Why Tebow is not starting somewhere else.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by JetsDfc, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    This is one of the anti Tebow crowds Favorite arguments, this is my take on it.

    EDIT: My point isn't that tebow should be starting on another team.

    Im explaining why more teams dont take a shot at him (try to trade for him or what not). In response to the Tebow detractors point of "If tebow is so good why is he not starting on another team now".

    Part 1: The whole 32 teams can have him, but no one wants him thing is a myth. At any moment maybe 10 teams tops can change qbs. Either due to them alrdy having a

    franchise QB: NE, Denver, pitts, Giants, Greenbay, Saints

    QB who hinges on being franchise or not, either because they used to be or because they seem to be almost there and their team is doing great
    : Ravens, Cowboys, 49ers, Bears, Chargers(kinda),Texans, Falcons

    are tied to a recent high draft pick qb: Colts, Browns, Red skins, Jacksonville, Bengals, Vikings, Titans, Tampa (kinda), Panthers, Dolphins, Rams, Sea hawks, Raiders (traded 1sts for palmer)

    Are tied financially: Bills, Jets kinda, Cardinals kinda, Eagles kinda

    Generous options:

    Chiefs they don't have a starter at all

    Bills if the team is bad enough screw the money

    Titans if the team is bad enough anything is possible

    Buc's Josh freeman has been around for a bit and is inconsistent

    Browns franchise is a joke u never know.

    Eagles Everyone is on the hot seat

    Raiders If the team is bad enough anything is possible

    Chargers Rivers has been terrible and might be over the hill

    So being as generous as possible 8 teams can take him.

    tldr: The teams who can take a qb at anytime is actually really low.
    #1 JetsDfc, Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
  2. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Part 2: Another reason I think a lot of teams didn't take a shot with Tebow is that he is a gamble.

    A Huge one.

    If your a head coach or a gm and u lobby to bring him in and start and it doesn't work out your going to lose your job almost guaranteed.

    More so then any other player, because of everything that comes with him. Kolb is a wash in Arizona, but that guy isn't in trouble.

    Has Tebow shown signs that he could be good yes, has he shown signs that he could be bad, definitively.

    Im a tebot to an extent and believe in him, but I would be hesitant to risk my career and livelyhood on him.
  3. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Part 3 Tim is rather expensive if he starts due to escalators in his contract.

    So It would not cost teams much to trade for him but he would be a heavy hit on their salary caps.

    all credit goes to General Fan
    So to wrap everything up, there are not many teams that can really change qbs at the time and going to Tim is an expensive and very risky move for the people who make that decision.
    #3 JetsDfc, Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
  4. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    They have to be willing to give-up something (anything) for Tebow, so while you can argue that Tebow would be an upgrade for some teams you've done nothing to address the question of whether teams were/are (yes, the trading deadline has passed) interested in trading for Tebow.

    Chiefs-- HC would fire himself. You need to present feasible options.
    Bills-- Even if they could afford it why would they want to bench Fitz (if you're arguing that Tebow>Fitz then I'll have to pray for your soul).
    Titans-- Why did you even add commentary here...? If Tebow gets enough opportunities anything is possible. If Tebow gets to go to the Patriots anything is possible. Not everything/anything is possible, and if it were, we can still assign probabilities to the likelihood of something happening and from there separate the probable from the It's More Likely That Rex Ryan Becomes Anorexic.
    Bucs-- Josh Freeman has been playing very well you're obviously desperate for examples. 18 TD's and 5 INT's isn't worthy of a demotion (much less paying for Tebow both through the trade and his salary).
    Browns-- How can anyone argue with "u never know"? Tebow could quit football and admit that it was all luck, Jesus, Denver D, and Matt Prater that took him to the playoffs. U never know.
    But definitely don't mention the new Browns owner and his desire to rebuild. That's not applicable whatsoever. Oh wait, nevermind....
    Eagles-- Including Nick Foles? No. He is "replacement" for a reason: he's not on the hot seat. And just because Andy Reid and Mike Vick are "on the hot seat" it doesn't mean that the entire roster is also (pointing out the obvious is, apparently, necessary for clarity).
    Raiders-- Your arguments are so convincing I'm not sure why everyone doesn't agree with you. Al Davis is dead Tebow isn't going to OAK.
    San Diego-- Rivers "might be over the hill"? Or maybe he's hurt? Or maybe he's having a bad season? Or maybe you have no clue what's wrong with Rivers and the Chargers and you're once again constructing a narrative that fits your desired outcome?

    You obviously meant: http://www.synonym.com/antonym/generous/
    #4 VanderbiltJets, Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
  5. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Just don't bet your grammar on it and you'll be straight.
  6. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Your right about that and maybe it could even be point 4, but perhaps I should have worded my title a little better to avoid confusion.

    My point isn't that tebow should be starting on another team.

    Im explaining why more teams dont take a shot at him (try to trade for him or what not). In response to the Tebow detractors point of "If tebow is so good why is he not starting on another team now".
  7. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    You are right, but hey, your one of my favorites around here because you actually have good points and generally behave, keep things civil and football minded pls.

    Also reread the post, Im not arguing for Tebow to start in any of those places. You are arguing a non existing point.

    also your spot on about Freeman He wasn't so hot last yr and haven't heard much about him this yr he is looking solid right now. Tampa gets no coverage.
  8. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Tampa's D has really screwed over in a few games, forcing Freeman to make plays when their offense should be more conservative
  9. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    If that were your point I'd argue that he'd be targeted by a team with a good record that either has injuries at QB or wants him as a luxury/depth (New Orleans San Fran or Chicago, for example)
  10. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I personally want him in Pittsburgh. Big Ben is more then good enough to keep the Tebow chants down and will give Tim time to develop in peace.

    Ben has also been getting hurt these last couple of yrs and Tim could be a good back up. Their Defense is good and the steelers O is used to the playground scrambling, extend the play type stuff Ben and Tim do.

    After a couple yrs of development Pitt might end up with Big Ben # 2 with less passing ability, but even more scrambling/rushing ability.

    But, this thread is about why Tebow was not picked up to be STARTING QB somewhere else. Being as Generous as possible picking teams I thought had even the smallest of chances there were only 8 possibilities and you showed how even most of those are unlikely.
  11. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I agree with # 2 and # 3 but only partially with # 1

    Titans are set
    bucs are set
    browns are invested in weeden for the time being
    Chargers, have a ways to go before getting rid of rivers.
  12. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    As much as I hate the Steelers they'd know how to use Tebow no matter his role
  13. Awesomo 3000

    Awesomo 3000 Banned

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

    Even if several of the coordinators in the league don't like him at all, I'm sure there are several that would love to get creative with him as qb.

    Big problem, though, is that having an "experiment" blow up in your face tends to get you fired. People risking millions of dollars and the possibility of long term unemployment tend to not like risk very much. There aren't very many coaches with the guts to go against the grain of their own accord.

    The only way I can see Tebow getting to start in the league (aside from injury or desperation) is by going to a team like the patriots, with innovative coaches who can afford to let him sit for a couple years. Even San Francisco would be a good option if something happened to Smith. The 9'ers pretty much schooled the jets on the whole "wildcat" gimmick. They showed that it is in fact possible to use an offensive scheme that suits the talent on hand. Who'da'thunkit?
  14. Awesomo 3000

    Awesomo 3000 Banned

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Did you read his second post? It addresses that, if a bit indirectly.

    Pray for my soul, then. Fitz sucks. As does Buffalo in general.

    You do realize that he's pretty much fishing for examples of teams that are even in position to take a new starting quarterback, right? Disqualifying these teams only solidifies his main point.

    It's not like the Browns just got a new "franchise" quarterback with a first rounder, right?

    When a coach is on a hot seat, is he going to put himself in more risk by trying something like a real spread option? Not likely. And btw... when the coach is on the hot seat, everybody is on the hot seat. New coaches have a tendency to "clean house" when they arrive.

    After all this, I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove or disprove. There are even less teams that could take Tebow than the ones he mentioned. He's kinda stretching it, to help the other side of the argument. And there isn't much help for it, really. There aren't many teams in a position to take him now.
  15. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Awesomo 3000 gets it :). Even when grasping for straws only 8 out of 32 have any chance at all. In reality only the chiefs don't have some kind of road block in the way.

    Im not sure where Vanderbilt got the whole head coach would fire himself thing from.

    I think Vanderbilt read my title as, "Why IS Tebow not starting somewhere else".

    When it is actually "Why Tebow IS not starting somewhere else."

    the placement of that IS makes all the difference apparently.
  16. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    You forgot the big one:
    No NFL head coach thinks you can build a consistent contender around him.
    You noted he is a risk, but not that he is a high downside low upside risk, the worst kind of risk to take.
    Best case scenario with Tebow is you strip down your offense, run a lot of read option, win 7-9 games. Who wants to risk his job for that?
  17. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I agree with high downside possibility, but low upside is just wrong. Tim played amazing on occasion last yr. If Tim could someday play all 60 mins the way he played the last 5 mins he could be a super dangerous weapon in the nfl.

    Even if he improved his passing ability to just slightly above average he would be great once you account for his rushing ability and a knack for clutch moments.

    He could be like big ben extending plays for big yardage except he also runs over the occasional defensive player for a 1st down.

    im not saying it is gonna happen, but it could to some extent and that is plenty of upside.

    the 7-9 number was pulled out of where? He got 7 wins last season with only 11 trys and he took over a 1-4 team, granted pretty solid team once it got going, but 1-4 is never best case scenario.

    Put Tebow on the stacked as hell 49er's team, that would be best case scenario. Im quite sure he gets you more then 7 wins then.
  18. Awesomo 3000

    Awesomo 3000 Banned

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Yep. The vote is in, and every single coach has said that Tebow sucks and they would want nothing to do with him. It's unanimous. I'd cite my sources, but that would be too inconvenient.

    I'm pretty sure that most tebow fans here have acknowledged the potential downside. It is a big risk for coaches to take. But not acknowledging the upside is just delusional. Were you not watching the 4th quarter miracle comebacks last year? When he was hot, he was on fire. If the 4th quarters don't count any more, let me know. How about the entire Pittsburgh game, if the others aren't good enough for you? Maybe the Minnesota game, where the defense let a bad rookie with no AP score 32 points against them? How about the Texans comeback?

    No upside? You can't really believe what you're typing, or you didn't watch him play last year. He was infuriating at times, and pretty freakin amazing at others.
  19. christoq

    christoq New Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    I can't believe all the bullcrap Tim Tebow puts up with ... why can't the Jets just CUT him? ... I doubt that he'll be starving financially ... it's obvious that Rex Ryan hates him and resents him being on the roster ... cut him loose, for gosh sakes, and give the guy a shot to possibly be picked up on waivers by another team
  20. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Project out the 7 wins pace and you get 9 or 10.

    The idea that a 25 year old is going to suddenly go from one of the least accurate passers in recent history to even just above average is beyond improbable.
    Listen Tebow can win you some games, but he doesn't have the tools to be an elite QB, there have been QBs with roughly the same running ability (Vince Young, Daunte Cullpepper etc.)
    Those guys were both better passers than Tebow, and more explosive runners. Neither could succeed for two reasons, they still weren't accurate enough pocket passers, and they took too big of a beating running consistently.

    You can't build a perennial contender (which is what I referenced, not a single year here or there with more wins) around a player who is so inconsistent and likely to be injured.
    Coaches look for franchise QBs, because that is what keeps them in a job long term, Tebow can be an adequate QB if he improves his accuracy a reasonable amount (say 52-54%) (David Garrard comes to mind, though Garrard was a much better passer) but to become a reliable franchise guy he'd need an unprecedented improvement.

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