Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Sanchez is capable with time in the pocket. He, like most QBs, can't handle the blitz. We need to revamp the OL this offseason and come back with the 09/10 philosophy. We can contend with Sanchez, we already have.
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Yea but having seen the backups it's more likely they simply don't believe they have another QB that can play QB in the NFL on the roster. At least not yet. Again, they get paid to win. Coaches that don't win get fired.
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Flacco might be 10 times the player than Sanchez, but that 10 times the player shows up twice or three times in a season. He has had better talent than Sanchez. Ray Rice is better runner than Greene or LT or Jones and an equal pass catcher as LT and better than Greene or Thomas. Boldin is equal to Holmes, probably slightly better. Torrey Smith is slightly better than Braylon, but better than Hill, JCo, Stuckey. Jacoby Jones is better than Mason, Gates, etc.

    Yes the majority of Flacco's career has been on par with Sanchez. He has been asked to do less with more. He is gradually improving but still has games worse than Sanchez with better talent.

    Flacco is better, but if you wanna argue if he would be better here than Sanchez, whole different ballpark. He would lose Boldin, Smith, and Ray Rice. He would lose a defense with a pass rush. A defense that can create turnovers. A defense that has Ngata on the line.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Miami game a lot of people were covered. Same in Pitt. Pitt started the strategy that if you line up and hit the Jets receivers, they struggle and the pass rush gets to Sanchez and he gets skittish and he can't throw a perfect ball to break that defense.

    Of course at times there are open wide receivers, but how often do we see a blown coverage against our offense, a WR beating the safety/CB, etc etc. The few times it has occurred, Sanchez has missed or the WR dropped it. It sucks, but the offensive line is inconsistent, the QB inconsistent, the WR inconsistent, so the offense is inconsistent. It's funny when the offensive line plays consistently, the run game improves, the QB improves.

    Again, Sanchez has played bad. He plays bad. But he's not single handedly bringing down this team or bringing down this team enough where a QB on our roster is actually going to make a difference. For the worse, he is the best QB on our roster
  5. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    what would our record be with a worse qb? 2-6 instead of 3-5? hell i'm not even convinced of that.

    we beat the worst defense in the league, and a colts team we didnt need to pass against to beat, along with a dolphins team that choked on an OT field goal.

    what QB isnt winning those games?
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Coaches that trade up to take a guy at #5, who ends up being a flop, often get fired as well.
  7. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    32 coaches are paid to win. a ton of them dont. and if we dont make a change, rex will be fired.
  8. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    he career hasnt been "on par" with sanchez. it has been much much better by any metric you want to use.
    the jets had the #1 and #3 run games sanchez first two years. both years their run game was much better then balitmores.

    the jets defense was first and 6th sanchez first two seasons. flaccos was 3rd both years.

    so sanchez had a better run game both years and a better defense one year yet flacco outperformed him dramatically both times.

    also to say flacco had much better recievers is simply moronic
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    watch the film. its available on replay. the all22 shots show guys open all game vs pitt. and in most instances, plenty of time to throw. the first miami game was the hardest to watch again. guys WIDE open constantly, but throws going into coverage or just right to defenders instead
    he hasnt just played bad, he has played at a 3rd string level/worst qb in football type bad. he might be the worst qb on our roster.
  10. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Not if they're winning.

    The coach didn't trade up, the GM did.
  11. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    the GM made the trade and bust pick.

    the coach continued to play the bad pick and started losing often.

    both will be fired. hopefully sanchez goes with them
  12. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    You build a successful team banking on nothing more than an average or slightly above average QB.

    To do anything else would be like counting on hitting the lottery as part of your retirement plan.

    If you strike hot gold with a truly elite QB, GREAT! Change gears and go with it.

    But if you're one of the other 99% of teams then you build the WHOLE team; offense, defense, special teams, and take care building your bench with up and coming rookies.

    Blowing your first round pic every year digging for gold while ignoring the rest of your team is the surest path to failure. Unless, of course, you strike it rich.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    You want to compare receivers right now? Much better receivers are in BAL, Flacco hands down. You want to compare with Holmes not injured, still Flacco. How about last year, still Flacco. In 2010, Sanchez had better one. In 2009, push. His receiving corp has gotten better and better, Sanchez has gotten better then worse then worse but an attempt to get better in the long haul.

    Flacco's career has been on par. Be put on a playoff caliber team. Do enough to allow team's talent to make playoffs while frustrating inconsistently contribute to it. While one QB Sanchez has stepped his play up come playoff time, the other QB Flacco has struggled to do that until year 4/5. Both struggle with consistency, accuracy, and poor decision making. Both struggle when their defenses struggle. One has had a reliable checkdown option his whole career, the other has had a reliable check down option 1/2 his career.

    We can go on and on, but Flacco coming to the Jets does not make them better. Much like Vick is better QB than Sanchez, but coming here does not make the Jets better. IT will make Vick worse. Same with Flacco. All of sudden his completion % will drop, he won't be throwing or striking on as many deep throws, and you will see Joe Flacco playing QB is not on a different level than Sanchez. Some QBs can go places and succeed in most areas. Flacco is not one of those QBs. He is better than Sanchez, but has had more talent on his team, currently has more talent on his team, and his play would drop when coming to this team. Flacco is a better QB, and is playing like a better one, but don't think he magically turns this team around. We probably lose the first MIA game with him but win the NE game with him and are stuck at 3-5 anyways

    And as stated before, the Ravens won playoff games with him throwing 4/10, 11/22, and 9/23. If Sanchez plays that bad, the Jets lose. Find me 3 games where Sanchez played as poorly and the Jets won. The Jets just never had that much talent around Sanchez. We need him to play well to win and he isn't consistent or good enough to play well on a consistent basis so we went 8-8 last year and probably are heading towards to 8-8 or 7-9 this year.
    #1553 displacedfan, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  14. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    1) you admit sanchez had better/as good recievers in 2009/2010. in those years flacco player significantly better then sanchez is every stat and metric imagineable

    2) i dont see how Boldin/Smith/Pitta is better then Holmes/Plax/Keller from last year. this year, sure. but last year is at least a push.
    on par? really? flacco is posting QB ratins in the 80's and 90's. sanchez is posting qb Ratins in the 70's and 80's. Flacco protects the ball. sanchez led the league in turnovers. how exactly is that on par?

    if flacoo is here we would be a better team. because he wouldnt turn it over nearly as much, and he wouldnt miss wide open guys as often, or throw it behind wide open guys as often
  15. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    this thread is going to end up almost as long as the 17a new stadium thread by the time this useless piece of quarterback is gone at the end of next year.

    and there will still be people apologizing for him. its amazing.
  16. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I think Boldin is > Holmes but slightly, Smith > Plax since Smith could stretch the field unlike Plax or Holmes and Smith could draw coverage away from Boldin which Plax could not do and Pitta all around > Keller but receiving slight nod to Keller.

    Yeah, Flacco gets rattled like Sanchez, you clearly didn't watch our Jets/Ravens matchups the last two years or the most recent Houston vs Baltimore game either. Flacco coming here would not make the team better over the course of a season. Brady, Manning x2, Ryan, Brees, Cutler (slightly), Big Ben, Schaub, Rodgers would make this team better. Remaining QBs would grade out to a one game change at most over the course of a season or worse.

    Flacco is what he is. A solid QB who looks better than he is because of his team around him. The Alex Smith effect if you want to call it that. Yes he is playing well, no he isn't good enough to carry that play over to a different team.

    Again he is better than Sanchez, but has the same struggles as Sanchez in his 5th year on a better team.

    21 43 147 48.8 3.42 15 1 2 45.4 L
    13 27 187 48.1 6.93 43 0 1 55.6 W
    13 29 103 44.8 3.55 22 0 1 39.9 L
    21 45 306 46.7 6.80 66 1 2 58.2 W
    22 42 232 52.4 5.52 40 1 1 66.8 L
    28 46 356 60.9 7.74 39 1 1 83.2 W
    28 41 328 68.3 8.00 26 1 1 90.3 L

    These are all games from both QBs this season. Look very similar. In fact the list is Flacco Flacco, Sanchez Sanchez, Flacco Flacco, Sanchez, (list looks much nicer in preview post)

    Flacco coming here and he posts stats like that, we are going to lose games still. Not really making the team better by coming here.

    End of the day Sanchez sucks, Flacco is not very good and is not making this team better. He's been on a very similar career path as Sanchez and same struggles as Sanchez. He has one more year of experience as Sanchez, but you wouldn't know it from watching him. He got put on a strong team that kept on staying strong. They didn't expect Flacco to make a jump and he really hasn't so but they are still a good team. Sanchez got put on a strong team, was expected to make a jump, he hasn't and now were are a mediocre team. We tried to guess that Sanchez was making a jump in his third year, but undercutting our offensive talent. Why? Maybe because we thought Sanchez was going to carry an offense? Why woudl we want to remove talent from a young QB, no idea. Why would we bank on Sanchez becoming elite after two year, no idea. Why we thought going away from the formula that got us into the playoffs twice would be a good move, no idea. It just doesn't make sense. The team took a gamble thinking Sanchez was going to become elite. That's a gamble you can't take, and now we are paying for it
    #1556 displacedfan, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  17. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    the point was that the defense couldnt hold shit in those big games.

    Against the COLTS when the JETS had the lead, D could stop Manning. The STEELERS, D couldnt tackle and when the JETS offense along with Sanchez and crew were cooking, the D couldnt stop Big Ben to force a final drive in which I believe if given the chance the JETS would of been in that SB because the STEELERS showed no sign of stopping the JETS in that point of the game.

    In 09 when it mattered Sanchez did what was needed. Not too hard to understand what he was saying at the end regarding 09 Sanchez.
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I remember most if not all Jets fans thinking if Sanchez got the ball back one more time in Pitt we were winning the game.

    I mean it all started because of our terrible GL execution and play calls in Pitt and Hunter supposedly tipping the plays. That game still gives me nightmares and Sanchez's arm was still going forward and how did we not stop that pass from Big Ben. We all knew they were throwing for the win, not running it out.
  19. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    This as well. It was only until late last season where some lost faith in Sanchez having the ball late in a game. How quickly people forget "Mr. Clutch."



    As for that game, yeah, I think it will always bother me. We had that sh!t for a JETS SB.
    #1559 mute, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  20. Pereiro16

    Pereiro16 Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Good post.
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