Apologists and their excuses for Sanchez’s failures

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ouchy, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. BookEndTackles 72&79

    Apr 15, 2005
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    This. Did you see one drop from a Steeler receiver yesterday?? How about J Co getting lit up by Bell and holding onto the ball on a 3rd down near the goal line?? Next play Steeler TD. Our guys are dropping balls on the numbers and not turning around on hot reads.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    It was not all on the receivers, for the record. And Holmes did draw four penalties, so give him credit, too, if you are going to blame him for drops. Then there was the catch he made that was negated by a penalty. the pass that went high in the end zone when it should have been in front of Holmes. The screen to Powell that looked just awful.

    But the main knock on Sanchez from yesterday is he did not show confidence in the second half. Was that because of the hit, as many have speculated? I don't really know.

    I hope he's okay, though, because the idea of watching Tebow start due to an injury to Sanchez makes me nauseous.
  3. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Well, it's not like drawing penalties shows up in Sanchez's stat line as a completion to make his numbers look better.

    When the game was in doubt, there were 2 bad throws I remember: the one to Holmes and the one to Powell. The screen to Powell would have gotten 5 yards. The deep ball to Holmes was bad.

    Sanchez isn't yet a transcendent quarterback who can make the talent around him immeasurably better like the super elite guys do. But there's only a few of those guys out there. After that group, Sanchez is in the mix and certainly not terrible like the OP seems to think.
  4. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    This - exactly this

    It's time to focus on the OL and get Sanchez the tools he needs to succeed. I don't mean "TOOLS", but tools like receivers who will make fantastic catches like the Steelers did. Losing this game was not Sanchez's fault. That's not being an apologist, that's just a fact. Watch the game.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    in talking about the penalties I was attempting to provide some balance to the attacks on Holmes here.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    No one here is saying that the play of any single Jet is what lost the game, I would hope. It was a team effort, with "contributions" from the O, the D and special teams. The coaches, too. But in that mix Sanchez is not an exception. He did not play well.
  7. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Sometimes, I really hate this forum after a loss.
  8. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I thought that pussy move to end the first half set the tone for the rest of the game. It screamed no confidence. If there truly is a concern then put in someone else at QB, RB, or WR!
  9. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Today, a work colleague (he's an older guy, who's big football / sports fan & JAGS season ticket holder from day 1) knowing I'm a big JETS fan mentioned the game, as he only saw the 2nd half when he got home from the JAGS game...... after he griped about how bad the Jags were.

    His comments regarding the offense, was "can those guys catch the ball?" and that he thought Sanchez played well enough, but if no one can catch, it doesn't help. Specifically mentioned Holmes and the hot read to Cumberland.

    While I think Sanchez's performance wasn't great (and definitely declined after getting smashed in the head) the receivers were even worse.
  10. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Nice catch, the useless fucking troll does not pist from aug 28 untill after a loss where he has several in a day.
  11. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Wrong week to piss all over Sanchez. He played better that his sorry receivers, running game, special teams and shitty defense across the board. He did not loose this ame for us.
    Where are the "this is going to be a sick ( as in good defense BS ) apologists?" you should be sending this to.
    I am sick with the Sanchez is the root of all evil BS. We have plenty of blame to go around. Not a good week to blame Sanchez.
  12. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    The problem with the Anti-Sanchez crowd is that you guys come in with your minds already made up when watching the game that Sanchez sucks and due to ego or what not, refuse to be persuaded.

    If Sanchez does well....you ride the excuse that the WRs bailed him out or that the defense he faced is terrible. When Sanchez doesn't light it up and the team stinks, you blindly right away throw Sanchez into the fire and decide he and only he is why the team failed and act like he's shown zero progression.

    Its just absolute nonsense. Its one thing to say he didn't have the best of games....its another to be so fickle to decide to use Sanchez as a scapegoat as to why the entire team shit the bed that drives the pro-Sanchez people like me absolutely nuts.
  13. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    Sadly, these type of Jet Fans, I use that term loosely, will always exist. In general, the media doesn't seem to be giving Sanchez hard time today. Yesterday's issues weren't because of Sanchez's play, it was a total team lack of execution.

    I'm a big Sanchez supporter and believe he's the right QB to secure a bright future for our franchise. That being said, I do feel Sanchez wears his heart on his sleeve too often and has to do a better job staying 100% focused and keeping his offensive players positive when things go wrong.
  14. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    last week.
  15. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Exactly. The team just got outplayed by a hell of a team that feasted off a great environment from their home crowd that they haven't lost a home opener to since 2002.

    I LOVE Sanchez and this is coming from a proud ND Irish fan that HATES all things Trojans. I love his moxxy, I love how he doesn't throw anyone under the bus, I love the intangibles he brings, I love his arm strength(Not Cutler by any means but its not Pennington/Rivers esque), I love his mobility and I think he's steadily getting better at reads and knowing when to identify a blitz/when to call in an extra blocker to stay and protect. It took Aaron Rodgers 2-3 years sitting on the bench and soaking up whatever Favre/The Coaching staff told him to do before he got to where he got to today. Brees in his first 3 years played behind a joke of an O-Line(Speaks volumes to how gifted LT was that he did what he did behind that line in SD) to where Marty Schottenheimer took Rivers and dismissed Brees until Brees in 04 showed he can ball in this league. Eli was left for dead after the first 3 years by the Giant fans and by many fans.

    By no means do I think Sanchez can turn into any of the aforementioned 3....I think he can get himself in the Stafford/Ryan/Cutler tier IMHO which is a fringe top 10 QB which is more than fine for what the Jets are trying to do. Its just annoying to see people constantly look at him as to why we lose. I get he's the QB and a huge face of the team but my goodness when he's playing with fringe NFL TEs, playing with THREE inexperienced WR(Gates, Hill and Kerley) and Holmes who at times just seems lost on route running and is not surefire with the hands....add that to a less than explosive RB duo(I like Greene/Powell just not as lead RB...very good bruiser backs) and you know that the offense is limited on its ceiling.

    The Steelers played a hell of a game, everybody needs to give them credit for that. They made the Jets look bad, it wasn't just magically the Jets shit the bed and PIT stood on their hands and toes and just sat back to watch us implode. We didn't get ravaged by penalties or turnovers....we ran into an intimidating team that was flat out hungrier than us and that's that.
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    we had them pinned in 3rd and long and they got a TD out of one that never should have happened,and a 1st down that never should have happened. Sanchez wasn't on the field for that.
  17. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Why hasn't this retarded thread been banished to the cesspool?
  18. Jim-Jet

    Jim-Jet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I am not a Sanchez fan but I do believe he needs to be the QB currently.

    The Jets are ranked 26th in offense (24th passing - 17th rushing) and 16th in defense (15th passing D - 22nd rushing D) after the two games and before tonight's game. There is plenty of blame to go around for what happened yesterday.
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    ^ That.

    If you are under 30, your are probably not a 'long suffering Jets fan'
  20. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That loss yesterday was about as much of a team effort as i have ever seen

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