Attitude Adjustment

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TwoHeadedMonster, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. yahoo

    yahoo Banned

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Jets need a visit from a dominatrix. Whip em into shape
  2. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    If you came to a Jets MB to get cheered up, you are as delusional as Rex is.

    I'm disgusted and fed up with this team, and you aren't happy about that. I was already down on Ryan, his disgusting internet foot fetish videos and his clownish persona. When they got Tebow, I wanted MY Jets back. Not THIS circus, not this bad joke.

    I want the Jets to get their asses kicked on Monday night. The nation's football fans already know we are a joke. The worse it gets, the sooner we can jettison (see avatar please) this plane crash and bury it in the crater along with Ryan, Tannenbaum, the scouting staff and this career backup QB they traded up for.

    I want the number one draft pick. I want a new GM, a new CS and a new owner, but being a realist, this idiot owner is going nowhere. He's in too deep on this crappy new stadium in the wrong state with it's PSLs.

    A two win season is what I'm hoping for. Well, not the utter embarrassment of a two win season, but what it would do for the future of this team. I'm pretty used to being embarrassed as a fan of this team. From Namath to Ryan.... they just continue to embarrass us. What's one more embarrassment? I'll take it if it means a house cleaning.
  3. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Some people are so pathetic on this board it's not even funny.

    Rex Ryan comes to this team and takes us to two AFC Championship games in just three years and puts our defense at a point where the league feared them every time they stepped on the field. Everyone absolutely loved him then. Now everyone hates the guy and wants him gone? It really is sad to see this from our fans. I live in Miami and this is Dolphin fan bullshit that some people here are pulling.

    OP is exactly right. We have the talent, they just do not know how to use them. We may not be able to get back to our glory days back in 09 and 10, but how many teams have downgraded this year? Saints are 0-4. Pats are 2-2. Steelers are 1-2. San Fran is 2-2. I mean, come on! We are 2-2 right now and 2-0 in the division, yet everyone here is acting like we just gave up our entire season. It's week 5 right now, not 14. We had one terrible loss and now we completely suck?

    Our defense has been poor lately, but that isn't because of a lack of talent. That's because the talent stands on the sideline. We are struggling for a pass rush, yet Coples and Maybin are drinking gatorade while watching the entire game. Ellis has been a force in preseason, now he rarely plays. Davis looks like a promising pick, has the speed, yet rides the pine as well. Revis is out, but we went ahead and signed someone who damn well is better than Wilson right now, so that was an upgrade. We fixed our safety issue. I mean, people are acting like we are 0-4 right now headed for a winless season LOL

    Tebow blows a huge dick at QB, yet people want him starting. Really? We need to utilize his playmaking ability somewhere else. TE would be awesome, even FB. Powell needs to take the carries and Hilliard can be a good pick up if they use him correctly. We FINALLY have a young receiving core that Sanchez can grow with, yet now everyone is complaining?! I thought you were complaining when every receiver was a FA brought in for a year and then was gone.

    People really need to re-evalutate their opinions before posting. Post your shit when we are completely out of this thing. Right now, we had a terrible loss that we can rebound from. We beat Houston, and everyone will be in joy. Back to their two faced selves. We have a big game on Monday night. Shut up and root for your beloved Jets. If they have any love for this game, they will figure out a way to pull this win out.

    Oh and by the way, Arizona was undefeated going into St. Louis yesterday. They put up 3 points with zero running game and no offensive line what-so-ever. At one point Kolb hadn't completed a pass in over 12 attempts. I guess they should call it over as well. I mean, how could a team rebound from that?! Undefeated Cardinals went and lost to St. Louis?! It can't be!?!

    Any team can win on any given day.
    #23 Falco21, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  4. DMSMaven

    DMSMaven Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    100% Agree .... Well said
  5. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree. But the fanbase dictates how many people show up to watch the games, buy the food, the beer and the swag, and factors into the monetary value of a franchise. So in that respect, the decisions of a Owner/FO might well take into account the reaction of their fanbase. Not to say that determines who plays or not but with an Owner who is as PR conscious as Woody Johnson is, fan reaction certainly does count as much as those PSL/Ticket sales (Or lack thereof).
    #25 Cman68, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2012
  6. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    We have the talent? Where? On the sideline? I don't agree, but if you are correct, all the more reason to get rid of Ryan... however, despite my desire for change, I do think he knows Maybin is a border line NFL player who was cut outright by Buffalo and Ryan is a better talent evaluator than you are. He just doesn't have a better player for the roster spot. Coples smells liuke another draft bust to me.

    What talent? Revis was all world, other than that there isn't a dominant player on the D. Landy is a big hitter but makes a ton of coverage mistakes... and despite his rep, he's missing arm tackles too.

    2-2 means nothing. The Cardinals got off to a lucky start. They are a bad team with a worse O line than we have.

    You think we have talent of offense? Mangold and Brick have NOT performed well. Moore is old and the O line sucks, it can't run block at all. Holmes wasn't all that, and even the Vegas line of 7 1/2 shows that the loss of Holmes means little.

    Talent? At QB? LMAO. At RB? Spitting up blood from laughing too hard. At WR? Kerley and Schillens? TE?

    We are near last in run D and run O. In the entire f'n league.

    You think it's all going to turn around against the best team in the NFL?

    Take your own advice... think your opinion through before posting.
  7. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Can't root against my own team! I want us to stun everyone and beat the Texans. I also want Sanchez benched when he pulls that Sad Sack shit. Also Shonn, if you want a contract next year keep your head up and look for a hole and then run through it not fall.

    Go JETS!!!!!
  8. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    If this season is a total collapse it still will not be a failure. WFH is gone!
    I'm still hoping the Jets come out and stomp the Texans, and I'm hoping Rex EARNS the right to hang around here for a very long time.
  9. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    I think if the Jets give Tebow a chance to play and he shows *anything* the defense will be inspired to play hard and make it into a game. I don't endorse it but I can understand how the defense can give up when they see the same tired script from sanchez game after game that gives them no chance to win no matter how well the defense plays.
  10. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    One thing I've learned from being on sports message boards is that it's always loudest after a loss but pretty quiet after a win.

    Once we beat the Texans (for we will beat them), hopefully there can be more productive discussions than 'GO 2-14, NUMBER 1 DRAFT PICK' or 'FIRE EVERYONE WEARING A JETS UNIFORM' or some such nonsense.

    I'm looking for Sanchez to make a statement game here. It's his last chance, and all eyes will be watching.
  11. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The bold, no. Are you serious about Coples? Except for you wanting him to be a bust, nothing has shown it. When he has played he has been solid for a rookie.
  12. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I love how people blame Tebow when he has barely even been on the field. Blame Sanchez cuz he sucks. Wait until Tebow starts a few games before saying he sucks. He hasn't earned that distinction yet unlike Sanchize.
  13. b.reyes16

    b.reyes16 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    What the hell do you want him to say?

    "I'm really feeling the pressure, it's getting to me, cut-trade Tebow."

    You should want him to be confident in his ability and job security unless you are just here for the Tebow crap.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez hasn't been the same since the helmet-to-helmet hit by Timmons. I really think the odds are pretty good that was the David Carr moment for him. He was great on the first drive against the Steelers, BTW, that's the elephant in the room here. Great first game against the Bills, great first drive against the Steelers, took a hard shot to the head and hasn't been the same since then.

    The talent around him is not good but if he's at the point now where he's hearing footsteps on every play the talent around him doesn't matter much. I'll be watching Monday night and hoping to see him throwing the ball away at about the 3-second mark on the plays when nobody is open, of which there will be many. If he's rushing early passes before his WR's are ready and tucking the ball down and trying to run with it then he's in David Carr land instead.
  15. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    On Monday I will start getting sunny about the Texans game. I really...really think its the perfect trap game and that we can win it.

    But for now I cant overlook the things that need to be improved.
  16. Leicester Jet

    Leicester Jet Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I hope it is his last chance but I doubt it - who else do we have? The management clearly have no confidence in Tebow and I can't see them starting a third string QB at this stage of the season.

    I have given Sanchez the beneifit of the doubt for 4 seasons but now it has to be said that he is a below average, underperforming NFL QB.

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