How much more can the Jets players take? When do they go to the coach and say "enough is enough"? The Jets D was definitely good enough to win until they tired out, but they watched their hard work and preparation get flushed down the drain by the same person. Are they content with the status quo? As hard as they played tonight, when do THEY get fed up?
Some time last year...? Anyway... I thought everybody loved a good ol fashioned dumpster fire. So warm and toasty. Smell isn't bad, once they get used to it.
does the fact that there hasnt been any chirping about the qb switch mean anything? not be sarcastic. serious question.
haha it doesn't work that way. They get paid to play, they don't get paid to care. Rex is never gonna start tebow and its clear he never wanted him.
I'm thinking that too. I posted in some other thread, maybe the players know Woody forced Tebow on the team and they are annoyed Woody is picking players and pushing for them? Maybe they really do think Sanchez is the better QB? We aren't the most tight lipped or secretive team, yet there has been nothing regarding the QB or backup QB. It's strange. Nothing at all. It has to be for some reason
I know the players don't like Tebow, that couldn't be more obvious, very few NFL players do. But are they willing to keep losing like this? Playing like heroes only to have it given away by Sanchez. But I wonder if some pockets of resistance might be forming against the Sanchez coalition. It's probably too late, but this one has got to hurt and it's obvious who lost it.
I don't think you can possibly know that unless you are a reporter/beat writer? Even if it is true, I don't think just not liking Tebow would want them to stop from winning. There has to be something else. Either they don't think Tebow is good or the Woody influence or maybe they like Rex know that Tebow was forced on him and staying behind what Rex says because they want support him and show support for him.
Alright, so they haven't disparaged Tebow either. It just doesn't make sense how tight lipped and quiet they are about QB, but so talkative about everything else. Maybe they are unified behind Rex and stand behind their coach. That's as optimistic as I can go
I think it's more to do with the fact that Sanchez is well liked and no one wants to (or should) throw the starting qb under the bus. They stood behind Vick in Philly. Saying that you "know" the players don't like Tebow is pretty ignorant. Maybe they don't think he is a good qb, I can understand that. I've never heard a player say "I don't like Tebow as a teammate."
If even one of them were to make the slightest inkling about a quarterback change, there would be an avalanche of coverage and he would always be associated with the turmoil and the eventual switch. They're smart. They stay out of it. They know Mark very well, and the thought if his time being over is stressful and disappointing.
A QB controversy is a very hot button issue, ESPECIALLY when Tim Tebow is involved. It is every bit as political as it is fundumental on the field. I don't think any player on the team wants to touch that issue with a ten foot pole and a rubber on it. least, not until the debate is opened up and already in full swing. As it sits, the only people that sem to want Tebow starting is his rabid fanbase. That said, if the sentiment on the team was that if they started Tebow, they would start churning out wins... I'm sure more would be a lot more noise coming out of the locker room. They're just not going to make a lot of racket just for the sake of trying something else unless they thought it would yield better results.
Since when does benching the worst quarterback in the league (Sanchez) become a controversy...? It seems like something that would be pretty routine, actually. I'd think that tanking a season just for the sake of keeping "your" quarterback would be alot more controversial. But hey, at least they're losing on their own terms, right? Wouldn't want to cave, and bench a quarterback who clearly sucks, and needs to be replaced. That would look weak to the media. And that's the most important thing, right?
It becomes a controversy when the guy some want to replace him with is actually a running back playing out of position and can't pass.
I think we crossed paths. That's what I mean. There is no way for us to know that players don't like or like Tebow. There is no indication of that, completely agree. See this goes against how the team operates, that's what amazing. Maybe Rex has control of the team actually? I am 99% sure Rex gave Cro a free pass to say anything to be a distraction to the media. Rex is good at distracting the media. Heh :beer:
This statement shows either an extreme amount of bias, or just an overall lack of any credibility seeing as how we have "long time Jets fans" in the main forum saying that it's time to bench Sanchez and see what Tebow can do.
Chris Broussard on PTI today said it was definitely time to put in Tebow. He's no particular fan of Tebow.
Chris Broussard reports his sources have told him the Jets have traded for Tebow. You'll get this if you follow Broussard on Twitter for bball.
Not saying he's great - I don't even like him. I'm saying that people other than Tebow fans are calling for it.