Would benching Sanchez "ruin him"?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ouchy, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    This is true, as livid as I was with him on Sunday. Did Sanchez lose us the game? Yes, because he was reckless and turned the ball over several times. The QB can absolutely NOT do that and expect his team to win, even Peyton Manning as we've seen this year, let alone Mark Sanchez.

    However, it still would have been a tough win without Sanchez's turnovers, because our receivers were just not getting any type of separation. The line, I thought, did okay in pass protection but is not happening in the run game. I think a lot of the sacks were Sanchez holding on to the ball too long. Our defense wasn't doing terrible, imo, and it was winnable. I've said it a million times but the epitome of that game is we could have gone into halftime down 7-3. Sanchez turns the ball over we go in 10-0. Lack of weapons, maybe, but you still can't not turn the ball over like that.
  2. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    How is he a coward? Holmes fits that description better.
  3. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    You can't ruin that which is already ruined.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I seem to recall that John Elway got benched quite a few times, as have many "great" QBs, including Joe Montana. In 88, he got benched in favor of Steve Young and they basically traded starts for most of the season. Montana eventually took the job back over completely and led SF to another SB victory.
  5. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    It's obviously not ALL on Sanchez, but it's really not true that a young QB needs weapons around him to be effective. Good QBs turn the players around them into weapons. RGIII, Luck, Newton, Tannehill, Locker, and Bradford have all been in the NFL for fewer years than Sanchez, have almost no weapons around them, and are still putting up way better numbers. You could add Weeden to that list if you exclude his first ever NFL start. He's been way better than Sanchez over the past three weeks. And Josh Freeman is also putting up better numbers without weapons, and he's been in the league for the same amount of time as Sanchez.

    Ponder, Gabbert, Dalton, and Russell Wilson are also putting up better numbers than Sanchez and have been in the league for less time, although they at least have some offensive weapons.

    I just don't see how people continue to act like Sanchez is this young quarterback that's doing the best anyone could reasonably do with his lack of supporting cast. It's not true. He's in his fourth season -- he's more experienced than nearly half the starters in the NFL. And his supporting cast isn't that bad. He has a league-average offensive line, Santonio Holmes is better than a lot of #1 WRs, and Stephen Hill was a second rounder. He's just awful.
    #65 NYJets82, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  6. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    dont be a dick all your life..
  7. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    rot...what reality doesn't he get? that his coach is a d coordinator and he has bad wr's and rb's and a mediocre to bad o line? sanchez should go to a real team...
  8. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    If there was a game that Sanchez had to play well in it was going to have to be the Houston game. If he stunk up the joint in front of an national audience he will be in a world of trouble because everybody will see it!! Also ESPN will talk non stop about it., heck maybe even Good Morning America will be all over it. He must play well in this game or he will be ruined and the Jets will be forced to bench him because he mental state!

    Also one other thing, why is Keyshawn Johnson a USC apologist. I mean he makes excuses for every under achieving USC player, including Dwayne Jarrett and Mike Williams.
  9. kiwitexansfan

    kiwitexansfan New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    He went to USC, so he is just being a homer, like Sanders and the U.

    This whole talent around Sanchize vs. he is just useless is one that we Texans fans had about David Carr. Turns out Carr was just useless. I suspect you'll find the same about Sanchize.
  10. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Outstanding post............:up:
  11. HOI

    HOI Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    There was an article on PFT this morning saying that "sources close to Woody believe that he will give the order for Tebow to start soon".

    I think at this point the Sanchez experiment is over. Whether its all his fault or not I dont think there is anyway in hell he will finish this season or be our starter next year. Did the Jets "ruin" him? Not sure but they sure as fuck didnt help him.

    Sanchez is what he is. If he is on a team with great talent he can be successful but hes not the type of QB who can take the field will average talent and make the team better.

    You cant give a guy like him a WRs corp like Edwards, Holmes, and Cotch one year and then give him Holmes, an ancient Plex and a rookie the next and expect him not to miss a beat. And then of course taking away any real talent at the RB position.

    What ahppened to the Jets IMO was that after the 2009, 2010 seasons (besides the shit drafts and reduced talent) the entire organization got as cocky and arrogant as Rex himself. The attitude was "fuck it...we can win with anyone we put out there". Sadly that wasnt the case.

    If this season completely hits the shits...which I think it will, we will see a major overhaul next season. Unless the team completely quits I say Rex stays. Sanchez will be gone, Greene will be gone, who knows if Revis will want to stay at this point.. This team has so many fucking holes and lack of depth its scary.

    Even healthy this year they were a 8 win team. of course many people here said they would win 12-14 but thats just big time homer shit.

    Furthermore we have an owner whos first priority is selling tickets. The guy is a business man first. He didnt just buy the Jets bc he thinks football is awesome. Its not his toy...hed like to win sure but first and foremost he wants to see the $$ coming in....period.

    Where the organization goes after this season who knows. But I think we are in for a brutal end to this season and quite possibly a tough couple of years going forward.

    Most of the time you only get a small window to win a championship in this league....we had two shots and missed it.
    #71 HOI, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Good post. I would quibble with calling Woody a businessman. He inherited everything he's got. I am not aware of him accomplishing anything, and I also think he bought the team to do the WSS as a real estate play. But otherwise...

    I hear the arguments Sanchez Fans make in defense of him. They make some good points. And I agree that Tebow will only make it worse.

    But their focus on the fairness of the situation to MS misses the larger point you make. He is not making the team better. He is not getting better himself. And there is no good reason to expect this situation to get better going forward from here.

    The way forward has to be pursued in a logical manner. Putting the issue of ownership aside, which I think is a huge problem, the Jets need to do this:

    1. See how well the players who might be worth keeping play in a shit season. See how they play in adverse conditions. Get some of those guys like Davis and Coples more playing time on D, and Kerley and Hill and McKnight and (yes, even) McElroy on O.

    2. Fire Tanny and Bradway.

    3. Get a football guy in here as GM with the understanding he will not be meddled with by Woody.

    4. Let the football guy GM determine Ryan's fate.

    5. Determine who the Qb will be going forward (this may well be the toughest piece, but it can't be done until a new GM is on board). If this means drafting one, then so be it.

    All the rest will follow these necessary steps.
  13. Itsjustme

    Itsjustme Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I feel like a really bad GEICO commercial involving a box of tissues, but if benching him would "ruin" him, he needs to suck it up and grow a backbone.

    Bencihing (or even the thought of benching) a professional athlete should force them to look in the mirror and fix what isn't working. Sanchez isn't a rookie any more. He's now a veteran, and needs to step up and grow up.

    Ruin him? It could be the best thing that ever happened to him.
  14. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    That's actually quite a good analogy, Carr and Sanchez. Hmm...
  15. Jon_Snow

    Jon_Snow New Member

    Aug 22, 2012
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    I'm starting to come to the same conclusion that most topics here derive from sports media whose objective is to generate controversial opinions. While I can't say all my ideas are original, I do my best to think for myself and stay away from hyperbole.
    #75 Jon_Snow, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Sanchez was a bum when he was drafted no need to ruin him. The Players at USC and Rex's coddling just hid it until now. Sad but true.
  17. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    He could be a hot dog vendor in the stands.
  18. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Would benching Sanchez "ruin him"?

    That's like asking if throwing out the milk, that has been sitting on the counter for three weeks, has blown off the lid, is now foaming all over the place, and setting off the stink detectors in the neighbors house, would ruin it.
  19. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Here is my take.

    Not benching Sanchez will ruin the Jets this season – if that hasn’t already happened.

    Folks in the locker room they know the score. The players know that it’s time for Mark to sit at least one game.

    It has nothing to do with who his replacement would be.

    It has everything to do with benching players that deserve to be benched.

    The longer Mark is handed the job through entitlement without earning it or producing points the more resentment builds up in the locker room.

    The more underground the players go with their resentments. Until you have a large group of guys that resent and don’t respect the organization they play for. Then they lose interest in the team as a whole.

    If Mark is not benched Rex is going to lose the locker room. Period.

    Bench Mark before we completely lose the locker room. I cant say for sure if it would be this week or next week, etc…but its coming. Its building up – you can count on it.
  20. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The problem with benching Sanchez is Tebow. He sucks.

    I understand the arguments for benching him, and I am certainly no Sanchez Fan. But really, Tim Tebow?

    Lord have mercy.

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