Is waiting for the perfect opportunity to turn the game around? At least that's what I'm telling myself.
QFT There was a little pass interference on his drop too. Clark? Moved his his forearm. Should have caught it, gets the rookie excuse for this one.
mark looked for tone way too much. with keller out too the steelers focused on our wrs. throw in a couple drops and the game is fucked. whatever, not that big a deal, defense needs to learn how to fucking tackle. its just ridiculous and frustrating as all hell when everybody misses one fucking guy consistently throughout the game. hopefully revis comes back cause the gameplan without revis is just shitty and easily exploitable. cro aint no number 1 corner. wilson might be fine at no 2, but lankster is shitty. so very shitty. whatever, i now i gotta fucking read. and im all pissed off and shit. this sucks. fuck this game.
Honestly, that pass changed the whole game. Jets could have had the ball 1st and goal with a chance to go up 14 to 6.
he is a rookie and like i said before the season started. he will have his ups and downs, today was a down. i bet he'll have a better game next week. btw i also said despite how the receivers looked we still needed a veteran receiver.
Regardless, it was a very catchable ball and Hill should have made the catch. When you have 5 inches of height against a guy and a 40 inch vertical, you need to find a way to bring that ball down. What do you think makes Megatron such an insane weapon? You just have to throw it up and odds are he's going to come down with it, even in double/triple coverage. Not saying Hill is Megatron by any means, but when you have similar physical attributes and are going head to head with a guy 5 inches shorter than you, you need to bring down that ball.
yes he should have made the catch. but he's a rookie. he's allowed to have his growing pains. calvin johnson is a all pro receiver, stephen hill is nowhere near that level yet.
Hill went up, Clark not only held his waist but pushed his arm off target, Hill wont get the benefit of the doubt but he would have brought that in, watch the play he hit the back of his hand. If Hill keeps his hands under the ball thats a catch followed by a TD, blown call