I agree... We need to start fresh. This franchise sadly needs a breath of fresh air, and that starts with Tanny being fired. Rex's bullshit philosophy that anyone and everyone can say what they want is just terrible. No other team is like this... No other team talks like this and it has just gone too far. I cant stand to watch this circus go on another year, because we all know this shit isnt getting better by just letting it be; we need serious change. Rex lost the team last year and is starting to now also despite what he says (even if half of these quotes are blown out of context and proportion, they just shouldnt be said)... And now he's starting to lose the fan base.
I think Greene's comments were over exaggerated, I remember when people were over exaggerating Willis McGahee and Demayrius Thomas comments last year. The media will spin anything for a story.
After all the turmoil with the locker room last season Rex should have thrown down the gauntlet and issued a gag order to this team. If players are upset air it out with the coach not in the media. Hey Woody your Rex Band-Aid didn't work to well time heal this wound and that starts with cleaning house asap.
ROT stop blaming the messenger...ur team has too many punks/thugs who talk too much and it all comes from the clown head coach who created all the big mouth stuff to start
The original article was good, but the media twisted from other sources to make it more damning than it actually is.
I gotta tell ya, we can't blame the media here. We can only blame one person for not getting the job done. And he wears number 6. Do we have complete ego maniacs on this jet roster? absolutely yes. But so does every team. There is one person that holds that together. It's the quarterback. Unless your in new England, than its the coach. Players respect other a players that can lead and WIN. Do you think we would have any of these issues with Peyton M behind center? Not because he is Peyton but because he wins. That shuts up all the critics. When the jets had a good team in 2009-10 we never heard a peep about Sanchez. Though his stats show the same kind of play as now. The difference was that we won. We had a decent run game, better defense, special teams were better. That hides a lot of problems and it hid Sanchez well. We would never blow teams out of the water, didn't do it in 2009-10. Thats becasue Sanchez is not good, it's him. And now that he doesn't have the talent that he had around him, those wins become losses and this happens. Happened last year, tebow was in Denver. Can't blame tebow for last year and the same shit happened. All the fingers can only be pointed to Sanchez now. We made amendments to all other supposed sources of problems at this point. Shotty, right tackle, plaxico, safeties,. There is one more change that needs to be made, that's number 6.
the coaching staff insists on making Greene a feature back. They should use a platoon system with Greene, Powell, and McKnight.
I really don't have much against Shonn. When you have an inept passing game like we have, tends to make the running game a bit more difficult.
Shonn " I run into the guard and fallover" Greene..criticising an player on offense should end the article before it began
Told you guys he was misquoted: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap10...ce-shonn-greene-softens-sancheztebow-comments
Just for clarification - is the logic you are using that the coaches didn't want Tebow because they don't appear to have a clue how to use him? There may be some credence to that but I am wondering how you separate that from how Sanchez is being used. Unless you are saying the bad offense is all Sanchez and he is being used correctly. I can kinda see either view. Contrary - if the coaches are just bad it may not say much of anything - if you get my drift.
At least he put his name on his quotes. Now if we could only play the Bills and Colts at the Meadowlands for 17 weeks...
It comes down to the players the Jets have selected to be in their locker room. Then you add in the coach who has a reputation for blathering, although rarely in ways that hurt the team. Then you add in the owner who likes publicity, apparently of any kind. The fall guys here should be Tannenbaum, for adding players to the locker room that are of questionable character and doing this repeatedly, Rex for running a loose ship with his loose lips and then Woody for allowing all of this to occur on his watch. Jersey Shore may have sold well and made a fortune but Jersey Shore Jets won't. Trust me on this.