Unleash (Or Release) Tim Tebow!

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by _Jet_, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Just be yourself. Treat others the right way. But I don't back down to trolls sometimes. Suzy and Cowboysfan seem like good people who I'm sure have lives outside of here.:)
    #101 John Chisum, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  2. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    When a person is banned the banned lable shows up on all of their comments.
  3. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I guess some of those mods don't want fans here to build a momentum for 'start Tebow over Sanchez' outcry.
  4. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    You could be right. The thing is, its already the Jet fans that are saying it now. It's not really that the Tebow fans like myself really started anything over there this week.
    #104 John Chisum, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  5. BeBe's Boobs

    BeBe's Boobs Banned

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Oh OK - that explains it then. I don't know why, but I thought that maybe they'd just been banned in the past but were okay and posting now. Seems stupid that I thought that, now that I think about it. D'oh
  6. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Be interested to know how you've been inspired by these wonderful folks. In particular, what in your life has changed as a result of their examples.
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Yes this is definitely the thing that drives me a little crazy.
  8. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Then you really aren't trying to understand. I have seen very few people talk in absolutes about Tebow's qb ability. but what I have seen is people talk about absolutes in his "intangibles" for whatever those are worth.

    The thing that bothers me is the credit he is given for winning but very little of any critical analysis when he loses by you and your ilk.

    Intangibles dont win shit. skill, being the better team, game plan etc... win games. The BRONCOS won those games and the BRONCOS lost those games because they were the better team that day and deserved to win or they werent the better that day and lost. Tebow was a big part of it, so was the defense and the kicker.

    But what happened to those intangibles in the losses? Was he not effusive enough? did he not "lead" hard enough? Where did those oh-so-valuable intangibles go then? You and your kind act like "trying" hard somehow brings value to a team... when it only helps if the person trying hard has talent to go along with it. Sometimes it worked and other times it failed...not because he doesnt care or try.. just because he isnt good enough.

    Perfect example: everyone of you bitched about DT / Decker and how bad they are... yet the same guys with a real QB are both on pace to be Pro Bowlers. where are all the drops? Does Manning have a magic ball that sticks to his WR? NO. What they have is a QB that hits them in the hands more often than not. In fact he is completing almost 30% more of his passes than Tebow and he is throwing 2x to 3x as many. Where were the intangibles when your boy was throwing 53% of his passes everywhere but to the WR / TE / RB it was supposed to go to?

    With the exact same WR corpse, Manning was offensive player of the month he completed 75.6% of his passes for almost 1300 yards.

    Someone please explain how Manning can complete 30% more passes while throwing 2x / 3x as many passes to the same shitty WR core if it was their fault?

    you cant. because it doesnt fit your fantasy of what Tebow "could be" so its Decker and DT's fault. Manning has been sacked 10 times in 7 games yet it was the line (the same line minus Koppen) from last year that you guys blame for tebow's 3+ per game sack numbers. Again, it cant be tebow so you blame the O-Line.

    Same thing will happen here if he plays for the Jets.
  9. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Can you point to a single person besides skip bayless that gives tebow all the credit for winning games last year?? (there is one other blogger on the internet also that is a nobody).

    It is a made up argument by the Tebow haters. They "think" someone said it because they heard it because some one on ESPN said that he was getting all the credit...the thing is he gets ripped by 97% of all analyst, he is given little to no credit. What he gets is OVER EXPOSURE , do not mistake over exposure with credit.

    seriously its T-hater mistake 101

    I also find it asinine that you are comparing Peyton manning one of the greatest QBs of all time to a QB that has 16 starts and is trying to get another chance to start games...its asinine, that one you can argue into a mirror because NO ONE has said he is better than manning. Your argument about the receivers is silly... that's another skip bayless special. All elite QBs make their receivers all stars. look at what brady has worked with over the years (now its a pretty good group actually). Thomas is great, Decker less so but very good this year.

    By the way there is no need to pretend being a Jets fan ,I actually do not know if you are or are not ,but I just went through all your previous post and 90% are all about Tebow. If you are a Jets fan you are a bit Tebow obsessed
    #109 CowboysFan, Nov 2, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  10. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    sigh.. again you miss the entire point. I dont recall more than a few people ever giving Tebow all the credit. What I recall and what you dont seem to get is its not that ... that bothers people. Its the BS "intangibles" crap you guys bring up when the facts don't fit your argument.

    Its the "i guarantee nobody will out work Tebow" and yes I have seen that written by many many of his followers. Its the "Tebow just knows how to win" crowd, which there are many of them, when in fact he's 2 games over .500 as a starter. Which clearly indicates he knows how to lose. Its the "see the locker room is healed now that Tebow showed up" garbage threads you guys start. So f'ing what? My team still sucks.

    What you dont get is I DONT CARE that Tebow is a good guy. I dont care if he is a virgin our devout christian. CAN HE HELP MY TEAM WIN A SUPER BOWL? and the fact is ... no he cant. He isnt good enough to. Neither is sanchez.
  11. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    you need to reread my edit on the post above when you get a chance.

    as far as intangibles, read what Mike Devito said or what Revis said...you know...Jets players that are actually in the locker room.
    #111 CowboysFan, Nov 2, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  12. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    again So f'ing what? What is our record right now? Did it help us win?

    Again, I dont care about what he does in the locker room, that doesnt win games. What does he do on the field? How has he contributed to our winning record?

    Oh wait we dont have one.

    You guys live and die on anything positive. You're a Cowboys fan right? Would you take a positive lockeroom Tebow or Peyton Manning? Or even that turd of a QB you have?

    Its sports, not real life. being nice doesnt win you a godamn thing. being great or good does!
  13. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I have two boys. One's middle name is Namath... the other is Mark ...since you arent really a Jets fan that would be after Mark Gastineau. so yes im a fan. a huge fan in fact.
  14. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Then you've had your eyes and ears closed for the last few years. Credibility? Yeah, you haven't got any.
  15. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    can you read? I mean you guys... very few of the big tebow supporters talk in absolutes about his ability. Yes plenty of detractors (me included) talk in absolutes. he sucks. always will.... see absolute. What I said was, on that front the jock sniffers, which you are, are pretty good. That doesnt bother me, its the ever present credit-seeking you guys do. He hasnt done anything for MY TEAM yet you guys act like him being a nice guy means a friggin thing. SO WHAT. So a few guys like him, you know there are others that dont. I dont post that shit do i?
  16. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Careful, Cowboy will break out his Castineau signed mag. on ya.
  17. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Funny thing is that you should go back and actually compare stats. With Manning, DT is averaging 5.5 catches per game @ 17.41 yards per catch. Through 7 games, he has 4 TDs

    In the 6 regular season games that DT played in last year when healthy and in shape, with Tebow passing to him, he averaged 4.5 catches per game @ 17.96 yards per catch and had 3 TDs. And no, this isn't skewed by that huge game against Pitt because that game wasn't factored in.

    Now, sit there and tell us all how much better DThomas is this year with Peyton Manning throwing to him.

    Manning is a better QB, to be sure, but that doesn't mean that DT suddenly became all world.
  18. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I've seen it. Great. I wish i had it!!! Doesn't make him a fan. I have an autographed Earl Campbell Jersey in my den. I'm not an Oilers fan. By the way I have an autograph on both my boys birth certificates (copies of course) from Joe and Mark.
  19. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Oh i see when healthy and in shape.. When he has 1300 yards and 12 TDS and is voted to the pro bowl... then come back.

    Any other caveats? Like when DT plays left handed on tuesdays and in months that end in R? The fact is DT is better with Manning and you hate that because you desperately needed DT and decker to suck to make your argument stand up. It doesnt... so the only real conclusion you can have is Tebow sucks... which destroys your world.
  20. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I take it that you aren't that familiar with DTs history ?

    He was injured during his rookie year and had very limited playing time. Last year, he was injured before the season (Achilles) and didn't make it into the lineup until week 6. At that point, due to the nature of his injury (Achilles), he was far from being in "NFL shape". On one of the NFLN segments, Deion or Irvin commented on how DT basically looked like a Tight End, due to lack of conditioning.

    He then sustained anther injury which kept him out of game 9. He finally came back in shape and at full health for game 10 of the season.

    Now, if you are a defensive or offensive lineman, being out of shape and poorly conditioned doesn't affect you as much. When you are the "speed" receiver in an offense, being out of shape hinders you quite a bit.

    Now, let's deal with the stupidity of your last statement. You think I need DT or Decker to suck in order to make my argument stand up ? Really ? What argument is that ? Do you honestly think I'm arguing that Tebow is better than Manning ?

    Let me save you the trouble cupcake. Peyton Manning will make ANY receiver look better, just as Rodgers, Eli or Brady would.

    Your problem, and your mistake is that I'M not the one making an argument, rather, YOU are. YOU are trying to demonstrate that Tebow must suck, because DT and Decker are doing well with Manning. As I have demonstrated, DT isn't doing much different with Manning than he did with Tebow throwing the rock to him, which undercuts YOUR argument completely.

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