BTW, where does he say the Jets deserved to lose Revis for the season or was that just made up for the effect?
He said it was karma for talking about putting hot sauce "on this and that". Said I'm going to be back and he's out for the season.
they'd have to be good or somewhat relevant for them to be hated. nobody gives a crap about Miami football, the only time Reggie was relevant was when he was with Kim, it is pretty pathetic the way his careered has spiraled, he hit his peak at USC and has gone down hill ever since
I see this which is the writer's opinion. "In Tuesday’s radio appearance, Bush intimated that karma served the Jets when Darrelle Revis later suffered a torn ACL in Sunday’s game, ending his season." I see this: "“It’s like the old saying, what goes around comes around,” Bush said. “They talked about all week about putting hot sauce and this and that, and they ended up losing their best player for the rest of the season. So, it’s sad that it happened because of that, but I’m going to be back.”" But I don't see where he says the Jets deserved to lose Revis for the season. I don't doubt he may think it but the chose his words carefully.
you don't see where the quote below is taunting the Jets? "“It’s like the old saying, what goes around comes around,” Bush said. “They talked about all week about putting hot sauce and this and that, and they ended up losing their best player for the rest of the season. So, it’s sad that it happened because of that, but I’m going to be back.”"
I don't know if he said word for word that the Jets deserved it. I remember reading yesterday though in I think the Star Ledger that he said he feels no sympathy towards the Jets and it was karma. Thats all I remember.
Of course I do..I said I don't see where he said the Jets deserved to lose Revis for the season which is the title of the thread..why don't you point that quote out.
Like I said I don't disagree with that, I just think it would be much worse if he actually said it..instead it says it was sad while implying it... he chose his words carefully.
Oh yea for sure. I don't know why every single article is titled Reggie says the Jets deserved it. I don't think he's disrespecting Revis at all he just hates the Jets I'm sure. I hope we come out and sweep them this year. We should play much better at home.
I dunno, I think describing something as happening due to karma is very much saying the person who it happened to deserved it. that is what karma is. I hope the mods don't mind if I say here Fuck Miami. Always hated that team the most of all. Worst fans in any sport anywhere in the world for all time. Well, maybe some of those crowds in the Roman Coloseum might be in the same league as fish fans, but you know what i mean.
Probably but if he actually said it somebody else might take him out before the Jets got another chance at it. Players usually stick together when it comes to things like that and none of them like to see that kind of injury to anybody..probably not even Bush.
How is what Reggie said any worse then Rex "taunting" and Pace solidifying what Rex said? All parties should have kept their comments out of the public, especially in lieu of the media wanting to blow anything up about injuries or intentional injuries.
If you can't tell the difference between saying we are going to play Bush hard, hit him hard, and then Bush saying it was karma that Revis got injured, then I have to conclude you are just another stupid fish fan, as if there were not already many times over too many of them.
The Jets get crap in the media because NY is the media capital of the world and everyone loves a train wreck.
where did rex taunt? b/c of the hot sauce comment? it's crazy a coach would want his guys to play physical. What Pace said was asinine, it was as dumb as could be but as dumb as that was what Bush said was worse b/c at kleast pace was still in the immediate aftermath of a heated game. go back and read all the comments I made about Pace. As usual you are wrong. Bush was gleeful in the Jets losing a key player which is disgraceful, pace was also disgraceful w/ his comments. Typical Ted, everything the Jets do is wrong, everything Miami does is right