LaRon Landry clapped for Bush's injury and for Fred Jackson's injury. This video was posted on FinHeaven [YOUTUBE]WwvYMklOxRs[/YOUTUBE]
Yes because of all the teams.....Reggie Bush and the Miami Dolphins we'd do this to them. We play far better talent like Arian Foster or Tom Brady or Frank Gore which sort of debunks this whole video. Landry clapped because he stopped a 1st down play vs Fred Jackson lol and this comes from someone who doesn't even like Landry and his wild play. Tell this delusional Phins fan(LucktoMiami is his username on Youtube) to get a life and go back to the drawing board.
I guess Landry can tell the future, he claps before a player even shows he is hurt. If you watch the game again Bush was the one trying to be aggressive, initiating contact and trying to run through ppl. Did Landry clap after his pick 6, somebody couldve gotten hurt bcuz he was clapping... Gtfoh
Great point. Freak Bush and the gay sharks. How abt those olinemen trying to block Revis, and one f'in jumps on him while he was down. I think the dolphins need to be investigated! I hope we sign chad Johnson so he can celebrate when we destroy the dolfags next time. You bet next time Bush will have a bulls eye on his head. Also how the f is he talking abt another person injury and lost of season. F'in CLASSLESS
Where did he say he "deserves" it? Did any of you bother to read it or are you feeding off the OP's delusions? What he said was what goes around comes around. The Jets wanted to knock Reggie out and Revis went down as well. Irony is the term not "deserve"
Cant we all just get along??? And agree that it's perfectly fine for the opposing team to cheer wildly whenever a star player waking up eating Astro/turf with his huge 5th concussion of the game. Fans need cathy lingo0 to sing when the other dude gets carted off,
SMH, people do not seem to understand that LaRon claps after every play he's involved. Damn stop being so hurt and watch him, he claps ALL the time not when he hurts someone.
You're a straight up asshole that brings down the quality of these forums & most likely lowers the quality of every social scene you enter. The number of people that formed their opinions on this thread without actually reading the article is disturbing. He does NOT say Jets deserved to have Revis out. Points out that isn't it ironic that when laying the extra "hot sauce" on somebody the Jets lost their best player.
Unfortunately, it seems clicking on link & READING ORIGINAL ARTICLE was way too complicated for some posters. This thread is a small example but it shows why sensationalism is pursued by big media corporations. Make outrageous bullet point(s) and people are up in arms before they even try to verify anything.
The dolphins don't get crap in the media b/c they are irrelevant, they lad the division in arrests BY FAR over the last decade while we have the fewest but we have this reputation as a bunch of bad guys on our team. What Calvin pace said was stupid, what reggie said was worse.