These ass-jacks are, by far, among the marginal class of the larger minority in Denver. Even among those who were in favor of Manning, none bad-mouth Tebow. On the other hand, the opinion of Elway has been tainted, even among the long-time Bronco fans, for the way he handled Tebow.
This is the most full of shit post any Tetard has ever posted on this board and that's really saying something. Bronco fans who actually understand the game are happy the Tebow circus has left town. For the record, Elway gave Tebow his choice of destinations after he signed Manning and Elway held his tongue when Tebow wasn't man enough to admit he chose New York over his adoring swamp rats in Jacksonville. Only after John Fox and several others pointed this out did Team Tebow admit the truth. You don't know jackshit about Bronco fans or anything else. The only morons who blame Elway for vastly improving the team over the last two years are the ones stupid enough to believe Tebow has a future at QB in the NFL. Most overrated player in the NFL. Too goddamn funny and sooooo true.
Brady, Eli Mannng , Roddy White , Brian Urlacher , Ray Lewis , Troy Polomalu I think Tebow and Sanchez are in really good company , thanks for the heads up
What are you doing here again? I guess you and your boyfriend Phaytal just finished watching Brokeback Mountain?
Talk about Tebow all you want, but please do not disrespect members of our armed services. Intel or otherwise.
I don't get my kicks through protracted message board back and forth, but i'll suffer one more comment...... This is exhibit A for all those who will soon be wondering why Colorado was unable to pass the much needed marijuana-reform ballot initiative. You're f'n delusional. Elway is a used-up used car salesman. He can hardly tame the lies he wants to tell, as evidenced by the needless lie that Tebow in some way 'chose' where he wanted to play. And, the Broncos are hardly 'improved' - check back with us week 16. F'n delusional.
I think envy, in one way or another, has a lot to do with the results of that poll. I would add that embarrassment/shame at losing to one of the players on that poll might also figure into the voting.
I think it is more about players that think other players get too much attention and are over-hyped. I could actually say I might agree to some extent if that was the thought and focus of the poll. The list doesn't make much sense otherwise for a multitude of reasons.
I've responded 100 times to you're retarded claims. Yes, Tebow was a part of a team that went on a pretty nice winning streak last year. He did a few good things. He did a whole lot of awful things. In the end, he is no longer a Denver Bronco. Happy? None of that changes the fact that Tebow fucking sucks, and not one team wants him as their starter. Not one single team. You can post as many Tebow highlight videos as you want. You can post Ditka videos, and Parcells videos, and whatever other videos your little heart desires. The fact remains that Tebow is riding pine. There is a reason that he went from a 1st round pick to a low 4th round value in under 2 years despite his so called success in Denver. It's because he fucking sucks as a quarterback.
And this is exhibit A as to why the Tetards live in fantasyland. Even after Team Tebow was forced to tell the truth, his simple minded fans cling to a lie.
'Observe which side resorts to the most vociferous name-calling and you have identified the side with the weaker argument, and they know it.' - Charles R. Anderson
You and Slap are the queens of name calling. Remember all your posts making light of Tebow trying to save himself for marriage? How many times have one or both of you called Tebow fans "f******* idiots." You guys can dish it out but you can't take it. Don't act like you guys just innocently came over to this forum from Denver.
That's the friggin truth, right there. For all the values, charisma, and humbleness that these guys love about Tim Tebow... VERY FEW of them emulate it. Thou shalt not speaketh ill of the Tebow's abilities.