Looks like Cushing is falling forward over Slauson. Look where the helmet is. It looks like the head comes in front of Cushing even if the shoulder pads hit the side and back.
Ofcourse you don't think it was dirty. You are blind to ANYTHING negative with the Jets. FYI though. Slauzon is on OFFENSE...Cushing is on Defense, so this has NOTHING to do with teh jets playing physical Defense, and it was most certainly a dirty hit, thus the fine by the NFL. He should have been suspended. I am labeling him a dirty player because he is a dirty player. How can ANYONE who has scene the MANY gifs of the hit claim on ANY level that it WASN't DIRTY. It is SOOOOOOO FUNNY watching you Jets fans post yoru nonsense. You live in a world oblivious to reality, much like the motivational thread some tool created. There are only a few good posters on this entire board that are realists. You can still be a Jets fan, and be critical of teh team and its mistakes you know? Tell me again what Mark Sanchez has done to earn the starting QB job? Wow, there is so much class on this forum, its crazy. THAT is why you WILL NEVER be an elite football team. You don't have any "glory" days to RETURN to as you would have to have HAD GLORY DAYS to begin with.
So, explain the thinking here behind this statement for me. The Jets will never be an elite football team because the members of this forum who post here have no class? Is that what you are trying to say?
Sort of. I am implying that the Jets as an organization have NO CLASS and that their FANS as a whole(not all of you obviously) have NO CLASS. With the dirty Slauzon hit, lack of talent in your FO, and deciding to retain the services of Mark Sanchez as your STARTING QB, despite his god awful career numbers and as a result of all the things mentioned, the New York Jets will never become elite, nor do they have any shot at all of making the post season this year.
I believe I was actually. I also grew up with Asbestos and a lot of lead paint. Why do you think I gravitate towards the Jets forums when I am a Patriots fan?
This is just an all around terrible post. The Jets have talked a lot in the media but they have never been a dirty team. Our fans have no class now? Why what happened? Our front office isn't talented? What does that even mean. Tannenbaum's 40 time isn't good enough. Sanchez is and was a young developing QB we should have abandoned him and wasted more effort and picks on a new QB? I bet you would have told the 49ers to do that with Alex Smith. Not all QBs are a star right away look at Brees and Eli. Basically your opinions are bad and you should bad.
U mad? I think we know all of the problems of this team. Slauson did not come from DIRECTLY behind, and only he knows the thought process he went though before and during the hit. A player making one questionable play doesnt automatically label him dirty. Btw pretty ironic youre calling us classless, because your post was just FULL of class.
The players AND COACHES trash talking in the media, AND predicting Super Bowl wins shows no class. I said the fans have no class because of the MANY posts I see on this very forum where retarded fans are wishing for injury to other NFL players. that= NO CLASS FO has no talent in terms of scouting or player acquisition, or draft management. I didn't think I would have to spell it out for you too. Apparently I need to re-define you with the word moron to better suit your intellect level. Alex Smith has far better career stats than Mark Sanchez. Are you TRYING TO PROVE MY POINT FOR ME? What do you mean by "Basically your opinions are bad and you should bad" Is that even English? Now let's go have a god damn snack!!!
Alex Smith was awful until last year. How is being confident classless? Saying we aim to win a superbowl this year and expect to do so isn't classless. Its overconfidence. Just admit you hate the Jets no matter what they do and leave. The FO has scouted and drafted plenty of great players we just have had far less picks over the years. We went all in to win in 2010 and are suffering because of that. How about the Patriots AWFUL drafting over the years to the point they had the worst Defense in football last year. If you didn't have the best QB in football you wouldn't be overlooking that. Apparently when the Patriots talk trash in the media its not classless but if the Jets say anything it is. Also the last thing I said is a meme. Seeing as how you type and spell like a 14 year old I figured you would recognize it.
Jesus Christ. Do you even know what a proper cut block is? Cut block should be applied on the PLAYSIDE LEG. That is, if Slauson wanted to cut Cushing, he should have cut the RIGHT leg. It was a dirty hit - the MOMENTUM will carry from the behind, and it does not come from the front (which makes it a hit from behind.) You keep saying "Helmet hit the front of the leg so it is a frontal hit." but that's a fucking GARBAGE argument. Ok? http://www.ehow.com/video_4459175_make-cut-block-lineman-linebacker.html Watch how high school kids learn to cut block and educate yourself. (If you did watch the clip, you would easily realize that what Slauson did was exactly the very first thing the coach said NOT to do.) And, for the last time, if the hit came from the front, Cushing would have fallen ON HIS FACE. Not on his ASS. Try to cut block your brother and see how that goes, for real. Sheesh!
After looking it over, the NFL deemed it an illegal peel block and fined Slauson $10k for violating Rule 12, Section 2, Article 4, which provides "a player who is aligned inside the tackle box when the ball is snapped who moves outside the tackle box cannot make contact on the side or below the waist of an opponent if he is moving toward his own end line." Good enough for me - The fact that his helmet is in front is irrelevant and I don't understand why anyone is arguing with you. Time to move on.
You are probably right about the moving on part. But IMHO, Zach has it right and does a great job proving his point. It was a dirty play, of that I have no question. Whether Slauson is a dirty player, would depend on how often it happens. I don't recall Slauson being mentioned before for this kind of play. You can commit a dirty play without being a dirty player because at the speed they play the game, shit happens. I don't know how Jet fans can defend it as an individual play, given how you KNOW you'd react if the player injured had been wearing green. Personally I think it was an out and out clip, and the NFL just complicated it with their overly detailed description. But the punishment was about right
Agree with this post 100%. 1 bad decision doesn't make a player, who has been outspoken about dirty play before, a dirty player. This was a dirty play and no matter what you want to say about the Jets they are not a dirty team. They say dumb things to the media from time to time but Rex loves this game and respects this game and its players more than anything. He's not the kind of coach who would allow dirty play.
You're right. I'd be pissed if someone did that to Harris. It's tough to categorize Slauson as a dirty player since this is his first fine that I'm aware of, but people are free to judge all they want. While judging though, contrast Slauson's fine history with that of Wilfork, who has been fined at least 7 times since 2007. IMO, Wilfork's record plainly establishes him as a dirty player. NOW can we move on?
it was a legal play, and that is why it can be defended. this is speculation of course, but had Cushing not been injured nobody would have ever replayed the play and Slauson would not have been fined. the problem is that nobody should ever be blocking a player at the knees. all blocks should be from the waist up.
Hello Mr. Troll. Interesting that you would take a post about 1 hit Slauson made, and turn it into a rant on the front office and Mark Sanchez. Classless? Look in the mirror you must.