He is stating it as fact, not as opinion. It also couldn't be more wrong. A miniscule sample size off of a internet message board is clearly enough evidence for CowboyFan to generalize a city with 1,000,000 residents. :lol: Tebow is revered in Jacksonville like no other Gator in history. CowboyFan has no idea what he is talking about. Gator football is a religion in the northern 1/3 of Florida. Tim Tebow is their god.
I believe it based on anecdotal evidence, . That being said believe what you want to believe guys, I actually don't care what the ratio is in Jacksonville, its so irrelevant ... but I have a feeling I am the only one of us 3 actually on the Jaguar boards. So castigater before mouthing off join the boards and have a look, talk to your friends in Jacksonville like I do etc (and If you have lets just disagree on this one, i will trust my instinct) . and Curly, love you Nyuck , Nycuck, (slap to the face) nycuck, (poke in the eyes). Now go whistle three blind mice please.
THIS. X1000 In case you're wondering, I'm a Long Island transplant who has lived in NE FL for almost 20 years, has a friend who actually teaches @ Nease (where Timmy played High School ball*), many friends that are UF alum, and many more JAGS season ticket holders. My input isn't coming from an internet message board, which I'm guessing is a very small sampling, not to mention that he will receive some backlash based on the 24/7 Timmy Tebow overkill he gets in the local media (much like here) * played ball and attending school, not being the same, but that was a whole different controversial Timmy topic around here :wink:
If you poll the general public you might be right , if you poll the football fans you are wrong. many Seminole fans coupled with the ESPN zombies make it a hate fest.
CowboyFan deductive reasoning hard at work: Quandary: I've been to a random internet forum, and out of the 36 people that actively post, 22 of them don't want Tebow as their quarterback. Conclusion: All Jags fans hate Tebow. Seems perfectly reasonable, if you happen to be retarded.
Curly where is Moe and Larry ? You are sort of standing alone lately Your interrupting my weekly ritual of finding the thickest towel in the house to cry into during the cowboys game ....
I'm still here in N. Florida and yeah, the assumption that the majority of Jags fans hate him is way off-base. Now there are definitely those who do and they're just as rabid in their hatred as anyone who hates Tebow. But they are vastly outnumbered by those who adore him. Even if the entire Jags fanbase hated him, what is that like 30k ppl? They're pretty irrelevant anyway.