My Tebow tale of woe ..or "how Tanny and Rex fooled everybody"

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by CowboysFan, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Ok this is not a Sanchez versus tebow thread, there is no Sanchez versus Tebow ...there never was . I happen to like Sanchez quite a bit and never thought that Tebow would start over him anyway....but I digress

    I am a huge Tebow fan, ever since I saw the ESPN special when he was in high school ,I then followed his college career , so obviously when Tebow finally got a chance to shine last year in the NFL , and he did (no matter how historical revisionist paint the picture today) , I was thrilled for him .

    There is no secret in the fact that the Denver FO never had long terms plans for Tebow, they threw him in there to sink or swim all the while eyeing the Luck sweepstakes. When a great Denver D and Prater and Tebow (all three together) showed up and wrecked Elway's plans of draft conquest the Denver FO had no choice but to ride it out.
    It provided some of the most thrilling football I have ever seen in 35 years of watching the NFL, yes super duper ugly, yes exciting, yes spectacular all in one. The entire time I watched with glee as I fed massive helpings of crow to the anti tebow masses.

    When the season ended I took a look at the upcoming Denver schedule and thought " if they really don't go all in with a spread type offense Tebow and the Broncos have no chance next year" so I was particularly happy when Manning chose Denver, Happy for Manning because he wanted to continue to play, happy for Denver because they would get a legendary player and a great fan base would get a chance to compete for a Superbowl again and happy for Tebow because now he would be a going to a team that had a coach and an FO that actually wanted him and would find a really good use for him that would let him highlight all the things he could bring to the team beyond just the QB position .....or so I thought.

    See I believe that no matter what happens this season from here on out, Sanchez leads the Jets to a superbowl victory, or the jets go 6-10 or Sanchez has an injury (and I only wish Sanchez good health this is an example scenario) and Tebow comes in, it does not matter for Tebow because the FO did not want him either. Woody did. its Denver all over again .Yes the owner is the only one that wanted Tebow . Its true. Its all true.

    We were sold the Brooklyn bridge by Tanny and Rex.." he is a weapon" they said" we will unleash him " they said "no one knows when he will explode! they better prepare!". It was all bull shit. They brought in Tebow to appease the owner, if by some chance Tebow pressed Sanchez and Sanchez became better then it would be a bonus. was Tebow a good team mate ? yes ....Did some coaches fall in love with him? sure ...the special teams coach did but that's about it

    The following is my personal opinion and I am not stating it as fact. it is certainly arguable and I hope I am wrong (but I hardly ever am unfortunately when it comes to Tebow ) but here goes....

    There is no wild cat or tebow-cat or spread or whatever the hell it is that anyone wants to call it beyond a few run gadget plays. The reason we did not see it in pre season is because it is smoke and mirrors. The reason they only practiced it in ONE closed practice (and even then on a limited basis) is because it does not go beyond 2 or 3 plays.

    Tebow will not be used as a weapon on this offense and if by chance he is used and does well would be in spite of Rex , Sparano and Tanny having zero plans of actually using him besides a circus side show to appease Woody .

    So there you have it, Tebow is back to square one in the NFL, on a team that has little faith in him or anything he can do. That is why he was yanked yesterday when the passing game of the Jets (and I say passing game because it was drops, bad play calls , bad passes , bad protection etc) was 6 of 22 for 58 yards through three quarters yesterday and the Tebow-cat was 3 plays 27 yards and we did not see anything else... because there is nothing fact if not for Woody, Tebow would not even be in a Jet uniform at all.

    Back to square one.
    #1 CowboysFan, Sep 17, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I never believed Rex. I always thought he would just be a backup and see the field occasionally. I had no problem with that, as at least they were giving him a chance to stay in the NFL as a QB. Then they started with all this punt protection/WR/TE run-only wildcat stuff in the regular season. I'm on record with saying just give him the clipboard and develop him. No more of this special teams B.S.

    Yes, it's back to square one, and I agree with you that we've been bamboozled, hoodwinked, and run amok.

    Tebow is on the Jets right now to teach Sanchez leadership and work ethic. He's mentoring Sanchez on intangibles. He will not be given any significant QB time unless Sanchez goes down or crumbles under pressure. In that case, even if he wins, they'll be looking for another QB like Denver did.
  3. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Sorry you are so bummed out and all but I am just a fan of the Jets and I am not a Tebow follower or fan.

    I support him because he is a Jet but that is as far as it goes. I think he is a good football player and I think he will have highlights to be had as the season goes on but I know that me personally as a fan, I don't want to see Tebow in there anymore than they already use him now. I get frustrated when they put him in there and take Sanchez out because Sanchez needs to either maintain a rhythm or continue to find his rhythm within the game. Putting Tebow in only makes that process harder. IMO.

    I'm completely ok with how they are using Tebow right now and I hope they maintain it in the future.
  4. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Ohio State avatar = you do not like UF. As much as I don't like OSU, I'm hoping Urban Meyer does well for you all. I wish all former Gators well... not just Tebow. And no, I'm not a fan of your team, much like I'm not a Jets fan.

    Not surprised by your comments, and don't think that anything you said is wrong. Unless you are a Tebow fan per se, this is the most reasonable position to take. I'm not bummed, BTW. Just agreeing with the OP that the Jets may have been less than honest.
  5. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Sanchez was 4/5 with 60 yards and 2 TDs in the 5 plays immediately following Tebow in passing plays during the Bills game.

    Adding 3 plays for 27 yards in the Steeler game , there is more evidence that it is working really good compared to evidence that it is not working .

    but this is not what the thread is about, its about how another team pretends to want him on the team.
    #5 CowboysFan, Sep 17, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
  6. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    CowboysFan and Backupqb, you guys may be right on the money. I thought it was a little weird that Tebow didn't come in during the fourth quarter (running a wildcat or spread option) to mount a comeback yesterday. Cause maybe there is no such thing like you said.
  7. GoldenShowers

    GoldenShowers Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    LOLOLOL boo hoo!

    Of course it's a gimmick. That's what the WC and option is in the NFL. It's not a base offense. It's not something you run more than a handful of plays a game.

    Let me ask you, if you support Sanchez as a starter, and believe in Tebow as a wildcat guy, how can you be mad that they aren't running the WC more than it is being run? Let me guess, you want Sanchez to be named "the starter" but then run more Tebow plays during the game than big boy offense?

    I'm not sure what the issue is here. They told us he wasn't the starter. They told us they had a special package for him, and that he'd get a handful of snaps a game. They told us he'd be on special teams. They told us Mark is the QB.

    The only lying was to yourselves that this was going to be some repeat of the glory days of a 1 loss UF team sneaking into yet another title game.
  8. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You are arguing with an imaginary opponent because nobody said any of the things you just discussed.
  9. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think it's a little early to push that button, to conclude it was all a hoax.

    But I tend to feel the same way -- primarily because of how they're using him. I don't think he's that exceptional doing the zone read. I thought we'd see something more innovative -- something that's more like a "second offense" that could evolve into anything.
  10. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    The question is then, Why does the owner want Tebow around? For publicity, mentoring the intangibles to the rest of the locker room, or because the owner has respect and admiration for Tebow? Or all the above? Or we are wrong and there is a "Tebow offense".
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    we are 2 games into a season.
  12. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    All of the above.
  13. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    I don't know anything about the owner. But this is interesting and has me thinking.
  14. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I do not even read his post, glad you answered whatever it is he said.
  15. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I'm with Cowboysfan and I'm pushing the button. If they were getting beat down yesterday like that, this was a situation to use the Tebow packages to try to change the tide of the game. What are they waiting for? A must-win game?I think they would have used it yesterday if they were sincere about it.
  16. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Tebow is here to mentor Sanchez on leadership and intangibles? Holy mother of fuck. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
  17. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    It was a puzzler, I must admit.

    But it kind of highlights the whole problem -- I think they second-guess themselves because they're in a fishbowl with Tebow. When the Jets are humming along, firing on all cylinders, they think "better not do it, people will say we ruined poor Mark's rhythm." When the Jets are struggling, have nobody that can get open, and need a change of pace, people will say "they ruined poor Mark's confidence."

    That's why I think the only way to do it is to use it early, often, and regularly, so there's no reading into it and they can stop worrying about being second-guessed.

    But a larger problem is back there behind all this -- it's harder for it to work with such a larger-than-life figure as Tebow. It's better when it's Brad Smith. Because if it were somebody who doesn't draw attention, is no threat to ever start in this league, then everybody can relax and see if it works. But it feels all butt-clenched right now. Like every time Sanchez is flat, he needs boosting, and every time he's hot, he needs to be allowed to get the glory.
  18. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Rex is hoping that Sanchez gains balls and leadership through osmosis.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Tebow was brought in as a promo piece. The owner really likes him and bought into him because he saw how marketable he was. He didn't really understand that things tend to take on a life of their own once they become reality.

    I believe that everybody is fairly likely to get the worst case scenario here.

    I think the Jets are an unstable team at this point. I think there aren't enough offensive weapons for the offense to establish any consistency at all. I think the defense has enough holes that it's not going to be air-tight and probably is going to have some really iffy games early on. The Jets have committed one turnover on offense in 2 games and the defense has allowed 55 points already, that's what I mean.

    I think that the odds are pretty good that the Jets are 2-3 at the 5 game mark. I think the fans are going to be restless and the media is going to be stirring the pot about as loudly and randomly as is possible. I think there is going to be real pressure to play Tebow, because he's there.

    Not because a Tebow-led offense is likely to be any better than a Sanchez-led offense but because he's new and exciting and frankly nobody in the FO is going to see the Jets as likely to win a Super Bowl this year after what the first 5 games produces.

    I think the instability in the team is going to promote the most primeval forces affecting it - which is the owner wants to see Tebow, the fans want to see Tebow and the media might finally write something positive about the team if we play Tebow.

    The Jets will be just like the Broncos last year only the owner is the guy who brought Tim Tebow to town.

    The reason I think this is worst-case scenario for everybody involved is that it will expose many things that people suspect but cannot prove at the moment.

    1. Tim Tebow is a great athlete but not even a good NFL QB.

    I'm not going to argue this one because it gets personal with his fans who just really like him. I'll just say that only the numbers really matter in the end.

    2. Woody Johnson is the real force behind the Jets right now and the person most responsible for their ups and downs.

    All the blurring and boundary issues in the Jet's organization are suddenly going to become crystal clear. You keep people around during purges because they're people who play nice with you and know the rules. This explains a personnel department that keeps making the same mistakes. It explains a GM whose expertise is in managing large sums of money against the cap and preventing outright disaster in that area.

    3. The Jets are going to have another mediocre season (would happen with Sanchez or Tebow) and at the end of it we're all suddenly going to realize that the last window has completely closed, as 2005 did for the Parcells window, and that a transitional time is upon us.

    4. Jets fans unfortunately are going to be more in limbo after 2012 than they've been in awhile. The only solid areas on the team are going to be DL and the DB's and Revis is going to be hanging over our heads like an axe waiting to drop.

    It would have been much better to avoid the Tebow temptation and have 2012 be the build/no build moment, dependent largely on whether Sanchez proved out or moved on. Instead we're going to get this back and forth thing going at some point and then we'll be stuck at the end of the year with the Sanchez yes/no question over-ridden by the Tebow yes/no question and the build question completely muddled.
  20. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I agree with you on 97.3% of what you said.

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