Aint this the truth. We have a loud mouth loose canon for a coach, is it any wonder his players say REALLY stupid things too? I'm embarrassed by this franchise. Lets see some of that TOEbasco sauce, sexy Rexy.
I'm more embarrassed by the fans of this franchise. How could any fan actually say crap like this. Loud mouth loose canon? Give me some loud mouth examples from this season, please. He's toned it down big time.
I miss the old rex, it's starting to come back out of him but we need to ee more. Not SB predictions but just the feisty leader of this team. Rex's players stay out of trouble off the field and are ferocious on it(most of the time), there's nothing wrong w/ that. He's the best thing to even happen to this franchise in my lifetime.
I don't know how Mike compares to Maurkice honestly because I haven't checked into Maurkice's play lately but I know that Mike has been playing well. I know at one point this season Mike was rated as the #2 or #3 center in the league by one of those sites that ranks players like PFF or Football Outsiders. He is very good at making a block and then getting to the second level and making more blocks
You may be one of the most pathetic Phins homers I have ever seen. And I'm registered at Finheaven, so i have seen the worst of the worst.
You can pretend like Solai isn't one of the most dominate NTs in the league if you wish, but I'm rewatching the game right now. In the first few drives alone he forced Sanchez into early, errant passes. He got into the backfield multiple times.
I wasn't really taking about the substance of your post. More like the masturbatory overtones it had. No wonder you hate junc. He must put you in your place all day long on that turd of a Dolphins forum.
Probably a lot more passes, like we did at the end of the 4th quarter when we matched down the field and scored a TD. Yeah, Mangold will be fine. If he can handle Wilfork, he can handle Soliai (spell it right please). It's when Soliai gets matched up one on one vs not Mangold he has to take advantage. Against Mangold, Mangold wins on most days
Look at the site you're posting on, and funny junc spends more time there than here can't blame him of course it's just spouting the "2 AFCG! Sanchez is a good QB" Something he should be preaching on here.
It's a sarcastic comment meant to have Jets fans call me on. Obviously they were smart enough to realize that. Hmmmmmm