Tebow. (mandatory reference) Anyways, Curious to hear opinions. Are the coaches and players messing up the game with their complaining? I think so. Just challenge the play if you think it's a bad call, but it seems they are instigating more fights with each other and escalating things taking the game out of the control of the refs (who are like substitute teachers and have little respect). The coaches are complaining during the game a lot making the games last 10 hours. Not saying the replacement refs are not to blame too, they are not even close to the caliber of the real refs, but damn... I'm sick of all the whining. Thoughts?
Haha, why is this in Tebowmania? The whole ref thing is just a mess. Everybody likes rules, whether they argue about them or not. In a situation where the rules are a "moving object" everybody goes crazy. They just need to settle whatever the darn issue is. I'm sure its just ashtray money to the NFL.
Says the hater who ran over here to join the Jet's forum because he hates a player! :breakdance::breakdance::breakdance: Tebow haters= twice as committed, twice as focused and twice as delusional as any Tebow fan.
No that's not true at all. I'm a Jets fan. I lurked for a while and happened to sign up days before the Tebow trade. It is inconveniently coincidental that I signed up the same month Tebow was traded in and all the Tebow fans rushed in.
I just went through your post. I am not going to say you are a liar about being a Jets fan, I actually believe you but you have to admit that 60%-70% have to do with Tebow. You hate the guy something fierce , all that hate can't be healthy
I'm pretty sure we were quarantined here so as not to give the rest of you Tebo(w)la virus. Yet some of you still come in here.
Well I use the "new post" button to look for content. So I thought it was funny to be listed under Tebowmania when its very much a general football attempted discussion.
You folks are easier to rile up than the darksiders who are unquenchable in their pessimism about the team. It's depressing seeing a dozen threads about how the Jets suck because every player on the team isn't elite and we didn't blow out every game by 80 points like it's Madden. There's nothing to be said to convince them otherwise. It's more entertaining to poke the bear here. Some of the Tebow contentions are logically flawed. It's easy to pick those apart on that basis but I similarly do not expect Tebow fans to change their minds. Let me carefully distinguish that I am not trolling. I believe what I say about Tebow. I don't hate Tebow. I think he's a player who obviously excelled in the college system but struggles in the NFL. I'm not particularly fond of his attitude about himself. However, none of that rises to a level of hate. My dislike for Tebow as a player, or a person, is far exceeded by the cult that surrounds him. But I don't hate Tebow fans, either. I just find the cult rather silly and at times, completely absurd.
If you think we aren't laughing at you guys for hating Tebow so much that you come here everyday to spend hours in the forum that we basically set the agenda for, you are naive. "Tebots" create the threads. Tebots shape the discussion. You guys spend time away from other things you find important to be here. We are just discussing one of our favorite players. Stay as long as you like. So who is really laughing at who?
ROTFL!!! your response was so funny and appropriate I spilled the water I was drinking :lol: yeah we are all mental here...me included
You say you don't hate Tebow. But somehow you have the motivation to type out messages on the "Tebowmania Forum" to rile up the Tebow fans? You probably dislike the guy quite a bit to do that? What's the source of your dislike for the guy?
According to LeSean McCoy, it's happening. “During the game, they made like a bad call or something, the ref, and I see Ray Lewis like pump his chest up, trying to scare him,” McCoy said. “Don’t you know [the ref] started stuttering? I’m like ‘what’s this?!’”