD to either Keller or Hill instead of throwing the INT at the goal line, it changes the complexion of the game completely. Another thing that gets mentioned by some, but ignored or discounted by many is the effect Mark's mistakes have on the defense. How demoralizing is it to have stops and basically contain the other team, only to have Mark squander scoring opportunities, turn the ball over, and actually give the other team points ? We've all sat there and watched it. The D playing pretty well, but by no means perfect. Game is close. Mark farks up and then the defense starts to crumble.

    This thread has nothing to do with Tebow, but, since you and others decided to bring him into it, I'll bite.

    The fact is, we don't have any idea how Tebow would do if he came in. All we saw of him was some limited work in the preseason with 2nd and 3rd team guys, many of whom are off selling life insurance or used cars right now. I'll refrain from doing so, but I could go on and on talking about why Tebow right now would be different from what we saw in the preseason.

    Point is, Mark isn't cutting it. He's not getting the job done. BENCH HIS ASS. If Tebow comes in and does well, then great. Now the coaches have something else to figure out. If Tebow sucks, then bench him and put McElroy in there.

    Who knows, maybe Mark might actually respond to being benched. Maybe, just maybe, he won't be a little bitch about it and crumble. Who knows, it might piss him off and spark something in him.

    Think about that approach for just a sec and let it sink in. There's Rex standing out there saying "Mark gives us our best chance to win". Mark is playing like shit yet he knows that he won't get benched. So BENCH HIM. Go ahead and say "Yeah, mark gives us our best chance to win, BUT, his play has been unacceptable so we are benching him anyways."

    As for the BS about Tebow coming in being the root cause of the problem, I mean, "How would you perform on your job if your company and everyone around you was talking about when you would be replaced??? It is possible to succeed under those circumstances", the problem with your argument is that Sanchez played like this most of last year when Tebow wasn't even here. So, what excuse do you want to use for that?

    Now, since you asked, if someone were brought in to compete for my job, I'd make damned sure that there was no question as to who was better. There would be no question about it. Mark has had ample opportunity to step the hell up, show some balls and put the question to rest. What has he done ? He's folded like a cheap suit.

    Oh, I'd definitely go along with blowing things up. As you said, the problems do start at the top. One thing is that I would see what Tebow could actually do before I traded him. Give him a 1 or 2 game audition instead of basing decisions of his performance through a whopping 16 starts and some preseason work. If he sucks, trade him, cut him or convince him to accept a different role and find an OC that can use him (and would be happy to).

    Trading Revis is a no brainer in my opinion. If he comes back in good form, the # of picks you could get for him could lay the groundwork for your rebuild, much the same way the Herschel Walker deal worked out for the Cowboys.

    As for the coaching staff, keeping Rex is the only one that I might think about. He's far from perfect, but between last year and this year, it seems that he is learning as a coach and trying to get better. It might benefit to pull a "reverse Coughlin" with him. Basically, the story is that Coughlin was close to being on his way out, but was given an ultimatum to soften just a bit and become more of a "players" coach instead of a complete hard ass. Not a huge swing mind you, but just a small shift in approach. With Rex, I'd go the opposite way. He needs to clamp down and take more control of the team. Put tighter reins on them. Be much less lenient and more demanding.

    If he can't do that, then time to find someone else who can.

    My "agenda" is only "clear" to those who are ignorant enough to see a join date and make a sweeping generalization about it, which, it seems that you have done. In short, you have made an assumption as to my agenda and it's a wrong one.
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So if we had better QB play we would be a better team, shocking. The question is, what type of QB could provide better QB play. Right now, nobody available, nobody available in FA this offseason, and nobody worth trading up for int he draft. Add in Sanchez's big contract, we are probably gonna have to grin and bear him starting another year. With this in place, it would be probably be wise to mend all the other problems on offensive than magically hope Greg McElroy turns into Tom Brady.
  19. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    as long as it's not tebow
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