Is tebow being used the right way??

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by NewYorkEveryThing, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. CervezaVerde

    CervezaVerde Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    On the first point, well, I guess these guys in the NFL coaching and front offices have some idea how to do their jobs... at least for the most part. So if I won't trust mine own eyes, I'll defer to them... oh, they happen to agree with me.

    On the second point, Tebow's "aw schucks" mentality is allowing him to see the field and make plays for the Jets. Its also winning over a number of non-Tebowner fans to his side so far as playing on the Jets.

    If some die hard Tebowners could just let him be and let the the Jets be... and just see what happens... everybody could be much happier together. Tebow is young enough that he could still pull it all together and have a great starting QB run from say, perhaps age 30-36. But in the meantime, he is on the field contributing like a good player. Just enjoy it if you are a huge Tebow fan.
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Well, if you understood what I said you would not have any hate towards the comment or "Tebowites". The comment, in fact, suggests that Tebow fans do not all think he is a great NFL QB. That is why I said he probably is better than Tebow supporters think he is.

    Cant win here. No matter what is said, it is taken as effusive Tebow praise.
  3. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    I agree with you. Tebow needs to be allowed to pass the ball often enough to keep the D honest. He's more accurate than most people think, especially on long bombs if anybody can get open quick enough. Right now the Jets put the ball in his hands to RUN, only to RUN, as if nobody knows that's what Tebow's gonna do. Like you said, these are basic plays and I don't know why they're not being used.
  4. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    Totally. I read between the lines of your post and got your subliminal messages. Tebow ... Hall of Fame ... Greatest ever ... LOLOLOL! You really can't win, ya know?
  5. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Yep, Tebow has been leaps and bounds better overall than Gabbert has, but I haven't seen a single person suggest that Gabbert should be playing in the CFL.

    If Gabbert keeps on his current performance track, it's very possible that at the end of the season the Jags realize they made a mistake in not trading for Tebow when they had the chance, and try again to make it happen.
  6. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Tebow is being used fine, the execution is just not there.

    Brad Smith was here in NY for 5 seasons and threw a grand total of 7 passes. Yet, he averaged close to 8 yards per carry in his career here... The precedent is there - the Tebow package can be successful without having him throw all the time.

    Most of the troubles are in blocking, as they aren't opening holes for him, but I will say when Smith was here there were times when he wasn't getting good looks either and he would make something out of nothing. I haven't seen that with Tebow as much in NY.
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Blaine Gabbert sucks big time. If he didn't play in JAX where nobody cares about football you'd hear all the same things about him not belonging in the NFL. If the Jets traded for him, like they did with Tebow, people on here would say he sucks horribly too, because he does.

    Just because people don't talk about him at all doesn't somehow mean they think he's good, or better than Tebow who everybody talks about.

    The reason people don't have this conversation about him is because everybody with eyes knows he sucks, where Tebow brings along a circus of followers who take every criticism to heart for him.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    If he were half of what his supporters believe, he'd already be a first ballot Hall of Famer... TODAY!!!

    I remember that time he beat up Magatron and Optimus Prime in an effort to play peace maker.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    You need to understand that what happened last year was a miraculous accident. The Broncos were a better team than they looked in the first quarter of the season. They were missing some impact players on defense and the offense was kind of lukewarm and so they lost 4 out of 5 at the start.

    Then they put Tebow in at the same time that they began to get back the starters on defense that they'd been missing. The offense had a few good drives the rest of the way but it was the defense winning games for them. Tebow actually cost the Broncos games last season.

    Yeah he was the guy at the end several times punching it across but the Broncos lost several games in which just minimal offensive competency would have won for them. Tebow was the single most incompetent piece of the offense in those games.

    Now the biggest factor is the Broncos just got very lucky last season. It is unusual to have that many games come down to one big drive at the end. The only reason the Broncos had that result is that the offense had been so incompetent so often earlier in those games. A great defense held the opponent in check so that Tebow could eventually get it done.

    That the defense managed to do that consistently without excellent overall personnel and that the Broncos managed to get the ball across the goal line several times was just highly fortunate for them. It's not a reproducible series of events. It's going to be decades before we see a run like that again.

    This Jets team has not really been competent in any phase on the offensive side of the ball. The talent is just not there. The defense is worse than what the Broncos put on the field when they finally got everybody back last season.

    The conditions that produced the miracle run last year just aren't there and in fact they look suspiciously likely to mitigate against that type of run and in fact in the other direction.

    I get that as a Tebow fan you guys really think that what he brings is transferable to the Jets. As a Jets fan I can tell you that even if it were it wouldn't happen. The Jets don't get lucky in that way.

    I could give you example after example of seemingly miraculous events that fell through for the Jets after a game or two but that would make this a 5 page post.
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Totally agree with everything you said.

    Nobody is saying Tebow did absolutely nothing. He found a way to get that last score when Orton was seemingly looking for new and creative ways to lose the game in those situations.

    However, there were several factors that happened during the turnaround.

    1. The Broncos were adjusting to a new system, took a few games when there was no offseason.

    2. The Broncos defense were finally playing against offenses they could actually stop. The guys they were facing weren't as good.

    3. As mentioned, some players were coming back. elvis Dumervil was injured all season a year ago, and got injured again in the first game.

    4. Von Miller making adjustments since he had only been in the league for like 5 minutes.

    5. Tebow finally moving the ball on last drives.

    6. A really whacky assed playbook that threw teams for a loop for awhile, but was eventually figured out and squashed.... as evidenced by the 1-4 record down the stretch, whcih ANYONE who actually watched the last 5 games could clearly see.

    7. Willis McGahee ALSO adding to the run game. We won a game where Tebow completed just 2 passes. Don't think that is happening without McGahee having a hell of a good year.

    8. Really freakish good luck. Chargers missing OT FG, Chicago RB running out of bounds and then fumbling in OT. A fumble sack against Miami in OT after an onside kick recovery. A timely pick 6 against the Jets that put them in position for that last drive. ...honestly, how long do people think we can rely on the ball bouncing our way all the time?


    Yet with all these things contributing, all some people want to point at is some sort of mystical aura of Tebow inspiring the team and leading them with General Pattonlike leadership.

    Then why isn't he someone's franchise player right now? Why doesn't ANYONE actually paid to evaluate these guys want to take a chance on him being what the Gator faithful and his army of zealots seem to think he is? I'll tell you why... It is because all that talk about him single handedly pulling the Broncos out of the fire is a load of horse shit. Some arre willing to hand him far too much credit for the turnaround when most not wasted on the kool-aid see that a lot of things went well, and at best he was just a part of that machine.

    Fact is, offensive production went down a lot after the switch. Saw more three and outs, a 23rd overall ranking, 25th in points scored.... and we won because for all but 2 of those wins, defense held teams to 15 points or less making it a 2 score game... and most of those were STILL won barely by the skin of their teeth. Give Tebow the same defensive production the Broncos had at just about ANY point in the last 4 years prior... he and his 18 points per game average would have had maybe 3 wins at best. The defense only played that well one other time in the last 3 years... and when that happened, Orton started the season 6-0. So don't be fooled that Tebow is something special here. I truly think Orton would have won the majority of those games last year too.
  11. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    That's correct.

    The whole argument made by the Tebow fans that he isn't being used correctly is more of the, "when Tebow wins, it's all Tebow, but when he loses, it's everybody else's fault." Apparently for Tebow for consistently gain more than three yards the entire offense has to convert to a spread option (everybody else's responsibility), the receivers have to be able to catch some passes to keep the D honest (WR/coaching responsibility), the O line has to give Tebow time to let the play break down but not result in a sack and/or create holes for him (O line's responsibility) and then, just maybe if the wind is blowing the right direction and the sun isn't too bright and enough people pray for him and there's not too many defenders rushing him, he can make something happen. It's never on Tebow to use his skills or "intangibles" to make the play happen.
  12. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    ^^^^ baseless hyperbole.
    #32 Backup QB, Oct 19, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  13. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Wow, what a bunch of baloney you have spinning around in your cranium.

    Here are the facts, short and sweet.

    Denver Broncos 18 games before Tebow~ 4-14 worst record in the NFL over that timespan.

    Denver Broncos with Tebow~8-5 AFC west division crown, first playoff appearance in 6 years, Playoff win over previous AFC champion.

    Denver Broncos after unloading Tebow for the great Peyton Manning~ 3-3.

    Twist it like a pretzel in your brain all you want, but that is the reality of the situation, and your pretzel logic can't change it.
  14. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Made up crap.

    the 12 supporters here only say he has a lot of potential and can help a team win.

    Its haters like you that make that up and say it.
  15. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Go away for two weeks... come back and glad to see the same arguments over and over!

    I see remarker got booted? anything else interesting happen other than the typical tebowmania stuff?
  16. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    doubt it... when the move to LA it wont make any sense. The only reason Jax would want him is if they cared to get a few thousand extra butts in the seats.
  17. dreamsfloatjoe

    dreamsfloatjoe New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    WELCOME HOME Jetsetter34! What's New, you ask. That would be New England, this Sundae, 4: pm EDST. This message board will be Sanchezational! :up:
  18. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    hahaha! Thanks for the very succinct update! :beer:
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    And you just proved his point. You have pre Tebow, Tebow, and post Tebow as your timeline. You don't acknowledge any other aspect of the team like the 52 other players or coaches. You don't acknowledge who they played, how they played, where they played, etc. You look at as a simple QB problem when it's a team sport.

    Example: Dolphins before Chad Pennington, 1-15. With Chad Pennington, 11-5, AFC East crown. After Chad Pennington, 7-9. Clearly Chad Pennington was the ONLY change and the MAIN reason for success? :breakdance:
  20. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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