should be starting? they hardly see any playing time. C'mon Rex, this pass rush isn't effective. change it up.
If Ryan thought they were good enough they would be starting..learning his defense idn't an overnight drill you know.
Coples played 41 out of around 70 possible defensive snaps last week. Mo Wilk almost never comes off the field. Everyone else rotates. Cutting Marcus Dixon before last weeks game opened up more playing time for Coples. From here on out, I bet he's getting the 2nd most snaps on the DL. Football Outsiders has a nice snap count feature now: EDIT: For some reason, Mike DeVito is listed at OL on their snap count table.
Coples yes, Davis - I don't know. Need to see more of him. Our starting d-line is absolutely miserable in creating any sort of pass rush on early downs. I think Coples would help a lot in that department.
Demario Davis? You mean the next Ray Lewis? Joke. Another example of Ryan's complete inability to judge talent (see John Connor and Kyle Wilson for other examples of Rex's ridiculous affection) A good judge of toes, but even that's in dispute.
Ryan said he saw a lot of Lewis-like leadership in Davis. That was the ONLY comparison he made. Being the negative troll that you are you of course left that part out.
Coples looked good last week. Davis made some tackles on spec teams. Time to see what Davis can do at LB against the run, no one else is stepping up.
The last bastion of message board cowardice... Calling someone a troll because they post a valid opinion you disagree with. When Rex mentioned Demario and Lewis in the same sentence, he was indeed making a comparison. There are plenty of players who have leadership skills but when you compare a linebacker to a world class linebacker, you are trying to conjure a vision in the head of anyone listening. Now go back to the original point of the post and defend Ryan's ability to judge talent.
Believe me, I took a good long look at your post history before I responded. My response had nothing to do with you disagreeing with me. In this case, you were either trying to get a reaction by saying Rex said something he actually didn't, or you're not smart enough to understand the difference between a complete comparison of players and a comparison of one trait. I'm 95% sure you were just trying to get a reaction.
Bzzzt...w.r.o.n.g...u trollin, u hatin, u not likin gettin called out. The innuendo may have been for the mediots and their loyal sheep. But taken at his word, he said the dude has Lewis-like leadership qualities. Nobody in their right mind is equating the talent. D-line is where Rex shines...kinda the defensive foil to Mangini, who had a great eye for D-backfield talent (no surprise since he was the d-back coach in beantown), but lacked in his estimation of the big uglies. See Kenyon Martin or Kris Jenkins. Rex appears to have the opposite problem. He's made an overachiever out of DeVito and to a lesser extent Pouha, saw the potential and helped make UDFA Bart Scott into a star, brought in supersolid Mo' and the jury is still out on Coples so we'll see about that. But Kyle Wilson? Eric Smith? meh And offense...fugeddaboudit
Valid opinions do not contain blatant lies. You suggested Rex said that Demario was the next Ray Lewis. That is 100% false as he was referring to how he was talking to guys in the locker room and his work ethic, not his skills as a player. You are one of the clown ass fans that doesn't watch press conferences, only reads media quote mines and runs with whatever bullshit story the media makes about it. Seriously, the Jets don't need "fans" like you. Find something more productive and enjoyable to do with your life. Clearly being a Jets fan isn't for you.
Come on bro... you were looking for a reaction. You left out a key part of Rex's quote. I'm not going to debate your point about Rex's ability to judge talent because I'm singing the same tune but Rex never said anything as far as Davis's playing ability to Lewis.
Don't be an ass. He never said anything about Davis playing like Lewis. Ryan spent enough time with him to know there is only 1 Ray Lewis. Don't pick and chose part of his quote to try and make him look bad that is the real cowardly thing to do. Theres nothing wrong with comparing a small part of a player with a world class player. You complaining about this is the equivalent of complaining about saying Hill has similiar size and speed to Randy Moss.
You guys can defend Rex and his loudmouth proclamations as much as you like but there's no doubt his blowhard routine has gotten old. There is still not one person who has defended his ability to judge talent. And, yes, of course you post comments to get a reaction, either in support or in opposition. Nobody posts hoping to be ignored. You all know you hurry back to the board to check on responses to your posts.