It was too much money to take on for L.A. and Gonzalez proved to me that he is a stat-compiling non-winner. He whined about having to play Sunday night games and sent that text about calling for a meeting to complain about the manager.
i had the Rangers and the angels making it to the postseason, not the A's. Congratulations to Oakland, seriously, what a great job done by that team.
I would not want Gonzalez on my team. This A's team is much less douchy than the earlier Beane teams.
well for you it's even worse than it is for me. For me, Gonzalez was a significant upgrade and is paid close to market value. Not that bad of a contract. However, Beckett and Crawford have two of the worst contracts in baseball, and Crawford is 31 and coming off a major surgery. Beckett is 32 and a mediocre pitcher. And don't forget that they sent Boston prospects. The whole thing is ridiculous. Boston would've been ecstatic just to dump their bad contracts, and the Dodgers decide they want to send prospects as well?
The airheads in ESPN's MLB booth ignore ESPN's own stats. Francona just said Cabrera plays in one of the most difficult parks to hit home runs in. and Shulman then said if Cabrera played in another park he'd have 55 homers and 155 RBI. Way off on both counts.
One of them (I think Hershiser) just said Cabrera should get the MVP because "he's on a winning team", obviously implying Trout isn't. The Angels have two more wins than the Tigers and play in a tougher division.
The Tigers, with the least amount of wins in the american league in regards to post season teams, are in a great position with the first two at home against the A's. I'm calling for a Tigers series win over the A's, i can feel it.
Yes they are in a good position because they're also more talented than Oakland. They might be favored in the series.
I care about the Triple Crown...My favorite player Mickey killed it the one year he won it and it really is something that is a rarity...Power and sustaining hits
Aaaand Bobby V will never manage in the Bigs ever again
Yeah, I saw that. With 2 outs I probably send him too though and make them make a play. Even though it didn't work it's better than relying on another guy getting a hit, even though the next guy did. We ended up losing the Wild Card by 2 games, which in a way is better than missing it by one. At least it feels that way right now. Gonzalez is a big upgrade from Loney, Beckett is one of our better pitchers right now and I forgot about Crawford but we'll have him next year. Aside from Loney I'm not sure who we gave up. And with that I'm out. When's hockey start? Oh yeah. Hoping the Jets hang in there because aside from that it's just the Knicks. Non bueno.
Loney was just filler. Irrelevant player. Red Sox took him to fill in for the rest of the season and the Dodgers were happy to dump him. He's now a free agent.
Thanks, that's what it was. DeJesus and De La Rosa played a little, but it looks like we're now going to be in Yankees mode from now on. When Loney came up he was thought to be part of the great crop including Kemp, Russell Martin and Ethier, expected to be the team of the future. They kept it together for a few years, got the the NLCS in 2008 and 09, pissed me off when Martin left. Sad to see him go but to me Gonzalez is a better player and even fills the lefty spot in the lineup vacated by Loney.
Loney actully broke pretty well out of the gates, I thought he was going to be upper tier player for a while there. it's rare that I root for the dodgers, but they were playing the phillies after all, I.T., where are you located?