Peter King on Jets Colts game and Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by CowboysFan, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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  2. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    You should have stuck with your first statement, Peter King is a douchebag.

    How can he literally say "yes its different positions, different jobs.. blah blah blah" When that IS your answer. Hilliard got more snaps because he was a starter (FB) on monday. Tebow got less because he was a back-up.

    The Jets aren't keeping Sanchez in there for "his confidence" this is the NFL. They are keeping him in there because its their best chance right now to win. When your offense is without its 3 top pass catchers (Holmes, Hill, Keller) you don't respond by benching your Starting QB.. Or by giving more plays to a guy who struggles MORE to complete passes.

    It would be like trading in your car for a bicycle after your boss requests that you have to work even far away from home than you have been...
  3. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    “Right now, in our opinion, Kyle [Orton] gives us the best chance to win.”

    John Fox, Sept. 26, 2011
  4. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Same argument, different day.

    Please enlighten us all as to why not one team was willing to make Tebow their starter. Even a team located in Tim's hometown that is essentially bankrupt, knowing that he would sell out stadiums, wouldn't bring him in to start in front of a second year Blaine Gabbert.

    I'm pretty sure it is your argument that completely falls apart. Yes, he has a winning record. Yes he was on a team that won a playoff game. Despite those facts that the Tebow club love to flash around, he is riding pine behind a shitty quarterback, and not one single team in the league wants him as their starter.

    Not one.

    Next you're going to tell me that the thousands of years of collective football knowledge throughout the entire NFL is wrong about Tim Tebow, and that you Skip Bayless or (insert random sports figure) are right about him. When you do, it will be difficult for me to contain my laughter.
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Wait- did Tim Tebow replace Kyle Orton and win some games in Denver? I've been living under a gigantic rock and I needed someone to tell me this again.

    Since the Denver situation last year is so incredibly similar to the Jets this year I say let's make the change! Good Call! Replacing Sanchez with Tebow will make these pathetic WRs all-Pros! He can even make Jason Hill catch passes! Oh Wait...
  6. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    ^^ You know this is exactly what they said in Denver last year, especially about DT who was also a WR from GT who was big, fast, and "had brick hands"

    W/E though we'll all see how this plays out.

    I thought Sanchez would shock the world last week and beat the Texans(almost did)

    For Sanchez's sake, I hope he doesn't shock the world and meltdown this week.
  7. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    You've got that part right atleast.
  8. BJXX

    BJXX New Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    Fox has had undeniable success in his coaching career. But he has never been any kind of offensive whiz. He can motivate and coach up some defense (like the majority of NFL coaches), and that's what wins, but that doesn't mean his offensive knowledge is anything spectacular, it's not.

    Tebow definitely has some glaring weaknesses, but I watched all his games as well and could see that he won some of those games IN SPITE of John Fox, not because of him.

    There are very few coaches that are strategist and evaluators of talent like Belichick. The rest are very conventional in that regard.
  9. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I agree with the part about him being brought over as a circus act.
  10. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    are you finally admitting that the "tebow army" is all made up and its literally just a few of us?

    As far as your comments on why he does not start its because its impossible to build a team around him. You would have to install a spread option read type offense that only tebow and perhaps 2 or 3 other QBs in the league can make work. So if you do do that and you start the season and Tebow goes down with an injury, who would replace him? That's why Tebow will probably never be a viable starter in the league, its too much investment with no safety net. Now will he start again? probably, will he wins games? yes. Can he make a quick run if he gets in the playoffs? potentially , but as far as someone going out of their way to get him and install him as a starter its a no go (for now, things change)

    He is a great football player that has had some real exciting moments he also has a limited set of passing skills . Unfortunately there is not another Tebow to be a back up. You would have to have a coach, OC, GM and owner willing to go all in (not 2 of the 4 or 3 of the 4 or just 1 of the 4 but all 4).
    #30 CowboysFan, Oct 12, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
  11. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    The Great Skeptic Pissing Contest:

    I am the bigger skeptic. Hell, after I heard all the noise about Emmitt Smith being a Herschel Walker type badass (I was busy in water ski competitions), I had to watch him 4 or 5 games before I became a believer. My opinion was, noone can be as good as that damn Herschel Walker (Ga.). And now we know Tim has more college rushing TDs than either of them.
  12. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Well said. You have helped me understand what the Tim deal is. I still like watching him play football and hope there is a coach somewhere that knows how to get the goody out of Tim. If that is done, there won't be an empty seat in the house.
  13. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He didn't turn the ball over cuz the coaches wouldn't let him throw the ball very often. And when they did, most of the time it wasn't catchable for receivers or WRs alike.

    ...and down the stretch for his last 4 or 5 games of the regular season, he was good for at least one fumble a game.

    Plus, you're not gonna get me to defend Orton. I merely pointed out his record when the defense holds teams to 15 points or less, that if a slug like Orton can do it, then what is so damn special about Tebow?

    I think they do with just about any starting QB in this league, and maybe even a few backups. his unique style threw some teams for a loop, I'll give him that. But when you look at his record and performance toward the end of the year, the league figured out NOT to blitz, run containment schemes, and NOT worry too much about him beating teams with his arm... and it worked quite well aside from a few hilights.

    I give him a little bit. Orton found new and creative ways to lose when the game is on the line with a final drive. Not that he saw too many of those, cuz when he played, defense was allowing an average of 28-30 points for the two years prior. When the defense didn't allow points... guess what? Orton starts a season 6-0 like he did in 2009.

    I just don't give Tebow as much credit as his groupies do. Think he gets far too much... but never said he should given none whatsoever.

    yep, they did, cuz they didn't want the games to be over in the 1st quarter. tebow's first 2 games, it was apparent he couldn't run a conventional offense. Fox was quoted as saying, "Enough of this crap!!!" Went to a run option in the third game against the Raiders, catching them napping. Worked for a few weeks as long as the defense faced offenses that were mediocre. Only needed 13-16 points to win, and that is about what they got.

    The 3 and outs came because of completing only 46% of passes, defenses not believing he could beat them throwing, and stacking the box running containment schemes with 9. Pittsburgh goofed when they took that too far and got beat, but for the most part it kept the Denver offense pretty much paralyzed for most of the games. The comebacks came when teams sat back in prevent and he had room to run and a LOT more time to think. Only one team kept doing what worked in the first 3 quarters... and that was Kansas City who beat us 7 to 3. We scored 3 points only because of a muffed punt recovery in FG range.
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Did you catch these comments from Bailey last week by any chance?

    (still need a couple more posts to be able to link it.)

    He was speaking about the last playoff game and the mentality of the team prior to that game....

    “I didn’t feel like there were 53 guys that thought we could win,” Bailey said. “And it showed.”

    So what’s different this time? Bailey suggested that replacing last year’s defensive coordinator, Dennis Allen, with Jack Del Rio was a step in the right direction. And although he didn’t mention them by name, he clearly believes that quarterback Peyton Manning gives the Broncos a better chance of beating the Patriots than Tim Tebow did.

    “Couple of different players here and there. Different coordinator. Different mentality,” Bailey said. “But I think last year, it was pretty obvious we didn’t put our best effort in that last game. It was real disappointing to get that far and not put forth 100 percent. But it is what it is, it’s in the past, and this is a different year, different breed of guys going in there.”

    So what happened to all that contagious "YES WE CAN!!" attitude go, especially after knocking Pittsburgh out?

    Check out some quotes from Thomas and some AFTER he was gone.

    I think the Tebowners have far overplayed the idea that he somehow inspired the team with happy thoughts and pixie dust, and they somehow couldn't have lived without it last year.

    I believe they liked the guy personally, as he's a very energetic and nice guy. A sweetheart off the field. Nobody said the players hated him.

    In fact, all I heard over the offseason from the players after getting Manning was that they were excited that they felt they had a chance, were getting a great leader, and were inspired.... I'm confused now, cuz weren't we told that this is what they ALREADY had last year?

    Meanwhile, Tebow was excited too. Excited, excitedly excited and really truly excitedly excited to be a Jet...
  15. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I think the special teams td skewed the opinion about Sanchez and the jets offense as a whole a bit. They put up 10 points and had a couple bad turnovers. Not the greatest night out.

    Personally, I think it was the worst possible scenario baring more injuries. The jets did "well" enough to not usher in change, but not well enough to win that game.
  16. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Has anyone checked the Kyle Orton record thing? I'm curious about that. He did play for the Bears who probably did it quite often.

    It wasn't all defense though. I also disagree with defense "bailing" him out. It wasn't like Tebow was throwing games and the defense was pick sixing to cancel it out. Tebow made plays to win games, but the reason he only needed a drive was because of that defense holding strong for 58 minutes. Someone has to make a stop for that offense to get the ball back, but it means nothing if the offense doesn't score.

    I don't think he will meltdown. It will be interesting how this offense looks against a not top 10 defense and with some pieces back (hill and keller hopefully)
  17. WestonJetson

    WestonJetson New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Cut him. Im sick of screwing around with the New York Jets. They deserve sanchize.
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    we are just going around in circles man, the only difference is that your argument use to be "he will never be an NFL QB" and after last year you had to change it , lets just disagree. did you catch what I posted about why he can not be a full time starter?
  19. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No, it seemed like Broncos gave up early against the Patriots. No question, watching the game -- they phone it in. I realize that goes against the idea of Tebow, but it was what it was. I think they outplayed their coverage beating Pittsburgh, and were ready to go home. It was very demoralizing for me, watching the players.
  20. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    I agree with Backup QB and prefer to trust my own eyes, wins & losses, and stats. Even YOU could call better plays than John Fox did - I have no idea why Denver hired the crappy coach that ran the Panthers into the ground. Then piled on some more crap this year by hiring the Jags loser coach. Are Sparano & Ryan much better? Based on the recent play calls they don't seem much better. So yeah, I think some of the guys in our forum are better "coaches" LOL. The NFL probably has the same # of elite coaches as there are elite QBs. The rest of the coaches round robin from team to team.

    I think it would be awesome if someone could use the South Park "Cash for Gold" song in a meme showing the coaches going from team to team to team LOL.

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