Attitude Adjustment

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TwoHeadedMonster, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Between Woody being brain damaged, Sanchez/Tebow accomplishing nothing since the final whistle blew in Buffalo week 1, the D loosing the ability to even pretend to tackle, Hill and Keller being continuously absent, Coples and Davis never getting on the field, and the loss of Revis and Holmes--I was starting to get depressed about my beloved J-E-T-S.

    Then I came to TGG to get cheered up (WTF was I smoking when I made that decision anyway?) and I see a bunch of word-vomiting about how we need to sign one of the various brain-damaged, old, cancerous FA Wideouts that have proven they're beyond useless (i.e. Johnson, Plax, T.O., etc.). Or how Sanchez is the 30th ranked QB so we need to start Tebow, who is the only QB on the roster we KNOW will have worse stats. Is the logic there that if Tebow is at the bottom of the list, then at least we can say Sanchez isn't the worst????

    At any rate, we, as fans, need to get it together and have an attitude adjustment, just like the team does. Look at the good things: WFH is gone! We actually have a serviceable player at RT! There is no reason now that the coaching staff should keep our young talent off the field: Kerley, Coples, Davis, Bush, Vlad, Powell, McKnight, Wilson, Ellis, etc, should get some actual playing time so we can see if they're actually worth a damn. Guys play differently when they're out there every snap than they do when they show up for every 8th snap, and it's time for us to find out what we have here. To me, that's reason for excitement about this team.

    This kid Tebow has some athetic ability, and he sure as snot has passion for the game, and we DO need to get him on the field. HOWEVER, he does not have the skillset necessary to play the QB position. I'd love to see him fill in for our Injured (and generally ineffective) FB, or at TE, or even at LB, if he can do it. If he's the competitor and the team player that he's billed to be, he should relish the opportunity to play, rather that insist he's something he isn't.

    Hell, we've never lost to the Texans yet, and Rex is good at firing the team up after we get spanked like we did last week. Granted, that's a big job this week, with the Texans coming up, but I have a lot of hope that we can do it. I think we'll see a different Jets team on MNF than we've seen in a long time, maybe ever. It's going to take leadership, both from the CS and from the Locker Room. I'm a big Rex fan, but I don't know that the leadership, organization wide, exists to make it happen. I hope it does.

    I could be wrong, and we could just pack it in and lose 73-0, but I've been around long enough to know that this Jets team has a ton of talent, that talent just isn't being utilized.

    Feel free to troll and flame, I'm ready for your pathetic, insatiable need drown hope.

    I've adjusted my attitude, now I'm waiting for the team to adjust theirs.
  2. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Good Post.

    A little sunshiny for me personally, but your optimism is appreciated and is helping me look forward to being at the game instead of dreading it.
  3. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    This team doesn't have enough talent, period. Offense has no one that anyone is scared of. Hasselbeck was on ESPN radio last night talking about how the Jets WR run terrible routes which is a big part of the reason why Sanchez is horrible and never finds anyone open. He also made a point about how Sanchez is also to blame as he hasn't been able to make anyone better. However, the fact remains that he has garbage for talent and that the Jets haven't set Sanchez up for success. Of course most of that blame goes on Tanny and Co.

    Unless players step up out of nowhere, I would have no issue with the Jets tanking and focusing on drafting offense in next year's draft. RB, WR, OL. Big needs for this team.
  4. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    This is in need of an attitude adjustment imo.
  5. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    I agree with everything except the Tebow not replacing Mark if he throws another turd game. I'm sick of watching this kid suck when we need a solid performance. I'm not saying he has to win, but he can't suck again, he has to be able to move the ball.
  6. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    I'm just going to support my favorite team, and try not to read so much of the stupid shit that gets posted here from the armchair GMs, coaches, and players. No Revis, Holmes, Hill?, Keller? makes winning Monday Night a tough ask, but it'll be all that much sweeter if we can somehow pull it off.
  7. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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  8. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Its hard to have hope for a team with this level of "talent" on the roster. This fanbase is pissed off. You can bet the mortgage on that. That being said, asking for "faith" from this fanbase is asking a lot considering the track record of the last several years not to mention all the nonsense we've had to put up with in the process with Tebow, and the Magical Hidden Offense.

    Think of it this way. Missouri is the Show Me State and I think that describes a lot of the Jet Fanbase at this point.
  9. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    yeah lets be happy until Monday when we get thrashed
  10. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    As fans, you would not be upset if he played well and lost. We all know that any team can beat any other team any given Sunday.

    The fact that you have to hope and pray for him to actually have a respectable game is the sad part. I know it is easy for me to sit here and preach about sitting in front of the tv confident that your team can win on Sunday, no matter who the opponent is being that I am a Pats fan but hear this...

    I have been a Pats fan long before Brady and BB arrived, I was here when they were garbage. I remember going to games when half the stadium was empty and I remember feeling upset at the FO, the coaches, and the players...

    You know what I don't remember though?

    I don't remember making tons of excuses when ANY player performed so bad, for so long. As fans, we EXPECT consistent play from our players. The only thing CONSISTENT about Sanchez is that he plays poorly.

    The only thing INCONSISTENT about Sanchez are his Good games. They are RARE.
  11. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I agree that attitude is extremely important in football and if the Jets have a great attitude they will play much better and have a chance at beating the Texans. On the other hand, I don't think they are a high talent team, especially on offense. The defense is probably above average, even with the injury to Revis, but I think the offense is weak talent-wise. I hope they prove me wrong.
  12. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Lol at cancerous wide receivers, when has Chad Johnson ever been considered a bad teammate? He may have been an attention whore but a bad teammate he is not. T.O may have had his issues but he hasn't been a problem in his last two NFL stops. These guys aren't the long term solution but they are players that can provide a short term solution to better our situation. At least the defense would respect Owens going deep, and not to mention he still has the speed.
  13. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The way Sanchez has looked I'm all for giving somebody else a shot also.

    The problem is why Sanchez has looked the way he's looked and what putting somebody else out there will accomplish given that set of facts.

    There's no question that Sanchez is an inaccurate QB at this point. Part of accuracy is throwing the ball well and he just has not thrown the ball well since the 2nd quarter in Pittsburgh. He misses throws he should make under the best of conditions and he misses throws he should make under pressure. He's just not that accurate. Something is wrong with the way he delivers the ball.

    Matt Cavanaugh should have been fired alongside Schotty. It may well not be his fault that Sanchez is inaccurate, it probably isn't in fact, but you get rid of the QB coach when the QB has a fundamental flaw that needs to be fixed. That's just good business.

    Sanchez became a much better QB in the red zone last year when a much better coach was brought in to work with him on that. The Jets need to find much better coaches on the offensive side at this point.

    Part of accuracy is having well run routes and establishing timing between the QB and WR's. Right now the Jets have a bunch of inexperienced players running routes for them. That adds to the accuracy issues, which would exist anyway.

    Part of accuracy is catching the ball when it is thrown to you in a location you can catch it. Right now other than Kerley the Jets have a bunch of inexperienced or untalented players trying to catch the ball. That adds to the accuracy issues, which would exist anyway.

    Part of accuracy is having enough time to throw the ball and make good decisions with it. Sanchez clearly does not have a clean pocket at this point. It's not as bad as last year but last year set a low threshold for keeping the pocket clean.

    Now, on to the effects of replacing Sanchez right now.

    Tim Tebow is also an inaccurate QB. In fact he is less accurate than Sanchez. That's why he completed less than 40% of his passes in the pre-season games. Nobody is helping him out due to the factors listed above and he's already a historically inaccurate QB going into that.

    If you put Tim Tebow on the field right now you'd better hope that the spark he provides is a lightning bolt from the heavens because if that doesn't happen he is going to put on a historically bad performance with this horrible supporting cast around him. I mean so bad that within a couple of games the fans will be chanting "SANCHEZ, SANCHEZ, SANCHEZ" in kind of a deafening cadence.

    If you put McElroy on the field all you're going to do is Bollinger him and the offense. He has no arm to speak of. His accuracy may be better than the two above but his WR's blow chunks and he's probably going to throw a LOT of picks. Either that or he's going to throw the ball away a lot and see his completion percentage drop dramatically as a result.

    Does anybody here really think Mark Sanchez doesn't want to complete passes at this point? He really wants to complete passes and get things established. However he's not a strong passer, albeit stronger than the alternatives, and his WR's and TE blow chunks. The RB's aren't getting anything effective done either.

    This is not fixable by anybody but Sanchez at this point and honestly I don't think it is fixable by him either given the personnel. Sometimes you build to a point over several seasons where you cannot avoid a collapse. I think on offense the Jets are now at that point.
    #13 Br4d, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    The thing is the type of FB & D Rex is coaching no longer exists in the NFL & he is to stubborn or silly to change. Tanny is a CPA not a FB man so that is why the roster is in quick reverse :sad:
  15. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    In baseball if a starter doesn't have his best stuff, you put in another pitcher who may not be as good, not for ever, just for a few innings...

    I don't believe the McElroy having a weak arm stuff either. It may not be as strong as others, but he can throw and he and Tim both make better decisions on the field than Mark.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    As a head coach Rex is starting to remind me of Buddy. A brilliant technician who does not see the whole picture and whom the game is passing by as a result.
  17. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    All I comprehend from this entire wall of text is more excuses for mini Mark. Let me tell you something, Sanchez has a better arm then Tom Brady ever did but guess what? Brady is the better QB...Why you ask? Because he makes better decisions.

    Many of you are quick to say that Tebow is just as inaccurate as Sanchez, or that he is not as accurate as Sanchez, well guess what man?!?!?! In terms of career play, Sanches has thrown SIGNIFICANTLY less picks when you look at his Touchdown to interception percentage.

    Sanchez 60 TDs 55 INTS
    Tebow 17 TDs 9 INTS
  18. NYJet87

    NYJet87 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    They're not a short-term option either. Maybe Johnson has some fumes left in the tank but next to nothing. TO is as washed up as Don Maynard. They would be irrelevant signings. The Jets are truly better off seeing if one of these young guys take advantage of the opportunity. I'm by no means saying Jason Hill is some kind of stop gap, but it's not like there's a Jerry Rice in his prime on the waiver wire to go pick up.
  19. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Fan base should never dictate what decisions the football people make on a football team.
  20. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I'm hoping we have more talent than some of you think, but because our young guys never see any snaps (see Coples, Bush, Davis, McKnight, etc., etc.) How can we know what their talent level is? Are we supposed to trust the CS or FO on this? I mean, they thought WFH, Holmes, Greene, Conner, etc. were top performers.....

    Based on the results of our current crop of talent evaluators, I don't put much stock in our future draft picks at this point, so trade them away for proven commodities at will, unless your going to fire Tanny et al. --We'll either pick busts like Gholston, or we'll let them ride the bench eternally like Coples and Davis....

    I'm not saying "Don't bench Sanchez", I'm saying "Don't start Tebow at QB". I feel those are two very different statements. I'd be fine with trying McElroy, or Simms, or hell, trading some of our old farts for Jason Campbell, or some other marginally competent back up.....

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