Tebow's the backup. Any other backup in the league would be in the game right now because the starter is clearly gutter trash. You bring Tebow in to run 3 stupid plays a game. Great job, Woody, Tannenbaum, Rex.
Sanchez isn't gonna last much longer as the starter. At this point, hes 4 years in. He just hasn't done enough to warrant a starting position. Granted this whole team is a piece of shit but at this point you can't really keep sanchez in and expect this team to do anything
This really has to mark the end of the Sanchez era in New York or nobody is going to show up to watch the games. Sanchez is no better than Kellen Clemens was and might not even be as good. Tebow time please.
and these anal pluggers are guaranteeing the playoffs. Note to Jets - The 15th and 16th place conference team doesn'y make the playoffs.
This team has mailed it in. Not just this game but the rest of the season. I'm glad I'm not a season ticket holder. McElroy in 2013!!!
Rex wont bench Mark. Tanny probably threatened to fire REX is he benched sanchez cause it would make Tanny look like a bigger fucking MORON than he already is.
Tony Sparano The Worst Offensive Coordinator In NFL History 9 Games into the season I am done watching the Jets. I am watching the worst Offensive Coordinator in NFL History......Tony Sparano. My dog could call better plays.
At this point, there would be no use to put Tebow out there. Take the loss, lead into the next week assuming Sanchez would start, then surprise the opponent