Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    when the cheese man led us to those come backs in cleveland and detroit a few years ago i thought just for a fleeting moment that he might actually be a real nfl qb. although he didnt play great in both of those games i really really liked how he put the team on his back in the final moments and won the game.

    it was an abberation though. he sucks. thats pretty funny about the tebow stats vs sancheese stats.
  2. jets4lyfah

    jets4lyfah Banned

    Jan 6, 2011
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    we live in a now society man. it's all about what you have done for me lately. People completely forget the excitement rex and sanchez brought to this team just 3 years ago
  3. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    no one has forgotten. but that was supposed to be the begining of something. right now it looks like a lucky run that this team has absolutely no chance of repeating. not just becaus of mark, but becuse the whole orginization has been mismanaged and badly coached
  4. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Poor drafting has fucked us. Plain and simple. You don't need an all-world QB to compete in this league... it certainly makes it easier, but we have already contended without a superstar QB. Inability to replace Faneca, Woody, T Richardson, B Hartsock and Braylon have cost us major in both run and pass game.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    No such thing as Clutch. Sanchez got criticized plenty those first two seasons but was excused as a rookie, and sophomore, and justifably so. But he has never elevated his game in 4 years.
  6. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    I looked back at some recruiting web sites, it is amazing that Sanchez was the #1 QB coming out of H.S in 2005.
  7. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    He could be now too. :)
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    It was the Houston game for me. Defense and Greene sucks the game away and he goes 70-80 yards in what 30-40 seconds with no timeouts. And then the NE playoff game. We needed no turnovers, TDs in the RZ, and big plays and we got all that. I guess Pitt too. I was expecting a blowout but the game got made competitive. Then we throw away everything good about that team in the offseason because that's how you build a team.

    This too. Brady was not a great QB when they won his first SB. Big Ben was not great for his first. Eli was not great for his first one. Peyton and Brees were considered great for theirs. Rodgers was considered a good but not great QB who snuck into the playoffs as a 6 seed. You aren't winning without a complete team effort, something we aren't getting from the offense, defense, or ST this teams so far this year.
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    so because flacco also has some bad games means he is on par with sanchez? what a horrible analysis. you are just going to cherry pick some games and use that as your sample size?

    flacco has less bad performances, and more good performances. is her perfect? hell no. but he is considerably better and more consistent with mark. and it really isnt debatable unless you pick a random set of games
  10. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Exactly. JerseyJay you can learn a lot from a comment like this. Jets are in it for the long haul. Best hope something clicks, or were going to be in the AFC East basement for a while.
  11. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Flacco hasn't had any good performances when it mattered the most. The only two games I can remember is that game winner in Pittsburgh and the AFCCG against the Patriots (and even there he didn't play his BEST). Sorry always had a better supporting cast, and you have no idea what a player like Ray Rice has done for Flacco over his career. He's one of the better check-down options in the NFL, and the majority of his receptions are to Ray Rice himself. Jets don't have that option, yet they want Sanchez to raise the level of play of the entire team. Yet the entire team is garbage.

    Look at Rivers, he's lost LT, V.Jax, and Sprioles. Now he's a shell of his former self.
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The Sanchez Homers are too much. No other NFL fans think he's any good. Only the Sanchez Homers wheel out these excuses for him over and over that no one else finds the least bit persuasive.

    Jerseyjay is making some great points, and all he gets back is either we're stuck with Mark or he's not really so bad compared to others.

    Well the stats say otherwise on the latter point, and quite simply Sanchez does not deserve to continue as the starter, certainly not into next year.

    And if the answer to that is that his contract and lack of other Qb talent on the roster says we have no choice than to keep him another year, then the entire FO and probably Ryan as well should be fired.

    Before I get there, though, I would at least see what McElroy can do. There's no reason not to do that.
  13. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    See that is where you are wrong. Sanchez played well in 80% of the games in 2010, including the playoffs. I remember him coming back against the Lions, Houston, Denver, Late vs. Minnesota, Cleveland, Pittburgh, and playing well in a loss to Chicago.

    He had three really poor games, Green Bay, New England, Miami and Baltimore and the rest were mostly average.

    I am just pointing out that up until maybe the Baltimore game last season Sanchez was on the track of improving gradually. Sucks that he is now garbage and he has terrible footwork now.
  14. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I don't think Sanchez is any good anymore - but I'm not giving up on him turning it around because he gives us the best chance to win. Like I said before, I can't blame the team's problems on one person. Why should one player be held accountable in this situation and our offensive woes while everyone else gets a pass? Everyone should held accountable for this mess from the FO to the Players. Now I agreed with some of his points, but one thing I disagree with is the fact that putting Tebow or McElroy would result in better results. I disagree because Tebow can't make any throws except a down-field pass and McElroy doesn't have the adequate arm strength to be a starting QB in the league.

    McElroy is definitely a game general though, you can see that from his days in Alabama. He doesn't have any physical attributes that would succeed in today's game.

    All I'm saying is that, the Jets FO, Mark Sanchez, Rex Ryan, etc all should share equal blame -as they all fucked up at some point in time. If you can't realize that and you believe Sanchez is the root of EVERY problem than you just don't know the game.
    #1574 101GangGreen101, Nov 2, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  15. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    'Elite' = best of the best. Which means by definition only one, possibly two teams can have an 'elite' QB.

    If every QB the league goes for 400 yrds/game, 5TDs, 0 INTs, then NONE of them would be 'elite'.

    To be elite, you must be much, much better than the rest. Which, again, means only 1 or 2 teams can have an 'elite' QB.

    Most teams don't have a single 'elite' player at ANY position, but we have at least 2 in Revis and Mangold. QB? Not so much. Get over it. Build a real team on both sides of the ball and get onto winning some fucking rings.
  16. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Of course Sanchez isn't the root of every problem. How ridiculous. Since when do you need to be the root of every problem to get criticized and (ideally) replaced? Wayne Hunter wasn't the root of every problem -- he just sucked. Sanchez isn't the root of every problem -- he just sucks.

    Once you stop starting players that just suck, eventually, your problems go away.
  17. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Sanchez isn't the only problem for the Jets offense but I don't think he'll be part of any solution either. He looked like he had a lot of potential his first two years but that's long used up imo. I think the Jets should plan to move on at the end of this year.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I hardly think that Sanchez is the only one to blame. I have posted plenty of posts criticizing others, and it is well deserved criticism at that. I especially hated bringing Tebow here - there's no reason to think he is any kind of answer, and that includes in the wildcat or option or whatever. He even sucks as the punt protector!

    I disagree with your implication that McElroy does not deserve a shot. I see no downside in putting him in, and if the Tebots hate that move, it's fine with me. Time go have them start finding a new place to go anyway. No reason to make them comfortable in New York.

    I've seen some arm from McElroy. He's got the fundamentals. I bet he cuts down on turnovers, and as for the running game he can probably hand off at least as well as Sanchez, maybe better (like that fumble to Greene showed).

    But I don't mean to say I think it more likely than not he succeeds. I just think they have to see what he can do before they definitely move on to someone not currently on the roster.

    But my list of problems is hardly limited to Sanchez -

    Greene. Not an everydown back. Average at best, and while I might not cut him, he needs help.

    Hill. Sure, he's not yet a bust, but me might end up being one if he can't get a decent pair of hands.

    OL. The realistic take on these guys, putting aside over optimism about Slauson and VD, and if you stop ignoring how Moore is deteriorating, is they will need three new starters in the next two years. Yikes that's a tall order.

    Keller. Still not an all round TE. The rest of the TE's are not impressive, either.

    LB's. Just like OL, there will have to be three new starters in the next two years.

    DB's. Wilson continues to mix decent games with games he's flat out exposed. He's kind of the Mark Sanchez of the defense. But the bottom line is the Jets cannot afford to let either Revis or Cromartie go, because the rest of the CB's are undependable. At least Landry is playing well and avoiding injury. Still I think Bell is not a long term answer, so attention will still have to be paid at Safety this off season.

    CS. Is it premature to say the Sparano Experiment is not working out? No, I don't think so. He's no better than Schotty, and in some respects worse.

    Westoff is retiring, right? Cavanaugh they tried to replace last year and could not. The CS has even lost control of the D. So, what about Ryan?

    And Tanny? Woody? They both suck.

    SO no, it's not all on Sanchez.

    That doesn't mean he's any good, though.
  19. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    The kid is shell shocked after being tee'd off on the last two years. He also has no "sixth sense" for imminent danger, he doesn't feel the pressure like he should. He holds onto the football too long. He throws into triple coverage, he checks down before he makes a read, He doesn't look off dbacks, his mind is not in football.

    Above all else, he doesn't make reads at the line of scrimmage. He went from being able to take a broken play and make something positive out of it to becoming a complete robot and running a play for good or bad exactly how he thinks it is designed.

    Good quarterbacks run the plays their coach calls up..great quarterbacks make reads at the line of scrimmage and make the tough decisions that win games.

    Sanchez & Holmes tag-team pussy champions of the world
  20. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    All of this is true. However, Howard got abused by Wake and co. against Miami, like Hunter-esque. And Moore is below average and so is Slauson. Combine that with the below average weapons, and in reality it is probably not a good situation for any Qb, but he still is not above replacing. He isn't elevating his game in the face of these adversities and if he is at least part of the problem then it's simple. He is one of the people we need to look at replacing to make the team better. Just like Tannenbaum, Howard, Greene, Slauson, et al
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