Hey Tee Did you start supporting Jets just because they were Green or did you develop this Green obsession after you became a Jet fan? Congrats on your new role. Well deserved.
Oh, NOW I get it it. Royal Tee! Like Royalty! lol! You have now arrived, The Prophecy is fulfilled! :beer:
Thx Everyone !! Haaa! I think I'm prepared bro.,...and where the f have you been man? It's been a while dude...think it was my B'day and we were in Tampa :beer: Thx...no the font is purely a way for me to scroll and see who quoted me so I can answer back..The green is because of the JETS though Dude, Halloween is over...u scurred? :wink: 1- Retirement 2- Hell no but I can hit! 2012 baby!! Yep U got it! The name is my dj name since I started spinning years ago...and yes...like Royalty (Actually named after a Go-Bot. Royal-T) Nope...Florida! My Amigos came through for me! :smile:
Congrats RT, well deserved. And props to the mods, solid choice. this means you can perma-ban patfanken? niiice