I'll Admit, the Tebow Coverage is Ridiculous

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Backup QB, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I ask you as a UF alum what have the Gators done since Tebow left?you, tiny, little , insolent, stupid excuse of a man.
  2. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    You're one year ahead of yourself.

    What has Florida done since Percy Harvin and Louis Murphy left before Tebow's senior year? You guessed it. Choked against The Tide in the SEC Championship. After Tebow left, so did Urban Meyer, and all their recruiting clout.

    Thanks for playing.
    #102 phaytal, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  3. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Edit - double post.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Oh, yeah, they really fell apart after Harvin left. I mean, their record fell all the way from 13-1 to 13-1.

    Oh, the horror.

    What a farking loser.
  5. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    2008 Gators - Beat 6 ranked teams - Won National Championship
    2009 Gators - Beat 2 ranked teams - Choked in SEC Championship

    Pretty big difference, wouldn't you say?
  6. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No. Not for the point you're making.

    The wheels fell off after that. (And Harvin was out for the SEC Championship in 2008).

    phaytal: that guy who won't even concede Tebow was good in college.
  7. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    You have an excuse for everything. Every single point made about Tebow, you have an excuse for. It's sad, really.

    The point I made crystal clear, is that Tebow was not half the quarterback without Harvin and Murphy constantly bailing him out, and opening up the running game. It is obvious with the result of their 2009 season, as Harvin and Murphy, along with Cornelius Ingram, were the only Gators drafted that year. They beat 1 ranked team before getting curb stomped by a weaker Alabama team.

    It was exactly the point I was making, thanks.

    As for this comment:

    Clearly you know exactly what you are talking about....

    That's from about 8 posts above this one.
  8. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Its an ongoing joke about Sanchez, in hard knocks a couple years ago Sanchez was pranking schotty in his office and schotty told a jets coach "sanchez is a dick"
  9. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You're making yourself look ridiculous. They lost one football game. It happens every year to the vast, vast majority of teams. And it was to the eventual National Champion Alabama. And they turned around in the bowl and curb-stomped undefeated Cincinnati, who was ranked #3. We've gone over this before -- read it very carefully -- Either your use of rankings as the sole measure of quality opponents is flawed, or you must concede that destrogying #3, undefeated Cincinnati is a measure of quality.

    If you measured every player by the standard of "lost a football game," you'd end up concluding almost all players are bad. Even Tebow's most ardent critics and haters think he was a great college player who's game and skill set just doesn't translate to the NFL. But you think he was terrible from start to finish -- it's laughable.

    I don't expect you to actually concede anything, mind you. Troll on.
  10. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    People need to stop throwing a hissy fit over what Phaytal was saying.

    Fact of the matter is, while I don't see Tebow as a long term franchise qb in the NFL, he was one of the best NCAA players I've seen in my lifetime.

    That being said I also think Tebow had one of the best teams ever around him.

    Offense - Riley Cooper, Louis Murphy, Percy Harvin, The Pouncey Twins, there was another OL they had who was a monster. Let's not forget The plethora of track star RBs they've had. Aaron hernandez

    Defense- carlos dunlap, brandon spikes, im drawing a blank on a few others, ahmad black? Either way they had an amazing defense during his tenure.

    Point in case there was a ton of mid tier to upper tier NFL talent on that team. Alot more than most natl championship teams.

    I don't think it can be said enough the weapons and OL around Tebow couldn't have been any better for Meyers system. Which I think produced the illusion of Tebows accuracy when people recite tebows completion percentage.

    Anyways point in case, you all don't have to agree with Phaytal, but everyone acting like he's wearing a tin foil hat for what he's saying couldn't be more wrong
  11. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    internet tough guys are super bad ass...

    said nobody fucking ever.
  12. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    thanks for the wisdom, mr nobody fucking ever.
  13. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    touchy touchy... i sure would like to hear how tough you are and how you plan on beating me up Mr. Internet Tough guy!

    Hi everybody! My name is Itstime and I put all my energy into threatening internet talk towards people that dare insult Tim Tebow!

    It's so awesome! And Tim really appreciates it because he knows I exist!

    So anytime you have anyone even remotely say anyone ever is as good as tebow or insult him you let me know! I will internet tough guy his ass and send him crying home to momma!

    and for any ladies out there...

    I'm 5'6 276 lbs and love World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, My mommy and pictures of Orangutans!
  14. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    #114 Backup QB, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  15. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    sometimes you just have to out absurd people to get your point across!
  16. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    oh and by the way. You completely missed my point. On any given Saturday Tebow faced an average of 2 NFL players at most, there were many games he faced ZERO. Meaning these vaunted defenses were, indeed not replete with NFL crushing defensive players. Unless he played some games against SEC All-Star teams I was unaware of, or every other school in the SEC loaned their best players to the other team every time they played Florida? Which I hear is extremely common.
  17. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    You are caught up in misleading stats and wiffing on the big picture. Whatever number of future NFL players Tebow faced on any given Saturday in the SEC amounted to playing against more future NFL players than any other conference in the Country. If you are a typical Northeastern Jets fan you probably don't know anything about college football as you wouldn't have anybody in the entire region to root for. The SEC is the undisputed king of college football and its best defenders are some of the best players in the country and consistent high round NFL draft picks. I could care less about the SEC , and am not pounding my chest for the conference, but these are indisputable facts and 6 national championships in a row won by teams from the conference speaks for itself.
  18. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I know you would love to be me, but so sorrrryee for you, you are only Jetsetter. Unfortunately your sophomoric attempt at humor barely draws a smirk. Don't be so butthurt by my comments, the harsh ones were not direct towards you but towards a character named Phaytal, a degenerate who spends his time hurling insults at Tebow fans across different teams(Broncos,Jets) and websites throughout a long period of time. If you knew his history, I hope you wouldn't spend your precious life sticking up for him. But if with this newfound knowledge you still choose to align yourself with him consider yourself fair game.
  19. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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  20. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Do you just read in to me what you want to? Did you just ignore that about 12 posts ago, in this very thread, I said that Tebow was an extremely special college quarterback, and one of the reasons that UF won 2 NCs during his tenure?

    Why is it so hard for you Tebow cultists to admit that the team that surrounded him at UF was one of the greatest ever assembled in NCAA history, and that Urban Meyer's system fit that squad like a glove? Why cant you admit that once Harvin and Murphy left, Tebow (and the Gators as a whole) was not the dominating specimen that he was the year before?

    It's truly fucking scary the lengths that you will go to, to e-knight for a very shitty NFL quarterback, because of the greatness he experienced in college. Don't think for a second that Tebow is the first to go through the transition from legend to sub-mediocrity when making the move to the NFL. That song has been played a thousand times before him. If you look at the list of the greatest college quarterbacks of all time, 7 out of the top 10 did nothing in the NFL. Charlie Ward, Tommie Frazier, Chris Weinke, Gino Torretta, Matt Leinart, Eric Crouch, Danny Wuerffel.... The list is endless, and it certainly wont end with Tim Tebow.

    You seem like a smart guy, and most of your posts have at least some validity, but you need to take a few deep breaths, step back, and realize that the guy that you so adamantly defend, is in fact, a terrible quarterback that only two teams were willing to drop a 4th round pick on, to be a backup, and a media cash cow. Get a grip man, and lay off the personal digs.
    #120 phaytal, Sep 14, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012

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