tebows throwing motion

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by alleycat9, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I dont think it is a misrepresentation at all. Any team that had any kind of high hopes could have easily beaten an offer for a 4th rounder. The trade was made with plenty of time to work with him in the offseason too.

    A 4th round pick, which is so hit or miss with the draft anymore. A team weighing hte options would ask themselves, "is Tim Tebow better than what I will probably get with a 3rd or 4th rounder?"

    Apparently of every team that pondered that question, only 2 thought he'd be worth risking a 4th rounder for. Call it what you want, but that tells me most of the league either didn't think very highly of him (certainly not as highly as you do) or maybe they do but don't want that media circus that follows him and gets in tam managment's face for not starting him. PROBABLY BOTH.

    (Though if it were the latter, then who would care about the circus if he was dominating the league. Him sucking is what makes the circus a problem, IMO.)
  2. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    So, it's false that no one else wanted him.

    It's true that no one wanted to offer more than a fourth round pick.

    Those are the facts.
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Then why do you guys insist Tebow is so damn good then if nobody wants him for more than a jock strap? If the league thought he were any good, the Broncos would have gotten an offer similar to what they got with Cutler. 2 first rounders, a 3rd rounder, and a couple other things.

    You're right, there are probably a couple of teams that wouldn't mind having him. But it appears nobody wants him to be their starter. Nobody is actually expecting to get one for a 4th rounder.
  4. Awesomo 3000

    Awesomo 3000 Banned

    Nov 2, 2012
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    The bolded is really the most funniester thing in the post.

    Most of the haters absolutely insist that Tebow will neva eva be a good quarterback at all, and he doesn't belong in this league. They're so sure of it, that they tell anybody around just how awful he is, constantly.

    Most of his fans think he's a cool dude who deserves a shot just like any other new high profile quarterback, and in the right scheme, could be very good. Personally, I just really like his bruising style, and never-say-die attitude in games. It's great seeing defensive backs run in fear of getting hit by Tebow.

    There's a huge difference between the "insistence" of Tebow fans and that of his haters.
  5. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah, some agree with you and some don't.

    If he's ever going to be something great or special... I'm kinda looking at my watch and thinking that NOW would probably be a good time to master the skill of passing and actually BEAT someone out of the position rather than waiting and hoping the guy ahead of him falls flat on his face like Orton did and get the job by default.

    Is that really a difficult concept to grasp? Why would passing be important for an NFL QB?

    Yeah, he could turn out to be good.... but still waiting. he's in his third season and he still doesn't look any better throwing than he did on draft day. Resembles cat vomit. Greatness can surface any time now...

    Next year? How about year 5? Six?

    NFL teams don't need a wonderful human being. They need a QB.
    #145 Concerned_Citizen, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  6. Awesomo 3000

    Awesomo 3000 Banned

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Average Tebow hater:

    Tebow sucks and will never be a good quarterback. He resembles cat vomit.

    Average Tebow fan:

    I think Tebow can be a great quarterback, but he'd need to be in the right situation for it to work out. I hope he makes it. We'll see.

    Is it still hard to notice any differences?
  7. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    The throwing motion argument is all bullshit, and its comical to try to prove/disprove it by using still photos.

    Sonny Jurgenson had a terrible throwing motion. Didn't keep him out of the Hall of Fame. If Tebow would be accurate and productive, it wouldn't matter if he threw underhand.
  8. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    It boggles my mind that we still talk about this guy.
  9. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No one's tried to prove his throwing motion is all right with photos -- my point was to show the futility of going off a photo to try and show that his throwing motion is hopelessly flawed. (Which was one half of your point, I suppose).
  10. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Fixed it for ya.
  11. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    If it is all bullshit, then why is his career average over a season's worth of games less than 50%.

    Look, nobody would give a shit if his throwing motion still resulted in completed passes. You can keep posting stats from Hall of Famers who had strange throwing motions until you are blue in the face, but they obviously completed passes. No 46% passer is Hall of fame bound, and if it isn't that whacky assed throwing motion, AND his inability to read ddfenses, then what the hell is it?

    We can either identify the problem and he can fix it... or we can keep lying to ourselves and insist it isn't a problem and that problem is always with someone else. That ain't gonna help Tebow and his career is sinking while just about everyone who wants to see him succeed insists he's not the problem.
  12. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Of course the latter is true. Of course the problem is for every Jurgenson or Rivers who made a funky/slow motion work there are dozens of guys who didn't.

    A good and more important CONSISTENT throwing motion makes it far easier to be accurate, in the Tebow criticism it is that his motion is all over the place, the ball is never in the same position, his feet and hips aren't consistent etc. That makes is difficult for him to be accurate. Accuracy isn't some magic skill, it is a combination of judgement and form. Even the best QBs are inaccurate if their form is off, look at guys like Brady or Manning when there is a pileup near their feet, they usually misfire because without the step through their form is off.
  13. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Oh yeah. I'm not saying he's good at protecting the football. I'm just saying he's better than Sanchez at it. Mostly because any offense he's in won't throw it as much and will rely on him running the ball.

    His completion percentage last year was 46.5. Mark's this season is 53.5. So you're talking about him missing about 7% of his passes vs Sanchez this season versus his ability to turn the ball over less and run.

    Of course, we saw him throw away a lot of passes (which shows good judgement). There were also the ugly ducks (which show poor mechanics).

    Tebow put up 3700 combined passing and rushing yards in his 16 starts with the broncos. Sanchez has never put up that many yards in a season. I argued for Tebow to start this year because I thought the Jets did have a great defense coming into the season. I was wrong about that.

    The patriots put up those kinds of points on lots of teams. They hung 40 on us in 2010, and Sanchez actually played horrible in that game.


    I'm not sure why everyone thinks getting blown out by the pats somehow disqualifies Tebow as a QB when it's happened to Mark as well.
  14. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    You're right, thanks. Lol
  15. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That was kinda the thinking last year with Orton as well, but offensive production with yardage, passing, scoring points, etc... ALL of it went down except for rushing. they ended up leading the league in rushing, but were still ranked at #25 in total offense. Several games had tebow at around 120 yards passing. That just ain't gonna fly.

    you're frustrated with Sanchez, and I get that. if yo uwant to see more of what Tebow is about, then that is fine too if you think the season is going nowhere. But don't kid yourself that you will suddenly see better results. The Broncos only did because the schedule got MUCH friendlier and the defense saw teams they could hold to very few points.
  16. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Happy thanksgiving to all and thank you to those who cannot be here to share the bountiful feast with your loved ones.
  17. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I will add, be safe on the roads! We may not agree on Tebow but I am sure we all agree on wanting everyone back here fighting the stupid internet fight!
  18. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Indeed, I'm traveling home to see my wife and kids. I-10 is decent but 95 north and south are horrid.
  19. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    well be safe and quit writing while your driving!
  20. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Just sayin... I think we can pretty much say your myth has been busted.


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