will the Yanks try to trade Arod, even if they have to eat most of the salary, if they can get anything of worth in return? hard to imagine he could come back to the Yankees after being benched. or will Girardi take the fall?
i'm sorry fellas, they're officially HUCKLEFUCKED. A win tonight may well have changed things with the pitching lining up for the yanks in the next two games, but even so, they waited until the 9th inning of a 2-0 series and score against their ace and have really set themselves up for a serious need for vaseline when the tigers stick it in before it reaches back home to new york unfortunately. Can the Yanks score 3 or more runs tomorrow? The first 3 games proclaim no!!! Fuckin' pissed at this display of sub mediocrity. It's o.k. to lose , but it's not o.k. to not even crack 2 runs this series, biggest funk at the plate i've ever seen in my lifetime.
That worked out well Cashman (and Girardi), now didn't it? Today maybe you should start Chamberlain too.
I give the Yankess an A for effort. Brilliant managing by the genius team of Francesser, Joltin' Joe Girardio and Cashman. The team did not give up last night and even scored a run, an entire run, in the 9th inning.