Tebow at RB

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by endydee, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. endydee

    endydee Active Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    If all these people are clamoring for Tebow to start then why not make him a RB? I know he wants to pay QB, but fuck that. He gets paid to play football, and he is an excellent athlete and runner. That is why the Jets traded for him. He supposedly was a better athlete than they could have drafted in the fourth round. Unfortunately, his throwing is subpar so making him the starting QB is ridiculous. But he sure could bolster the running game I think.
  2. WildDuckCT

    WildDuckCT Active Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    I can see him as an immediate upgrade over Conner/Reuland at the FB/TE position, allowing Keller, when back on the field, to concentrate on getting open. The guy is a monster at 250 lbs. He can block, and can run straight ahead thru a pile of bodies. And he is a great football player. No one disputes that.
  3. Jon_Snow

    Jon_Snow New Member

    Aug 22, 2012
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    It's debatable how good of a RB he would be. Running as a QB is different than as RB. Tebow lacks the qualities that a RB needs to succeed, to be quick, illusive, hold on to the ball, and avoid direct hits. I'm not even sure about how well he can block. He also doesn't seem that good at catching. Besides all that I think the only reason he agreed to come here is we promised to use him as a QB. In general I think the average fan doesn't understand what really goes into playing a certain position and being able to play it well on the NFL level. I'd assume the coaching staff has thought of it too but may know better.
    #3 Jon_Snow, Oct 6, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2012
  4. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Running as a RB is WAY different than running as a QB. As a QB you have an option to pass, whether its throw it away or at someone, if everyone is covered and you see a gap you run. As a RB you get the ball and you run without standing behind the like for a couple seconds. Also, he's too slow and has fumbling problems. FB or TE could work especially if he learns to catch. Him and Hill should get together to practice catching, throw Cumberland in there too since Keller might be out with the season ending Hamstring injury.
  5. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    I'd love to see Tebow on the field more in a REAL role...not necessarily QB, but get his hands on the ball 10-15 times a game.

    Belicheck uses Hernandez lined up along side or just behind Brady a lot. I'd like to see Tebow in some of this role with Sanchez.

    We know Tebow is good size and solid muscle, and we saw him take out 2 speed rushers last week in a blocking roll so his blocking in the backfield would probably be one of the better blockers on the roster. Plus this is his roll on 'personal protector' on punts. But...Tebow may let a speed rusher through just to get Sanchez killed!

    While his running as a RB would be different than running as a QB, there ARE ways to make it work. Tosses, laterals, screens, passes in the flat (if he can catch the ball with the back of his helmet!), and so on. A RB such as Tebow would not have to line up and pound the ball up the middle on every snap (ala Shonne Greene).

    Plus using Tebow as a RB will make the half back pass option a REAL threat we could use once or twice a game, not once or twice a season.

    Either way, the spirit of the OP is that our running game sucks, we have 250 pounds of top RB talent in Tebow on the bench 80% of the snaps, so what the hell......design some plays for him. Certainly can't hurt.
  6. bobaru

    bobaru Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Yep. Let's put Sanchez in the defensive backfield while we're at it. He knows exactly how and where DB's like to play- as evidenced by his ability to find them on every throw.

    Look, not calling anyone dumb, but this is a dumb idea. Tebow is fine q-back, with a range of talents that, at the q-back position, compliment each other very well. He doesn't do any one thing great- but, he does, together, a number of things very well.

    You will be pleasantly surprised, if you are now a doubting Thomas. Before you let the talking heads make up your mind for you, just wait it out and support your team. No need to beat yourself up over Tebow as a q-back.

    The Jets (coaches and fans) simply need to commit- and, let the chips fall where they may. This shit we've seen so far, is the worst of both world's. Not good forChez or Tebow. Not good for the Jets.

    If the committment falls to Tebow, then perhaps we'll see better use. But, don't judge based on the limited crap you've seen and heard so far with the Jets.
  7. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    When they use him as a QB, Instead of him just bruising right up the middle they should use the spread option. Will work better.
  8. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    If you're content to sit back and wait and see what plays out, then why are you even on a discussion board?
  9. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Because then they would know hes gonna run it right up the middle...oh wait
  10. bobaru

    bobaru Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Fair enough, but i'm not the one's racking my brain about Tebow (trying to find a position for which he does not play). Along this line, i engaged in the discussion and answered the OP's question: why not start Tebowin the backfield?

    First, because he's a q-back. You don't start him at full/half/running back for the same reason ya don't start Chez as a DB (simply because he seems to knows DB's better than WR's).

    Second, and more important, Tebow is effective as a runner and a passer, only because he is equally talented at playing both from the q-back position. Again, he has a full range of talents that, when utilized from the q-back position, are extremely effective (despite the crap the coaches have talked up and failed to deliver in very limited play, with limited committment). He's not great at any onething, but, collectively, his talents are very good.

    So, while i am content with Tebow, i join in the discussion with the hope that many of you will excercise a little more consideration than what you're spoon-fed from the coaches and the media; and with the hope for a little more consideration (hell, even patience) you might also excercise a little more discretion before asking dumb questions like: why not play Tebow at full/half/running back?
  11. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you have to change your entire offense for that.

    which is why tebow should run the cat at least two series per game, and mcelroy should start.

    sanchez is NOT the answer!
  12. bobaru

    bobaru Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Honestly, you have to adjust (in any team environment) to the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. This would be the same for Mic-Elroy, as much as Tebow (granted, the offense, in the case of Tebow, should consider that he will be able to utlize additional running skills-which could simply mean designing plays that allow for Tebow to extend plays with his legs when things break down, such as bootlegs, rolling pockets).

    In any event, play one or the other. If it's Sanchez- committ with Sanchez. Same for Mic-Elroy. Or Tebow. Otherwise, this is just a half-assed cluster-fuck.
  13. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    If Sanchez got his chest caved in by some random linebacker along the sidelines and Rex brought in some Rookie QB named Tom Brady in THIS offense (zero running game, zero receivers, zero tight ends) you'd all be calling for punk-ass Brady to get cut/traded and for Rex to get fired!
  14. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I think we are going to see them run him out there as a QB on short yardage, goalline and two point situations to do what we know he is already good at: run the read option and get some hard yards.
  15. WildDuckCT

    WildDuckCT Active Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    i think this is what most of us thought coming out of the preseason. The fact that he's been used very minimally as nothing other than a decoy is ludicrous. He's a 250 lb football player who is not being used for anything other than a mascot. Now with Revis and Tone gone, let's at least see what he can do playing somewhere.
  16. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    he is nowhere near an upgrade at FB. He isnt quick enough and he really isnt very fast. I think he ran a 4.76 or something like that at the combine. He is a great RB for a QB. other than no. he will get hurt playing rb.
  17. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    ALL RBs get hurt playing RB. That doesn't mean they're no good.

    Tebow isn't a scatback, but he can be the guy who gets you that tough 2-yds on 3rd & 2. He's thrown a few good blocks as well.

    If you're talking about Timmy as a FB - I think he fits that even better. FBs aren't really supposed to be speed guys. They're big, tough players who can block to protect the passer or take the ball and punch a hole thru the middle for a critical 1st down.

    As a receiver, he's not very good. But there's lots of TEs/RBs/FBs in the NFL who help their teams without catching the ball...
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Who is clamoring for him to start ? I would love to see him on the field every play at any position.
  19. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    you just described shonn greene
  20. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He's got the quickness, the elusiveness, the ability to avoid direct hits. His biggest lack would be open field speed -- he doesn't really have a second gear where he opens up like a gazelle. He has an amazing 10 yard split, shuttle time, and 3 cone (he tests out like an amazing RB), but at 6'3" and 250 lbs. he's a little tall and heavy -- hurts in the blazing speed department.

    As for any other skill besides running the ball (blocking, running routes, catching) -- he's never done that. It's hard to imagine doing it for the first time in his life at the pro level, and not taking quite a while to see if he can learn how.

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