Ways to make the "Tebow Package" more effective.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Diddy, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Got any other examples? His specific point was Tebow being different.

    Do you have one other example?
  2. SDI_Gator

    SDI_Gator New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Tebow earned another shot at the BRONCOS starting job, but they won the Manning sweepstakes. So Tebow has to EARN another starting gig, and he hasn't. It's not that hard to figure out. Hope he does, but at this point it looks like his poor practice performances (and poor accuracy in general) won't be letting that happen.

    I say all of this as a Tebow fan, not even a real big nfl fan in general. I've come to terms with this, here's to hoping everyone else can too. Cheers.
  3. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    His point was not Tebow being different. His point was that Tebow is being treated differently, and is held to a different standard, than every other quarterback. It's complete and utter horse shit.

    He thinks there is some ridiculous conspiracy to hold Tebow back. It's fucking hysterical.

    If any team, any team, felt that Tim Tebow could win them football games, he would be playing. Period. Not one team, even those teams with terrible quarterbacks, were willing to let him start. Not one would even let him compete for a starting job. Every GM and Coach in this league seems to know what you and Tebow nation are unwilling to accept...

    Tim Tebow sucks.
  4. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Nah that was the owner... and that was for the headlines. the owner of the jags was also the only one to want tebow. the coaches did'nt neither did the gm. try again.
  5. SDI_Gator

    SDI_Gator New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Jax owner came out and said he wanted Tebow, I never heard proof that it was all Woody on the jets side. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's just a rumor brought on by the media.

    By the way, not that I don't think it's true, I just never heard a definitive statement on that.
  6. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    true.. no absolutes. but i have eyes. the few plays he gets and the fact they dont let him throw indicates they didnt want him. I actually see him being used less the rest of the year.
  7. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    I agree, in the NFL he has to earn a starting gig. He has to be a better practice player. The best QBs in the NFL are great practice players.
  8. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Uhm, no. I thought Tebow would be better than Smith coming into the season. I said so much in this forum. After watching Tebow attempt to play the Brad Smith role it's quite clear that he doesn't have the explosiveness or vision as a runner required to be effective at the position.

    And yes, saying Smith wouldn't be doing well with this coordinator and team mates is a thinly veiled attempt at blaming everyone else for Tebow's lack of success. Just like you guys ALWAYS do. Oh, the Broncos receivers were bad (currently the 4th and 18th in yards). Oh, the Broncos coordinator didn't put Tebow in a position to succeed. Oh, Sparano didn't put Tebow in a position to succeed. Oh, the Jets don't block good enough for Tebow. Oh, the Jets would rather lose with Sanchez than win with Tebow. OH, GTFOH.

    Suck it up and start to realize Tebow's skill set simply doesn't translate to the NFL. Stop blaming everyone else.
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    please link to where anyone said any of those things. they havent and as usual you and other tebow haters simply argue against mythical arguments that no one has ever made on this forum.

    you yourself have said you only post here to annoy tebow supporters. which is kind of lame for a mod, on a board where anything posted about the guy is quarantined to this forum.

    sanchez has been terrible. that is undeniable. tebow has been ineffective, also undeniable. the difference is, tim hasnt been given reps or a real shot at making an impact. they throw him in 2 or 3 times a game and have him run it right up the gut on first down, then take him off the field.

    they almost never use him in short yardage, and never let him throw. the times they have, good things usually happen. he has converted every 4th down try, every attempt with 2 yards or less to go, and his 2 passes resulted in a first down, and a long pass play that hit the WR in the chest.

    you can knock tebow all you want, but last year, he was effective(or at least, more effective then sanchez has been this year).

    the bottom line is, the usage of him is laughable. and it is obvious the coaching staff isnt using him in a way that helps the team. and to say there isnt a role where he can is just ignoring facts
  10. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I didn't say that there is a conspiracy to hold Tebow back. I said he is held to a different standard. Case in point, it's not good enough for him to win... he must do it in a certain style. It's not simply enough to win a division and playoff game when your team was previously not even close to the playoff hunt. And don't say, He led them to an .500 8-8 record." The team was handed to him at 1-4.

    FYI, most starting QBs, especially young ones have not "earned" their starting jobs. They are given their starting jobs and then have to prove that they can win. Most of the time, a 1st round drafted QB will start and everyone knows it. Practice is just a formality in respects to who will start. To suggest otherwise is naive.
    #130 Backup QB, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  11. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Nothing wrong with coaches wanting their QB to win in a style that will last over the long haul
  12. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    exactly... i made the comparison to sam bradford earlier in the year. bradford has won similarly, actually had better defenses, had a similar qb rating, yet not one peep about bradford. yet tebow gets criticized to no end, in spite of the fact that bradford was a #1 pick and tebow in the 20's.

    why are bradford, gabbert, locker, sanchez, and others not held to the standard tebow is? if his name wasnt tebow and he posted those numbers(75 qb rating, 18 touchdowns vs. 12 turnovers, late game scoring drives) they would be praised.

    hell sanchez was as bad as you can be his first year starting and he got hyped up and praised to an insane degree
  13. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    and for that reason, sanchez needs to be benched. as we have already seen, winning while being horribly inaccurate and turning it over a ton isnt sustainable
  14. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    So Tebow, with a good team around him, beating the Steelers and then getting demolished by the Patriots is supposed to give a franchise more confidence than Sanchez, with a good team around him, making it to two consecutive championship games which were lost mainly because of the play of the defense?

    Jesus Christ I can't believe you guys have me defending Sanchez
  15. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    sanchez was horrible his first two seasons we made it to the championship games. he was very good in the playoffs. but you cant discount how horrid he was in the regular season because he played well in 5 or 6 games.

    this isnt the playoffs. its week 9. and we dont need a turnover machine under center. that isnt going to get us anywhere.

    Tebow has played ONE season as a starter. he has 1 playoff win. in sanchez first season as a starter, he had 2 playoff wins. i would hardly say that is a huge difference.

    What sanchez did was also 2 and 3 seasons ago. he has regressed tremendously since then. last year he was as bad as you can be, and this year he looks to be duplicating that, again with more turnovers then scores, horrible accuracy, and missing wide open guys left and right.
  16. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Sanchez was not horrible in 2010.

    But the difference is that the team sucks ass this year. I don't know any QBs that are not elite that would be having much success. But you are right he does need to cut down on the turnovers. Not sure that constant 3 and outs by Tebow(speculation but rooted in reality) would be much better since this Jets D is far from elite.

    I would

    Well I think Sanchez sucks in general but if you are comparing his play now to his play 2 or 3 seasons ago the main difference is that the team around him has regressed. He has always had accuracy issues and difficulty reading a D
    #136 BeastBeach, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  17. Awesomo 3000

    Awesomo 3000 Banned

    Nov 2, 2012
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    LOL. Looks like you hit the nail on the head, and didn't even realize it. Roth burger was absolutely "horrible" during his rookie campaign, and the years after, but he was credited with turning the steelers around, and nobody cared that he had so many terrible games. Tebow has a better td/int ratio, and leads several come from behind wins, against a variety of defensive looks, helps turn around a 1/4 team, and gets no credit whatsoever from people like you.

    He certainly is held to a different standard.

    It's "fucking hysterical" that you appear to be arguing with your own imagination. Who said there's a "conspiracy" to hold Tebow back? From what I've seen, most people would say that Tebow isn't a very conventional quarterback, and most coaches don't want to try winning with him and a completely different style of football.

    Are you off of some medications? It really seems like you're arguing with some ficticious character which you've invented in your own mind. It doesn't seem healthy. Keep beating that strawman. Some day you'll have him beat for good.

    Any team, like the Jets, or Jaguars, and who knows who else? Even if you were right (it's ok. you aren't), it wouldn't be the first time a decent quarterback has been kicked to the curb for not fitting into a mold.

    Warren Moon?

    Doug Flutie?

    Steve Young?

    Rich Gannon, (for different reasons)?

    Final thoughts: Why do you make this so easy?
  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You are wrong. These arguments were made on this very forum quite frequently. I am not going to waste my time digging them up, I have better things to do.

    If you have a problem with my moderation feel free to take it up with an admin. Posting like this in the forum will get you banned. First and last warning.

    This thread has nothing to do with Sanchez. It has to do with Tebow sucking dick at wildcat QB.

    So it's everyone else's fault?
    This thread is about Tebow sucking dick at wildcat QB.

    So it's everyone else's fault?
  19. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Man, your statement is flat out pathetic. I don't care if you are a moderator or not. You are acting like a spoiled kid who doesn't get his way. This is a Tebow forum and you come in here saying shit like this. You are acting like a troll and you're supposed to be a moderator! Why don't you grow up?
  20. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    What does being a moderator have to do with my opinion of Tebow Sucking dick as a wildcat QB? I had high hopes, he hasn't come close to living up to them. It is what it is.

    And I just warned the last guy about this shit.

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