Quarterbacks lead. Tebow led. No matter what you say or do , you can not change that reality. he gave them a hard nose , run first , never say die identity at the QB position . There is a mountain of evidence that can prove that, you choose not to belive it. that's ok also.
Your right he did, but he also has a point. In this day in the NFL u need a QB that can put up a lot of points. A run first QB will not do that.
Some guys put up points fast, but turn the ball over. If you don't put up a lot of points, you can win if you don't turn it over. Tebow had some bad games where he turned it over a lot. But in many of the games they won, Tebow took good care of the ball. That had something to do with the success last year. Turnovers are momentum changing plays.
Less turnovers, sure. That was because the coaches didn't let him throw the ball. ..and besides, it also doesn't do a whole lot of good if you spend the entire game punting the ball away. They led the league in three and outs. Several games they had like 9 in a row. That kind of game only works if you have a defense shutting the other team down and winning on field position battles. It actually worked for a few games against mediocre offenses. Whenever we faced the Patriots or a team with an offense... it was over in the first half. I will agree that he didn't put the defense in harms way giving the other team the gall on his own 30, (even though he did turn the ball over in a few games.) But constant three and outs start to feel like turnovers after awhile... especially when our punt coverage wasn't what I'd call world class. Sometimes the ball ended up about 15-20 yards from where the ball was punted. You just can't keep having your defense trotting back there after about a 3 minute break following three and out after three and out.
The broncos were 13-24 in previous 3 seasons worth of games . A league worst during a 7-24 stretch You make It sound like Tebow took over as starter for the Patriots ( he should never have had 3 and outs!) It was a shit team, that's why they led the league in 3 and outs. It's laughable Broncos won the division Broncos won a playoff game From 13-24 give some credit Moe. and do not try and compare Orton having a better offense, Orton gave up the ball at the most inopportune times, he could have a much better 3 and out ratio and still lose you the game way beyond Tebow.
I see what you did there. Agreed with phaytal that the losing side is the one that resorts to name calling and then....you resort to namecalling. Bravo.
You call yourself a Tebow supporter, yes? Then why would being called a 'Tebowkistanis' be considered name calling? Back in the day, or even to this day, you can call me an Elwaykistanis, or a Daviskistanis, or a Sharpekistanis, and I will wear it like a badge of honor. I am the biggest Elway, Davis, Sharpe, R. Smith, McCaffery, Mecklenburg, D. Smith, Atwater, Griffith, Watson, Dumervil, Zimmerman, Clady, Foley, Jackson (both), Nattiel, Fletcher, Gradishar (though before my time) Miller, Bailey, etc, homer that has ever lived. Please, label me as such.
I see name calling as basically immature but since name calling is used so much by Tim detractors and has become enough of an issue to be the subject of comments, I looked for a comprehensive definition. The following is one of the definitions I found that seems to apply in most of the instances here; Name calling is a cognitive bias and a technique to promote propaganda. Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears or arouse positive prejudices with the intent that invoked fear (based on fearmongering tactics) or trust will encourage those that read, see or hear propaganda to construct a negative opinion, in respect to the former, or a positive opinion, with respect to the latter, about a person, group, or set of beliefs or ideas that the propagandist would wish the recipients to believe. The method is intended to provoke conclusions and actions about a matter apart from an impartial examinations of the facts of the matter. When this tactic is used instead of an argument, name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against an idea or belief, based upon its own merits, and becomes an argumentum ad hominem.
Having seen both up close, they are nothing alike. But, if you have a knowledge of insurgencies, which I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you do... I guess there is some logical tie-in. Though I would say technically they are more like NFL al-Qaeda. If Tebow fans wanted to replace the Jets front office and take over the team with a goal of starting Tebow, then they are more similar to the Taliban. If Tebow fans commit acts which try to strong-arm the Jets front office into starting Tebow, they are more like al-Qaeda.
Either way, what they have in common with those two insurgencies is that their ultimate goal is to put someone in power who is ridiculously unfit for the job.
Just so you know, NOT my words. I copied and pasted that definition. Link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_calling
You do not have a good grasp of the concepts. They are not both insurgencies. al-Qaeda is not an insurgency, it is a terrorist organization. They seek to influence the policies of existing organizations and/or delegitimize them in order for them to lose credibility, thus opening the path for another body to take power. For example, I want Tebow to start, therefore I attack civilians and say I will keep doing it until the Jets front office starts Tebow. The Taliban are in insurgency. They seek to overthrow the existing regime and take power for themselves. For example, I attack the Jets front office HQ and/or fanbase until the Jets FO collapses. Individuals from my group then become the new owner, GM, and coaching staff. Then we start Tebow. Completely different goals, though they at times utilize similar tactics to achieve success.
My bad. Does that somehow make Tebow a good quarterback? Because aside from a simple mistake in terminology, the spirit of my post holds true.
So people that want to see if Tebow can make it in the NFL have been elevated from Bible thumping idiots to insidious Islamic Insurgents? Some of you guys need to sit in a fire fight sometime and get a real grasp of the crap you throw out on the interwebs. In fact - please go down and sign up for military service - I guarantee that you will learn something valuable.
Cool story bro. This is one of those times where I say, "If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand". And that much is abundantly clear.
No, it does not provide evidence that Tebow is a good quarterback, nor was that the intention. The spirit of your post as it pertains to your personal perspective, does hold true, however. That, I will co-sign. Slap said that Tebow fans are like NFL Taliban. It wasn't a serious comment, but I saw it as an opportunity to be an annoying smartass.