Why is suggesting Tebow Sacrilege?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RMorin, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The answer to the main question is: no, the Jets won't have an offense that is optimized for Tebow when he comes in. That would require a heavy personnel commitment made over several years to bring in the kind of people that work well in a spread option.

    The reason that Tim Tebow ultimately is not going to work out as an NFL QB is that the way that you become successful in the NFL is to be very very good at what the NFL requires of you.

    Every now and then there is a guy who has so much talent, like Barry Sanders, that he can break all the rules and still have value on the field.

    When Sanders came into the NFL the golden rule for a runningback was never give up ground. If you're a quick guy looking for a hole then limit the cuts behind the line of scrimmage so that you don't get caught for a loss in the backfield.

    Well, Sanders had unique talent and he broke this rule almost every time he touched the ball. he'd be running parallel to the line of scrimmage and 2 yards deep looking for his hole because he knew that when he found it he was gone.

    This is why Sanders has more carries for a loss than any NFL runningback in history. It's also why he has more runs of 40+ yards than any NFL back in history.

    Tim Tebow is not one of those guys. He doesn't have more talent than anybody else has ever had at the QB position, as a runner. He's not even the most talented current runner in the NFL at QB. That would be Michael Vick or Cam Newton.

    So his requirement that a team completely change it's personnel roster to fit his style isn't likely to be fulfilled.

    He's not going to get a back to play with who is both good enough to make the rushing attack a two-pronged threat - with Tebow and the back both carrying the ball but the emphasis on Tebow.

    Why? Because any back good enough to play that role isn't going to settle for being second fiddle to the QB in the run offense. That guy is going to want to get paid like a star #1 RB. He's going to need the 280+ carries to make that happen.

    He's not going to get the blocking WR's who can get deep and catch the ball against NFL CB's and safeties. Why? Because those guys are really hard to find at the NFL level and again, if they can catch the ball well enough to make things work they're going to want to be in a more high-powered offense where they can catch the ball a lot and make their money.

    This is the NFL. It's all about the money. What Tebow did in college can't be duplicated in the NFL because it requires great sacrifices from all of his team mates on a personal level to make it work - and that doesn't happen in the NFL.

    On the Jets current roster almost everybody is me-first. That would be sad except that the situation is mirrored almost all across the NFL. Only a few teams have players that really understand that it's not all about them and those teams tend to win Super Bowls.
    #61 Br4d, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  2. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Because Tebow haters don't want to eat crow. It is a shame our best QB is on the bench.
  3. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I feel it is too early to assume Tebow couldn't develop average or above average passing skills give reps as a starter, but my guess is he will not ever be given the chance. It is sad that Blaine Gabbert gets 2 years as a designated starter and Tebow gets none, but that is life

    I'm not sure that a team would need to change its personnel all that much to run a spread option offense. If anything it actually lowers the amount of overall talent required by creating more 1-1 matchups. Trying to switch to that kind of offense mid season is a disaster waiting to happen though, you are right
  4. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Because Tebow isn't the answer to our fucking problems. He's not a long term solution in the slightest. Why would you replace a SUBPAR QB with another SUBPAR QB? The reason people would rather see McElroy take the starting position is that we haven't seen what he is capable of.

    We've seen what Tebow is capable of, and it's nothing better than what Sanchez. Sanchez has 10 comeback from behind wins, it isn't like he's not a comeback kid either. Tebow has a lower interception rate because he either tucks and runs or throws the ball so inaccurately that no one can make a play on it. Those stats you posted don't mean shit because you're taking a guy who's started 3 times as many games and comparing it to a guy who's only started like what? 12 games?

    Anyone who thinks Denver was successful last year solely because of Tebow doesn't understand football in the least. Denver's defense was stout and kept them in the game while Tebow was shitting himself all over the field. Their defense is better than our defense is right now, so if you're expecting the same magic then I think you'll be in for a rude awakening.

    So yeah, that's the reason no one is seriously considering Tebow because he's not an upgrade from Sanchez. At most it's a lateral move. Now let's see how McElroy does, let's see if he's better or worse than those two then we can make a move to get a guy who can be our long term starter through the draft.
  5. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Thanks for responding. You could be right when this year is all said and done. But because I'm a TT fan, I hope you are very wrong on this. But lets say TT starts in 2-4 weeks, you are right, and he takes the team further down the toilet, at least all the Jet fans will have a good draft pick. My hope is not for that to happen though. I believe in the guy.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I agree that there are always QB's given chances they shouldn't be given in the NFL. Talent evaluation is at a premium and half of all QB's fail even given the opportunity to succeed.

    Again, I think this is a college vs NFL situation.

    In college a high-powered program like Florida had a lot of people to choose from in stocking it's roster. It was easier for the Gators to find the 1b kind of people needed to make Tebow better than he naturally is. It was easier for those 1b people to match up against the 2a and 2b opponents they faced so often in those 1-v-1 matchups and win them.

    Even when the opposing roster was full of 1a's, and there were more than a few like that in the SEC, the fact that the commitment had been made to play that style with all the sacrifices it required by other players than Tebow got them over the hurdles.

    In the NFL the 1b's get handled very nicely by the 1a's. Even assuming that you can find the right guys to fill those positions and somehow get them to buy in to the proposition they're 1b's for a reason.

    On the Jets though Tebow isn't even going to get 1b's. He's going to be playing with 2c's and 3d's a lot because the Jets really suck at talent evaluation unless they are buying somebody else's proven but damaged goods.

    That's just what it is.

    I'll actually be rooting for Tebow when he's put in because I want the Jets to win really badly at this point. I've got 40 years of skin in this game and it's getting old in a hurry just like me.

    I just know that when it comes to the Jets god listens to all prayers but answers very few.
  7. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    No its because Jets fans don't want to lose more games. Mcelroy is our best QB on the bench. Tebow is awful. I hope we start him he will get destroyed and we can end the Tebowmania nonsense.

    O line, RBs, and Wrs are all worse than Denver.
  8. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Comical how you clowns focus on stats that only favor Tebow.

    Here are some that don't:

    2011 Season
    QB Rating - 78.2 vs 72.9
    Completion % - 57 vs 46.5
    TD- 26 vs 12
    Passing Yards - 3474 vs 1729
    Passing YPG - 217 vs 123.5

    So Mark performed better in almost every single Offensive Statistic, yet you dickheads still think Tebow is a better QB. Oh and BTW Tebow the GREAT RUSHING threat had 6 rushing TD's.....SAME AS SANCHEZ

    Can you assclowns go root for some other team, please?
  9. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Can you please show me a respected site that actually uses TD% and Int% as an actual measurable stat?

    And who gives a FUCK that tebow has a higher YPA in rushing? I DON'T WANT MY QB RUNNING
  10. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    I'm no huge fan of Tebow, but I think it's kind of funny that certain Jets fans act like Tebow fans are ridiculous as they continue to make excuses for Sanchez in his 4th season as a starter and/or advocate starting Greg McElroy over Tebow. Tebow threw for 316 yards in the playoffs against the Steelers. McElroy has thrown for that many yards exactly once since high school and has never completed an NFL pass.

    Sanchez stinks and McElroy is a career benchwarmer. Tebow may stink, too, but the indignation at the idea of Tebow is ridiculous. The guy couldn't possibly be any worse than Sanchez has been since the Bills game. People love to say "he's not a QB", but maybe we're better off with a fake QB than a bad QB.
  11. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The Jets should trade Tebow for a draft pick to a team that will actually use him.

    Win win for both teams.
  12. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    hey dont forget the stat that tebow is at 100% completion this season!
  13. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Here is why I want Tebow to start.

    Our offense is not only bad at moving the ball – they are boring and depressing. We look like a giant banana slug out there the last few games. Slow, predictable and sloppy. Our offense has no spark and no fire. We just stand around and wait for the next play.

    Against bad teams we struggle to get a single TD and against good teams we struggle to even get into FG range. Lemme say that again – we struggle to even get into FG range! We have scored 2 TDs in 3 games and now we have even less depth at WR.

    If Tebow can bring some fire into our offense they might be fun to watch again. Because ATM it’s painful and depressing to watch.

    Mark has no fire no spark and no leadership. He acts like Joe Montana without the skills or toughness of Joe Montana. Its become a joke. Do people actually think Mark is going to have more success guiding the offense this season then he has already had? WAKE UP.

    We need life in our offense – we need a spark. And here’s the thing about Tebow. You cant just let him run just one or two plays. That’s not his game. To use a crude analogy he is like Barry Sanders. He is going to get a lot of negative plays but also get some big plays. He needs at least three downs a drive to have the chance to make the big play. When he does make those plays the excitement becomes contagious. It gets everyone fired up. How often have we seen our offense fired up or making big plays this season?

    Obviously Tebow is not going to be here beyond this season. I am all for getting on board with the potential excitement he could bring. Its probably the best we can hope for this season. So it’s not just because I genuinely think Tebow can win us more games than Mark – I want the thrill of the Tebow show. I want something to be excited about this season beyond a good draft pick.
    #73 ouchy, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    And if the Jets offense was as tepid or worse with Tebow at QB? What then?

    The Jets almost can't afford to put Tebow in at this point. With him on the bench he represents the possibility of renewal and gives people somebody to talk about with some hope in their voices.

    Once he hits the field, if he doesn't work out, the Jets are basically facing an organizational crisis of extreme magnitude. Because with Revis out and facing a tough contract battle and with Mangold the only really good player on offense the Jets would look a lot like the Cleveland Browns.

    Given it's the Jets it's probably 50/50 this is where they're headed but I don't think it's in anybody's interest to speed that up, least of all Tim Tebow and Woody Johnson.
  15. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    One of the more respected stats websites available ... Not sure if a troll, or you just get your all information from Stephen A. Smith yelling at you or both.
  16. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    Seriously? This is a terrible post.

    You are comparing total passing yards, and total passing touchdowns when Tebow played 11 games and Sanchez played 16?

    Completition percentage I completely conceded Sanchez has an edge last season, however this season this edge is even smaller, so not sure where you are going with that.

    Yards per game means a whole lot of nothing, when Tebow is averaging better yards per attempt AND better yards per catch than Sanchez. It means they passed less, but even when they did it was better outcomes than Sanchez.
  17. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I dont follow you on the future consequences? Our entire offense needs rebuilding after the season. Tebow would have to go undefeated for people to want him to stay. ANd - our offense already looks worse than the Browns!

    Here is what I do understand. Mark is not going to improve this season. What we saw the last few weeks is how it will be the rest of the season. Personally, I am not interested in that anymore. I'd rather lose exciting games then be embarassed every other week.
  18. Fatman&Robin

    Fatman&Robin Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Anybody who wants Tebow to start just so he can be exposed is kidding themselves. The media will just claim that the supporting cast let down Tebow and he is still a golden god.

    I don't want this fucker anywhere near my team and I'm still pissed we wasted a good draft pick on his ass.
  19. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    FWIW, that Tebow passing yards per game stat is also skewed because it includes games when he didn't start at quarterback but had a carry or two, so he shows up in the box score.

    As the starting quarterback, he averaged 162 passing yards per game on 23.7 attempts per game. Sanchez averaged 217 passing yards per game on 33.9 attempts per game.

    That's actually really depressing. It took Sanchez 10 more attempts per game to throw for 55 more yards per game. Tebow averaged 6.4 yards per attempt. If he had thrown 10 more times per game, if the averages held up, he would've thrown the same amount of passes as Sanchez for 9 more yards per game.

    Probably not a good sign considering Sanchez is supposed to be a pure passer and Tebow is supposed to be a horrendous passer.
  20. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    the stats I listed are a function of attempts, yards per game and overall yards tds etc are not. If a qb throws 50 passes for 100 yards is he a better qb than a guy who throws 25 passes for 75 yards?

    the stats I listed are the ones that most tie down to winning. The fact that after 3 years as a starter sanchez passer rating is within 6 points of Tebow is a fucking embarrasment. Completion% is largely a function of pass selection, YPA is an indication of result of a play as it fac tors in completion% and pass selection.

    The whole point is that their passing stats are almost identical....which is sad seeing as how Sanchez has been handed the starter position since day 1 and Tebow was thrown in as a last ditch effort

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