The Bears/Houston game. That hit is probably the one that caused Cutler to not come out of halftime. And the illegal forward pass was reviewed and still called illegal even though it wasn't. Player safety isn't a priority. If you look quickly, oh the NFL protects it's player. If you look closely, they really aren't fully invested it. Another one is when a player launches helmet first into a defensless receiver but miss. This isn't a penalty, but legally hitting someone hard is a penalty. The result shouldn't be the penalty, it should be the actual action. Another thing was that the DEN returner ran a punt or kickoff back and he dropped the ball before crossing the EZ in celebration and the TD was reviewed and this wasn't called. Of course CAR was getting housed anways, but this could happen in a close game
I agree with your points but regarding the play in question: If a QB is ruled across the LOS then he is no longer a QB – he is a runner. There is no illegal hit beyond spearing against a runner. If he was ruled across the LOS then there cannot be an illegal hit because he was no longer a QB – he was a runner. Yet the refs made it work both ways.
That is true. But as you said, they called it a roughing passer penalty on a pass that wasn't technically illegal. But it shows you what they think about player safety. It hasn't been fully integrated, only at the top.
That the pass was illegal doesn't change the fact that a guy was throwing a pass and is still afforded the same protections as someone throwing a legal pass
Also a good point. Isn't an illegal forward pass a 5 yard penalty but it cancels a 15 yarder that is supposed protect safety?
Don't know, but I think they would be offsetting penalties ?? Think it has to be a dead ball foul not to be offset.
As soon as the QB is ruled over the line there is no illegal hit because he now becomes a runner. Just because he threw the ball anyways didn’t make the hit illegal. But that’s how they ruled. Either you’re a runner or a QB – it can’t be both. It was Cutlers fault he threw the ball not the defenders fault for tackling him.
It's been a terrible year for officiating, but the worst game this sunday was the Buffalo-New England game. All first half the refs were handing out Pass Interference calls to New England, very timely ones too. Two of them were completely uncatchable. Another time New England had an incomplete deep pass down by the goal line. The infraction wasn't on that reciever, it was across the field... and it wasn't pass interference, it was defensive holding! What do the refs do? They call pass interference from the opposite side of the field, instead of holding.. giving the Pats 1st and goal from the 1. That player wasn't even interfered with!!! To make matters worse they gave N.E. a bogus pass interference call earlier in the drive on 3rd down to extend the drive. Those two calls essentially gave N.E. a 24-10 lead, pitiful. The replacement refs were bad, but at least they were bad for everyone, they didn't play favors to their boys in N.E. like the real refs have been doing for years. I don't think its a coincidence that N.E. was 1-2 with the replacement refs and have since gone5-1 with the real refs back.
NFL instant replay is a total the commish and the owners had any balls, they would all agree to abolish it...........i mean, c'mon.......Lets play the game as it was meant to be offciating.....and done..anything else is a joke........way over analized, and the refs are scared
I don't agree at all. At least the instant replay offers a glimmer of hope that these old farts will get the call right. Before instant replay it was 10 times worse with bad calls. The problem is the NFL is still living in the stone age and refuses to update the technology. We have technology available that could make officiating much easier. Laser measurement technology and using basic math would eliminate the need for the stupid measuring stick, and for refs to make judgement calls on out of bounds plays. The laser could detect when a player's foot touches the line and sound an alarm. We could measure exact distances by calibrating the ball to be tracked on the field as it moves. You would know exactly where the ball was even if hidden in a pile. You could tell instantly if a field goal was good without wasting 2 officials watching the ball go over the upright. No more guess work, lets actually move the game into the digital age where it belongs. I know people like to live in the past and won't give up old traditions, but seriously let it go. Let's upgrade the game of football so it's better for everybody. With the $$$$ they make each year (now record breaking profits) they could afford to implement a system like this. Why do people fear technology?
FK YEAH! That was horrible! I don't think it was stl-sf, but I don't remember either. I just remember how awful that it was called. Offset? BS. I think the personal foul should have been enforced.
Go back and watch this year's Pats-Ravens game. The refs were horrible against the Bills, I'll admit that, but you're making some serious generalizations right now.
During the lock out there were some owners who supported paying the refs, and other owners who said hell no, let them eat cake. Pay back time.
How about the phantom call last night against the chief's because the ref's love the steeler's.. I would say that the steelers benefit the most over the years from getting all the calls. Seattle is still upset over that super bowl. But yeah, The jets never get calls like all the teams that have not won multiple SB's..
You need to get the benefit of calls to go on a SB run. It falls under that "luck" category that people used as a bad word. You need that to win. It's football, every team that has won the SB has had "luck". It never is all luck, you have to take advantage, but you need it to win. Only a 16 game season leads to these things sticking out more compared to 82 or 162
Even during the Monday night game last night, it was the 4th qtr with like 30 seconds to go. Cassel throws a 20 yard pass to his tight end to get them in field goal range and they called him for a push off. Even the announcers were stunned because it was a blown call. Cassel made another great throw and they got the field goal and went to ot and lost but say that didn't happen and the Cheifs lost because of that bad call it would have been a travesty. The Refs shitty calls are getting ridiculous they have way to much power over a game, They are starting to nit pick over every little thing
I think it's just more of a "Missing Classic Football" than anything else. I understand the league trying to cut down on injuries and concussions but lets's call a spade here. The only reason is because of lawsuits. The NFL Never cared for it's former players until the Lawsuits began. Now because of the bottom line we get a watered down version of the NFL while they put on this face as if they're the good guys in this. BULLSHIT Just like Woody, they only care about the bottom line. Look at them sending games to London, Canada just to make it even bigger to make more money meanwhile they are softening up the game even more. Ironically, when they show clips selling games they show all these now "illegal" type of hits.... All I want is my old football style back... Not 30 -40 years just 10 years ago....When contact was actually allowed... btw, thx to everyone who saw that I wasn't blaming a loss on the refs.. Using a 7pt. font actually came in handy :smile: