Start Tebow against Houston

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by BillyGreen, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    This is how I stop trolls.

  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I disagree, Ivan. I saw some training camp practices. He was AWFUL throwing the ball. I don't see how Fox could have justified just throwing him in there.

    It was also obvious he couldn't run the traditional offense after his first couple games. He did pretty well for a few games after that, I'll admit. I think a lot of that was due to the whackiness of the read-option offense. The Raiders were completely off guard from it... we end up beating Kansas City the next week completing just 2 passes the entire game.

    So, it you want a compliment for Tebow, I say he did a LOT to improve the schematics of the running game. We actually finished at #1. The PROBLEM was that it didn't make up for lack of passing. The total offense still ranked in the mid to high 20s because passing was down. The Broncos were #1 in three and outs because they got too damn predictable.

    So while it was nice to point out where the Broncos were before Tebow was inserted at 1-4... they also FINISHED the season at 1-4 in their last 5. I think that is evidence the league dusted off old playbooks on how to deal with the option. Almost all of them stacked 9 in the box to stop the run AND contain Tebow, and it worked pretty well down the stretch. Nice couple of plays against Pittsburgh, but he wasn't able to do a whole lot else during that part. I think now that there is a lot of video on him in those situations, his next several starts are going to look more like that stretch than he did surprising a lot of teams early on.

    The reason he's gonna struggle from here on out is because of that erratic arm of his. Needs to fix that if he's gonna be taken seriously as a QB. IF he can ever do that, he might be one of the most dangerous QBs in the game. ...I just don't see it happening. His passing development is far behind most of those who have been drafted during and since he was drafted and are playing right now. The guy that drafted him and actually wanted to take the project on was fired later in the season, the current Bronco staff didn't want to take the time.... and the Jets seem to be doing anything but grooming him for starting QB by plugging him in on special teams and having him do wildcat stuff.

    I just don't see how he overcomes all that and becomes a good passer. Unfortunately, his fanbase still thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It ripped our fanbase in two. Don't fall for it. If he had anyone elses name on his back, he would have been passed over and forgotten about like countless others.
    #122 Concerned_Citizen, Oct 1, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2012
  3. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    If we're not running the same impotent offense does that mean Keller and/or Hill will be back?
  4. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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  5. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    This is ALL absolutely true.

    I disagree with this. I don't think that his arm is his problem. Or his throwing motion. Or his footwork. As his fans constantly point out, "player X" has the same arm/footwork/throwing motion/etc and he's one of the best QB's in the league." So we can't fault his physical attributes.

    Tebow has horrible "field vision." He simply cannot take in all of what's happening on the field - at least not at NFL speed.

    So he locks on his primary receivers. He pulls down the ball and runs if his 1st option is covered. He can't go thru progressions. He doesn't elude a blitz and then reset and throw - he just keeps running (That's why he gets chased further into the backfield for bigger losses on a sack). He has no idea how to manipulate the pocket to extend plays.

    He can't overcome his deficiency(lack of field vision). You can't teach the kind of awareness a QB needs. He either has it or he doesn't. Tebow doesn't and the coaches know that. It's why he's being used as a punt protector and a gadget player. Tebow is a gifted athlete and a great football player. But he's just no damned good as a QB. Just convert him to TE or FB or H-back or whatever. But put him in a position on the field where his abilities will help his team win...
  6. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    It's how he throws the ball and where the ball goes and how it spins off-axis and its inaccuracy and his inability to make the right throw and....
  7. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    But Tebow was a good passer in college. So he has the physical ability to make the throws.

    The difference is that at the pro level, EVERY defensive player isa at the level of the very best player he ever saw on a college Defense. NFL defenders are all bigger, stronger, faster and smarter. The schemes they play are more complex, subtler, and far better disguised. Tebow's a third year pro and he still doesn't have a clue to reading Defenses.

    It's just not a solvable problem. So instead of leaving TT twisting in the wind trying to play a position he's no damned good at - switch him somewhere else so he can succeed and help his team...
  8. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    or maybe he is struggling because he is a young QB that has had 3 coaches in 3 years, was thrown in the game in the middle of a season with no time with the #1 receivers just after the team had traded away the best offensive weapon they had. Lots of QB's take some time to adjust to the NFL, they make poor decisions, they throw picks, they often looks lost. I don't believe I have ever heard of a team washing its hands of a #1 draft pick QB after 16 starts.
  9. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    You really want to lose 50-3?
  10. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    All these negative comments about Tebow, but it was Tebow that beat the New York Jets last year. We had no answer for him and we couldn't stop him. Strange thing is, we weren't alone.

    You guys are telling me you wouldn't trade in this horrific offense for THIS right now?
  11. The Swamp

    The Swamp New Member

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Lol @ people still making excuses for Sanchez after that abysmal performance. I don't care who you are. If you can't score any points being a 4 year starter in the league for an entire game, you deserve to be benched. The damn Browns can at least get 3. This is all just hate for Tebow despite him being the backup QB on your own freaking team. Outside the Buffalo game, Sanchez hasn't broken a 70 rating and a 50 QBR since. His QBR for the SF game was 2.8. THAT IS PATHETIC FOR A 4TH YEAR QB! In Tim's second year where he started 13 games including the playoffs, he had a QBR of 2.1. But then again Tim wasn't nearly as polished as Sanchez. Sanchez has no more excuses except from the delusional fanbase called homers. To not even concede to giving your backup QB a chance is laughable.
  12. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    I agree. I thought Fox didn't allow Tebow to throw much in Denver, and many plays they designed for him were vanilla. Tebow threw great in college, but he's never been allowed to pass much in the NFL. I would love to see Tebow get 3.5 years starting in the NFL, screwing up and learning from his mistakes, and developing into a great player.

    Just curious: Would you rather have a QB that sucks in practice but plays great in a real game, or would you prefer one who's great in practice but chokes in a real game?
  13. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    I'm confused. Aren't some of those big strapping pros DRAFT picks fresh out of college?
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tebow has to show consistency in his passing for that happen. He was a great passer in college, though he wasn't "nfl accurate". For this and other reasons, he changed his throwing mechanics. Last year, you could tell that his mechanics hadn't been burned into his muscle memory. He was "thinking" threw many of his passes and was all over the place with a lot of them.

    Contrary to popular opinion, his passing in this preseason was markedly improved. Most his passes had good form, i.e. nice spirals and zip, and most of them were on target. He did have some overthows and underthrows, but in my opinion, just about all of those were exceptions to the norm. Take the underthrow to Stephen Hill in the endzone. It was a 30+ yard pass IIRC, thrown across his body and off his back foot at he was sidestepping towards the right sideline. Yes, he HAS to be able to make that throw in the long term, but it's understandable that he probably hasn't repped it very much since working on his mechanics during this last off season.

    I'm still willing to wager that many people will be very surprised at how well he throws the ball this year.
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I seem to recall that Mark Sanchez is a 4th year pro, with 50+ starts under his belt, and he still seems to not have a clue to reading defenses. Tebow has had 16 freaking starts, cut him a bit of slack.
  16. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    That's true Demo. I hope the new style gets burnt into his muscle memory so it becomes second nature. I still kinda wish they'd left it alone.
  17. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Well, i absolutely agree with you that some of the Tebow fans are absolutely delusional, and that is what I fear the future of the NFL for him. He can be a good QB, hell it took Alex Smith, who ran the same spread option in collage under Urban Meyer, 7 YEARS just to become a decent GAME MANAGER! But his fans won't allow it, they think he a HOF QB, which he isn't, at all. He needs time to develop, and I think Josh Mcdaniels did the greatest diservice to him be selecting him in the first round, even though he was a 2nd/3rd round projection (look it up and don't listen to Merril Hoge on this, he is beyond clueless). That's where you take immediate starters, not projects! I do believe he can be a great back up, but not a "Franchise QB". But I do believe that the Tebow fans are mostly in the "Bible Belt region", like Florida. If he went to Jacksonville, the Tebow nut cases will be 10x worse than in New York and Denver, and Blaine Gabbert will be done after 1 game (even though I still think he can't be a Franchise QB and will be a bust down the road).
  18. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    FLORIDA in the Bible Belt? LOLZ - we drop f-bombs as much as you snowbirds do and at least 50% of our population is retirees from NY and NJ. Say whaaaaat?
  19. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Is that you Elway?
  20. kolorado22

    kolorado22 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    How many times have you actually seen Tebow play LIVE, in a REAL game not a stupid practice? How many times have any of you Gang Green posters seen Tebow play in person? All you know is talking head trash talk. He's started 16 games with the Broncos. In the regular season 2011 (14 games) he rushed for 660 yards avg 5.4 yards per carry. Even if he completes only 50% of his passes he is a MUCH bigger impact player than Sanchez. Denver did NOT have a top flight defense last year for their last 5 games because of injuries to Miller and Dawkins. This is when Tebow struggled. He is still learning the passing game but he improving as Sanchez is regressing. Tebow is an instant running threat and will make Greene and Powell look much better. For Houston, start Sanchez, bring in Tebow mid way 1st qtr. Sit back. BTW I am not a Christian.
    #140 kolorado22, Oct 2, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012

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