serious fuel for next dolphins meeting. and the jets get shit from the media? real class act down in miami they got with reggie bush.
reggie bush is a douche. the dollfags are my most hated team. if rex said that and that guy who is supposed to be a pass rusher said what is written in that article. AND landry was up there clapping when he got hurt.... well then i would say maybe if we talked less shit that people wouldnt talk shit back.
I hope Rex brings up that article when the Jets host the Dolphins so that way it can fuel the fire and the Jets play smashmouth football The link above to a story of BUSH talking crap . . . . your thoughts. Never a lack of participation here.
No Reggie you idiot, no player deserves to have an injury. Don't get why Bush hates Revis so much and why he's so happy someone lost his season. Just a douchebag thing to do.....but then again he did date Kim Kardashian and cheated against Notre Dame with the Bush push so its expected.
Good, I'm old enough to remember when the Pats were dogshit and the Phins were our real rivals. I've always hated them and more then the Pats. While we're at it fuck Dan Marino. Hopefully this makes the rivalry more intense. Oh and fuck Dan Marino and Don Shula too.
After these comments, I will celebrate next time we hurt him,and hopefully we hurt him harder next time.
You can bet the Jets D is licking their chops the next time they play the Phins. Landry will smack Bush into next season.
He's probably still swimming in the free cash he got in USC as we speak :lol: Joe McKnight must be envious of how much Bush got to sign up with the Trojans.
The comments on that article piss me the hell off. Why is this fan based filled with self-hating pussies?