Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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  2. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I don't care if it is tebow, Sanchez, McElroy, Kerley, I don't really care. I just don't want to see any other qb taking a snap unless an injury or the first is pulled. No more of this substitution crap. How many TOs, delay of game, false starts do you need to see I order to know this does not work. Mwhoe else is doing this in the nfl? It doesn't even work in college.
  3. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I didn't think it was possible to regress any further from mediocrity then Mark has done this year. He has zero help offensively but he has played just straight horrible football. I am once again embarrassed to be a Jet fan which is something I am no longer accustom to since Rex has become our head coach. Here's to Geno Smith being the newest Jet come April
  4. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Who cares who's in the draft?? Just give me a viable NFL QB. If we had one, we'd still be in the mix right now at 5-4. Trade for a competent QB in the offseason. Give me Kyle Orton. Give me Byron Leftwitch. Give me Drew Stanton. Give me Drew Barrymore!! Anybody but Sanchez.
    #2224 truthbtold, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  5. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    One thing I never understood is this: Why is Matt Cavanaugh still the QBs coach? The guy has done absolutely nothing to help or improve Sanchez. If Sanchez is still making the same mistakes as he was in year 1, why is this guy still here as the Coach.
  6. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Michelangelo couldn't sculpt the David out of a pile of dirt. I think the problem has always been the player and not the coaches around him, this is becoming evident now. Schotty is no longer an excuse.
  7. Win4ever

    Win4ever New Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Enough with Sanchez, it's over.

    I thought he had potential, and I thought he could turn things around. I thought the surrounding cast was a problem. I thought the coaching staff was the problem. But enough is enough. He just is not a consistent Qb. He was a function of results, moreso than a component in bringing about those results. If it weren't for our defense in those two years in the playoffs, he'd probably be already on his way out. But because of those wins, people just over estimated him.

    I'm not even sure what he does right? He can't throw the deep ball with any kind of accuracy, and also without letting it hang up there long enough for the DB to get back under it. If you were allowed to throw, instead of kick, for punts, he'd be a stud. He's not all that accurate on the intermediate routes (seems to always throw a bit behind the crossing route). What the heck does he do? He can't scramble? He seems like an idiot in terms of football, my god, it took him months just to learn how to slide properly. How smart can he?

    The only positive thing I can say about him is that he seems to try. His offseason workouts and all, but he just isn't talented. I used to hold out hope. I used to think that maybe the light will go on. Maybe something would happen. But the Sanchez pick, will have doomed the Rex Ryan era for the Jets, and it's sad, because if we actually had a competent Qb, we'd be so much better off.
  8. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Totally agree with you, but it must say something if the so called "Franchise QB" of the Jets has not improved whatsoever. Cavanaugh is the one who is specifically responsible to help improve the QB position which he has not done so, at all. Just confused on how this guy still has a job.
  9. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Its come to a point where even I want Tebow in over Sanchez....not because it gives us a better chance to win games(Who knows) but because I want Jet fans to see that the QB has been a problem but not the single problem for our woes. Sanchez has been bad but the protection I saw today was laughable and while today you can't blame the targets, they too have been pretty mediocre for the most part. There's just so much wrong.

    We are just a really terrible team that isn't talented at all. Might as well throw a hail mary out there and see if Tebow sticks....though I sincerely doubt it.

    This is coming from a big fan of Sanchez...I just think a divorce between both sides needs to happen. I think Sanchez can succeed elsewhere but not with the Jets and the Jets need to go in a new direction.
  10. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Its been the declining talent honestly but Sanchez should have taken a step up in his play.

    The Jets sold their souls for 2 seasons of competing under Rex by trading away high picks for veterans and then dance on a tight rope when it comes to contract extensions and on who to keep/let go.
  11. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Why has it not dawned on Rex that benching Sanchez might actually do him some good in the long run by slowing the game down for him?

    Blind loyalty's going to end the NY careers of both of them.
  12. Greeny

    Greeny New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    I think most of you need to look in the mirror. It's time to turn in your homer card. It's beyond me how some of you ever thought he was the guy. We won despite him with a great defense. It was obvious.
  13. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    They called it right from the beginning. Guess we were all so desperate for change that we needed a lot longer to see the world without jet-green shades.
  14. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    I'm really surprised by the anti-Tebow comments by a few posters. If Tebow comes into the game & throws 45% but has zero turnovers then we actually have IMPROVED qb play.

    45% completion & no TO is something Tebow can definitely pull off.
  15. Tommytunes

    Tommytunes Banned

    Nov 11, 2012
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    I couldnt agree more. Probably one of the smartest things I have heard about this team in a while. I am not a tebow fanatic by any means. Yet every analyst and radio host and now all jets coaching staff keeps saying Sanchez gives us the best opportunity. What the hell is this based off of. His arm, skill sets, spiral on the ball. Ok maybe he has better skill sets than tebow. . However, Brady also was labelled slow, clumsy, weak arm- we all know how that worked out. Give him a shot already. There is no performance that can be worse than the last 6 games I saw from Sanchez.
    We blamed the offensive line, wide receivers, offensive coordintator was thrown off the team and as much as I disliked wayne hunter even he was run out of Ny. Sanchez has cost more people jobs in this town than Our president. When do we finally admit that he is not an NFL quarter back. His first two years his completion percentage and qbr have been the same as it is now and he had all the weapons at his disposal with a running game. We changed everything around him and the results stayed the same. He can't get the ball out of his hands quickly like any other qb does and this costs us possessions and leaves our defense on the field. I think it's time it admit it's him not anyone else. We spent at first round pick to be a game manager while other teams spend their first round pick s ( luck, rgIII) to be their franchise qb. It's unbelievable
  16. Tommytunes

    Tommytunes Banned

    Nov 11, 2012
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    We shouldn't even be 3-6

    One more thing. We shouldn't even be 3-6. Besides the first game against buffalo- sanchez didn't deserve to win any other game we won.
    Not the Miami game - he played terrible- did everything to try to lose the game with interceptions and fumbles
    Not the colts game- this was all about the running game.

    So to put in perspective, I haven't seen one game that Sanchez actually put together a quality game this year. ( I don't even count buffalo)
  17. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    The problem with Sanchez is always, yes, he does seem pretty bad, but how bad is he? He has no running game, no receivers, no protection, a poor OC, everything is stacked against him.

    I was saying to my mate when we were watching the game the other night, I would love to see him seconded to a good team with decent receivers and a decent running game, like the Niners, just to for a month to see how much of it is him, and how much is the team.

    That said, this season is over, this iteration of the Jets seems over and we are doomed to have to start over again – I just wish we could be properly bad so as to snag the #1 overall QB prospect instead of being stuck in this no-mans-land of taking the #2 or #3 option each time.

    Every time I look at what Andrew Luck is doing in Indy I feel so envious- when are we ever going to get a true franchise QB? We have never had one in the history of the franchise, whereas other teams have had multiple (hell the Niners even had two at one time in Montana and Young!)

    At one stage I felt like the best thing we could do was punt on 1st down and hope our D could score some points, as the offense never looked like doing that and every time Sanchez drops back you are waiting for the inevitable bad pick (that one he threw on the 1yd line I knew was coming even before the ball left his hand – same with that kerley fumble – its now expected that we will self destruct).

    The only current Jets I would keep are Cro, Mangold, Coples, Wilkerson and Ellis.
  18. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Here is the thing. If you are a game manager and depend on the rest of the team to constantly keep giving you more opportunities and pick up your slack, then you really aren't a very competent QB.

    If Sanchez gets credit for those two playoff runs, then he gets blame for what is happening now.

    The best QBs elevate the play of those around them...Sanchez does not do that. In fact, he needs the help of others to make HIM look good SITUATIONALLY. There is really no way around it: Sanchez is not good, nor has he ever been good in the NFL, really. It's becoming more painfully clear with each passing day.

    The excuses have been played out ad nauseum.
  19. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    That is why we are in this mess in the first place, forget about this year, it is long since DEAD. We don't need just another QB, we need a franchise QB capable of taking us somewhere.

    And our team needs an overhaul, we don't have picks that we can trade
  20. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    We also need to overhaul the FO/CS as the one we have may have already run its course. I just don't have the faith in Ryan or Tannenbaum to turn this around and make this franchise respectable again as they were the main engineers of creating the bad joke that is the NYJ's.
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