I went with the true form to the question and didnt "opt out" by saying no one, which is probably the best play at this point. I said TO just for the fact his productivity on his first season with each team is fairly good. His drop off begins in year 2-3, if given that many. Ocho becomes more of a media tool, which actually couldn't hurt as it may take some attention away from the QB's. Plax? Well, we all have heard teh issue there. I actually feel developing Hill and Keller will be good fro the future of the team. If there were any different WR's with a productive history available, I would probably consider them before these 3 as well.
After houston's game i'm feeling ok about our receiving core, chaz looks like a nice surprise, stephen hill needs to stop dropping balls but he has the potential, kerley had a big game and i look forward to see more from him But even then we still need a #1 receiver, so hell, why not sign ocho? it's not like he had a shot at miami at all I don't know about owens, he's a HOF but he's the oldest and we all know about his behavior, this team can't take anymore of that Plaxico was good last year, but IF s.hill lives up to his potential we will have a red zone target
I'm starting to wonder if we need to sign one of T.O./Ocho just to help out Sanchez. Even if this team isnt a playoff team Sanchez is most likely going to be our QB next year, he needs to get better. Thats not going to happen with this current WR corps. The Jets need to give Sanchez confidence. I dont care about letting the "young guys play" when the young guys suck. Kerley has potential as a slot receiver and Stephen Hill has freakish ability, but he's unproven. I could care less about Chaz Schillens, Jason Hill, and Clyde Gates. These guys are rejects for a reason. They aren't any good. I dont care about getting them playing time. Maybe T.O. or Ocho could get open and help Sanchez out, and lets face it Sanchezs' development is the key here, especially if this season goes downhill and we are looking towards next year. We need a guy Sanchez can depend on. It was Holmes but he's gone now. Keller will help but thats not enough. I dont know if T.O. or Ocho have anything left in the tank but if they do it might be worth a look, just to help Sanchez out. I can't see T.O. really being a problem in the locker room at this point in his career.
Yeah we weren't interested in Peyton either hunh?...... People always say this but he was an ideal player on and off the field his last few seasons in the league. YES, he was a problematic player that used the media as his own personal forum and was bad for a locker room. BUT, in Buffalo and in Cinci players kept talking about how he was a rolemodel type of guy and a real team player. The only thing I ever heard bad about him in those years was him tweeting once, they talked to him about it and that was it.
Oh, one more thing. I wanted to talk about these other options that were posted on here for whatever reason. Plax is done, he should never play football ever again. His legs are toast and he can't create separation on the worst CB's in the league. Ocho has some serious mental problems and honestly I think he would be bad in the locker room and on the field. Besides, who's to say if he can even play after the head butting incident, surely he would be suspended.
I would vote for Plax, he really came through in the zone last year. Ocho is dealing with some legal difficulties IIRC, I could see the NFL banning him for a while once it is resolved in court. TO, I dunno....risky.
Don't put it past the Jets to do it, remember they were the only ones who traded for Tebow when no else wanted this circus.
I voted Plax because I think the only thing Plax did was question Mark's ability. And if you don't do that yourself something is wrong.
Tebow have nothing to do of what he was saying.hes talking plax, t.o, tebow have nothing in this conversation. Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Plaxico was a big part of why the locker room was so bad last season the fact that people still want to bring this guy back for this lost cause of a season just validates their stupidity. bringing him back would probably ruin Mark's head for good (if it isn't already permanently fucked with)
yeah, sorry if i didn't make it clear "stephen hill showed a lot of potential"...in week 1 "he needs to stop dropping balls"...like in week 2 and 3
Again, Ocho being "young" was in reference to the other two on this poll. NOT in relation to his actual age.
June19, I think what FreeMcneil is trying to say is that Manish Mehta, who says that "the Jets have said they don't have interest", is wrong. The Jet organization, along with any other football organization, is not going to let on to the fact that they are interested in signing a specific player. Rex never ruled it out, btw. Furthermore, FreeMcneil is saying that the Jets signed Tim Tebow, and that turned into a media frenzy. So don't for a second think that they won't sign TO, or either of the other two.