Good question regarding whether Bond has ever been shot. I am pretty certain he has been. I seem to remember Pierce being shot or seriously injured. Maybe my memory is off.
According to this one, never shot.
How about in thunderball when he was bleeding all over the place and the bad guys were following his blood trail? [YOUTUBE]vgTHZhNqOAc[/YOUTUBE]
I remember that scene. I just don't remember how he got injured. Guess I'm gonna have to re-watch Thunderball.. Dang.
It certainly appears as though my alter ego, Capt. Barbosa, will have to make a run to Blockbuster to obtain dvd's of all the old JB's. Good thing they don't mind "rip and return" activities... Strike the Colors ye scury dawgs!! :beer:
I saw Skyfall last night and thought it was pretty good but not as great as it was hyped up to be. I was reading reviews about it being the best Bond ever...I don't even think it's as good as Casino Royale, but diffinitely better than QoS. Kind of disappointed because I was really looking forward to this one. I liked the opening sequence and the ending sequence and the island that they went to that was all deserted but other than that I didn't really find much all that enjoyable. No stand out Bond girl, no great one liners, no crazy gadgets (which can be seen as a positive I guess as some of them were just silly), the main bad guy was pretty well played but I don't feel like enough time was devoted to his back story to explain his motivation only like three sentences and they even had a great opportunity to further explain Bond's origin story at Skyfall but they didn't really explore that opportunity, either. So, overall, I'd say it was decent. I think my expectations were just very high because of all the hype so I came out a bit disappointed, without all that hype I might have liked it a lot more.
I've got Yellow Fever so I'm all over You Only Live Twice... the amount of Japanese tail in that film was off the charts... Michelle Yeoh doesn't really do it for me , she's ok but hardly smoking. Maybe the least attractive Bond girl. The new Moneypenny is pretty hot though.
They screwed up the picture of Sylvia Trench in From Russia With Love in that Bond girl chart. They've got Miss Taro's pic there. And where's Dink?