Tebow & Luck

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by JFjets, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    You didn't have to have watched the game to know he had those turnovers and to have read what the general NFL analyst reaction was on the day after. Nice try at dodging my question about how the reaction differed from after the Buffalo and Detroit games for Tebow.

    If I'm reading your question right....you're asking if I would rather have the ball punted to me 11 times pinning me back possibly deep on my side of the field, or if I would rather have a few turnovers possibly closer to my opponents side of the field, and maybe even a pick-6 or two, then I'm pretty sure I want the turnovers, not the punts.

    There, fixed it for you, and if you really want to play the "what if" game, I will be very happy to oblige you. You just let me know if you want to go there....

    Since you ignored this, I'm posting it for you so you will have to ignore it again.

    I never said they weren't held low, just said it was done against teams with very sub-par QB's for the most part, i.e. not all that impressive and not indicative that the Denver defense was the most responsible for those wins.
  2. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Umm so tell me Ff, who was responsible for the low scoring then? Did Tebow play Defense? Did Decker or Prater? here's a hint: no.

    So when the defense only gives up 15 and you manage to score 16, then the defense must get at least 50% of the win. If that defense had given up 20 to each of those teams Tebow would have lost what 5 of them?

    Does it matter they were sucky teams? No. Its who they played.

    Answer me this: if the defense had given up 20 pts to the Jets do the broncos win? No.

    Why? because Tebow wouldnt have scored that many points.

    Simple math: Defense holds teams to 15< Broncos win Defense gives up 20> Broncos lose.
  3. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Simple math: except for the wins over the Raiders, the Vikings, and the Steelers.

    So new simple math: Sex Panther. 60% of the time it works every time.
  4. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Ok so youre saying that Tebow only scored as much points as he needed to win and if they had given up 24 to the Bears he would have scored 27? I see. Now he is awesome. He kept those games close for fun. when in reality he could have scored as many as necessary to win those games.

    I cant wait for you to answer me this: Please explain how Tebow wins the Jets / Bears / Miami / KC / SD games if the other team manages say 21-24 points? The Tebow lead Brocnos scored: 18, 17, 17, 16 and 13 pts in those games.

    Oh wait he wouldnt have... so the defense was directly responsible for those wins at a very high rate.
  5. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Little bubba, I don't think Tebow is great or even a starter, but your playing hindsight 20/20. If the opposing team would have put up a lot of points the play book would open more than just ground and pound. Game plans change with the scoreboard. Your not serious are you?
  6. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    oh you mean like the Bills / Pats / Lions games... when the defense crapped the bed and Tebow was awesome only to come up short? You mean like open the game plan up like that?

    Gotcha, little bubba.
  7. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Wait . . . so sometimes you win and sometimes you lose?

    And . . . sometimes you play well and sometimes you play lousy?

    I'm starting to understand this game called football a little more. Thanks for all the lectures.
  8. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Little bub, he only had a few starts under his belt. I don't see why it's ok for him to have bad games? Yes the gameplay is depended on how the game goes. Those are adjustments, he stunk and thats the way it is. Detroit was his 5th start, like I said he is not a good QB yet, but give the guy a break. There are plenty of QB's that struggle. Look at Flacco this year, some games were horrid, just like plenty of other QB's that have been in the league for a while.

    Did I answer your question, little bub?
  9. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Flacco sucks, he wont win a SB with the Ravens. Sanchez sucks, we wont win shit with him at the helm. In fact there are maybe 6 great QB's that can WIN a super bowl based upon their ability alone.

    Brady / Brees / P. Manning / Rapersberger / E. Manning / Rodgers /

    Then you have the second tier of yes they can win a super bowl but need help.

    Schaub, Ryan, Romo, Rivers, Flacco, Smith (maybe)

    Then you have they need the 85 bears / 2002 Ravens Defense to even have a chance or to put it another way.. they need to be trent dilfer good.

    Pretty much everyone else.

    Tebow is pretty much everyone else.. always will be.

    Clear enough little guy?
  10. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Little G,

    I'm not saying whether or not he will be. I'm stating that it was his fifth start and has only started sixteen games. No need to bash the fella when he hasn't even started from camp yet. Time will tell and more than likely he will be a backup for his career but who knows.

    Good enough little fella?
  11. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I see someone else is eager to play the "what if" game.

    If Brandon Lloyd doesn't drop a 2-point conversion pass in the first game against San Diego last year (where Tebow came in at halftime), there is a good chance the Broncos win that game.

    If Matt Prater hadn't missed two field goals against the Dolphins, the Broncos would have been up 20-15 at the end of regulation and don't even need OT.

    If Matt Prater doesn't miss a field goal against the Raiders, the Broncos score 41 points in that game.

    If Demaryius Thomas doesn't drop a sure touchdown pass and Matt Prater doesn't have a field goal blocked against the Bears, the Broncos would have been up 20-10 at the end of regulation and don't even need OT. I suppose you've got a clever way figured out where you can try to blame Tebow for that dropped pass and blocked field goal?

    If Prater doesn't miss a field goal in the first game against K.C., the Broncos win that game 20-10 instead of 17-10.

    If McGahee doesn't fumble the ball against Pittsburgh in the 4th quarter, in Denver territory, it's very possible that game never goes to OT.

  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I'll bash him, because in 3 years in this league, he hasn't been able to get the start from camp because he has been unable to beat out scrubs like Kyle Orton and Mark Sanchez. Gotta earn that right first, or you will be tootin' that horn for the rest of his career. It's not like he was sitting behind Brett Favre like Rodgers did, or sitting behind Joe Montana like Steve Young did.

    You'd think a guy who came into this league with as much hype as he did for his very pretty college resume woudln't have had trouble beating out Orton or Sanchez. He hasn't, and probably won't next year either... wherever he is playing.
    #72 Concerned_Citizen, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
  13. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Regardless of what you think about how he got the starting job in Denver last year, the end results in this case justified the decision. Period. John Fox couldn't take one more week - after yet another loss - of saying that Kyle Orton gave them the best chance to win. And despite your hate for Tebow, you can't seriously think that Brady Quinn leads that team to the playoffs and beats the Steelers, can you? The same Quinn who couldn't even beat out awful Matt Cassel, who I think is worse than Kyle Orton.

    Also got to correct another falsehood from you - again. The only "hype" Tebow came into the NFL with was about how awful, terrible and atrocious he would be. He also came into the NFL with a reputation for being a very mediocre practice player. Good thing for Urban Meyer and Florida that they cared more about how he played in games than in practice, because they saw that when the lights were on his game rose to a different level.
  14. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Cool story bro.

    Tebow is a bench warmer, on a shitty team, behind a shitty quarterback. Apparently that hype about him being a terrible quarterback came true, as not one team wants him as their starter.
  15. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    At that point, even I was fine with switching to Tebow. My point was that all 3 QBs sucked. May as well find out about the guy we traded 3 picks to move back into the first round and take.

    For me, the QB of the future wasn't on the roster. You already know what I think of how he played, and you already know how I think the wins came to be. Wasn't looking forward to another year of three and out hell. Wasn't impressed and I was praying to the football gods that the Broncos would flush the toilet on ALL THREE OF THEM!!!! Elway answered.

    Don't mistake my dislike for Tebow's game as a preference for Orton or Quinn. All three of them are currently getting splinters in their ass sitting on the bench behind shitty quarterbacks. Yes, I think Romo is sort of a shitty QB too. Certainly overrated, but maybe the best shitty QB in the league right now. All 3 are where they belong... not starting.

    The ONLY hype? Ummm. no. BULLSHIT!!! He had some critics, no doubt. Agreed that it wasn't ALL peaches and cream. But we also heard A LOT about what a wonderful leader he was, his passion was second to none, and his intangibles were "off the charts." We heard a lot about his championships in Florida and his Heismans. This kid was "special" followed him around. The denver media drooled over him, and much of the national media did as well. ALL EYES were on Tebow.

    All that stuff about how great he was going to be, because he was a "winner" and proved doubters wrong at every level he's played.... and you'd gonna sit there and tell me that all the hype was critical? Really....
    #75 Concerned_Citizen, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
  16. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Fixed it for you.
  17. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Some critics? Congratulations, you are hereby are given the award for "Understatement of the Year".

    95% of the hype was negative hype about how bad he would be, how he wasn't suited to the NFL, how he wouldn't be able to run on NFL defenses, how he shouldn't be drafted before the 4th round or maybe not at all, etc., etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum. The negative hype from the sports media and the Tebow and Christian haters nationwide completely overwhelmed any positive sentiments there were from Tebow fans and supporters. You talk about how you hate "Tebowmania"? Well buddy, "Tebowmania" is a response to the mountains of negative hype heaped on Tebow from the time he was a senior at Florida until now. If you can't see it, it's because you're a part of it.
  18. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He had just as many backers and it goes back just as far. Why else do you think he was so damn polarizing to begin with? You don't get that kind of polarization with 95% against you. ...and no, it wasn't just a bunch of kind hearted people responding to the criticism to circle the wagons around poor old, picked on, Tebow. There were a lot of talking heads on ESPN and other networks that weren't high on him, but the pro Tebow propaganda was out in force as well. You ignored it because you see Tebow as a victim and have eyes only for the critics.

    IT WENT BOTH WAYS!! There was a lot of hype.
  19. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I wouldn't really call what he does these days quarterbacking. Let me know when hes in 2 plays in a row.
    #79 phaytal, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I'd say he's more of a sack test dummy.

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