I wonder what ever happened to that poor girl, I remember taking a look at her Myspace back when Myspace was cool but I'd like to see what she looks like now.
Just another internet casualty. I used to read the bodybuildingforums misc section sometimes when I was bored. So many hilarious threads have come out of there.
[YOUTUBE]-P_MZfmZMvo[/YOUTUBE] from yesterday....Mikey goes night night Youd figure with all the Diet Coke this fat shit would be able to stay awake on his own show. Fuck...I cant figure out why its not popping up...either way its worth checking out
That is great. jet fans should call in today and tell him that him falling asleep on his own show is on this website
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aAONQyJWC-8 Here's better quality. What an assclown.
Hahaha that's fucking terrific. He looks so startled when he wakes up. Too bad Sweeny kept blabbing the whole time - would have been nice to have dead air while tubby snoozes away.
HAHAHAHAHA Classic. O&A put that on their page today, that's great. No matter what the Jets do we can have fun with that until the end of time.
Did anyone hear the opening monologue?! HAHAHA Tank just went on a blathering explanation about how he was operating on no sleep, but "I can promizz you, I was nevah asleep." He sounds like a rambling idiot! This is awesome.
Let's be honest, I nevah entid duh REM stage. If you believe I was asleep then you also believe in duh Tooth Fairy. Back aftah dis.