I was not a Tebow supporter in the first place but... I had to consider this. Say, what if Tebow can play TE? 2 TE formation with both Tebow and Sanchez in - and Tebow catches a few passes. Wouldn't that drive the opposing DCs nuts? With normal personnel set up, there is no way he will know if wildcat is coming. If Tebow is willing to do anything for the team - to the extent where he will practice catching, I see no reason why Jets shouldn't extend Tebow's contract. He will be such an asset - a QB that can cause havoc in weekly prep, AND in the game.
Coming out of the draft, and during his time as a Bronco, Tebow went on record multiple times saying that he will only play quarterback in the NFL. He has obviously had to change that stance being that no one wants his as their starting quarterback. Maybe he will play tight end. I personally think he could be and amazing tight end. But up until he joined the Jets, he refused to make any changes.
That's not true, he's never said that, and never "refused to make any changes." When asked by reporters if he considered changing positions (as a permanent change, leaving quarterback behind), he's always said he's a quarterback. He has never said "no" to doing anything a team asked him to do to win. That's a lie. He has said he considers himself a quarterback and will always think that.
sure...why not. I also think that jet fans who were not Tebow supporters should also realize his selflessness in willing to do whatever the team asks of him...that attitude is contagious and goes a long way to fixing locker rooms.
He's surely winning over me - that's for sure. Now if Jets can get a serviceable TE/WC QB out of Tebow...
He can think of himself as a QB all he wants but I can't recall the last time I saw a QB line up as a TE and told by the coaching staff to bulk up rather than work on his passing.
He bulked up AND worked on his mechanics/passing. insinuating he did no work on that is just ignorant. Don't mistake this as to say Tebow is a good (or even average) passer, but he did work on it.
The idea that we was told to bulk up was an unsourced myth. He showed up for weigh in at 252, and according to sources that was his playing weight last year. His brother called into a radio show. But that's beside the point -- there's no source for the idea that he was asked to bulk up. Tweeting reporters started speculating, and before you know it everybody was repeating it.
Not disagreeing with you outright (though I do disagree with you ) But everyone take note... I've been blasted today for saying Tebow needs to be careful about his QB "brand". The way the Jets are using him are just opening the door for this line of thinking to overtake his image as a QB. Why not use him as a TE? DE? Punter? Kicker? Everything but QB? That said, if he is happy with it...
Tthe reason I don't worry about it is because of Tebow's dogged persistence. Someone else might think that he should be a TE, and he'll play that position if asked, but he IS and will continue to be a QB
not if thats the only position he is allowed to play. Not sure how this Tebow thing plays out but I would put his starting as a QB again and playing somewhere else as around 55/45.
I think he'll either find another starting gig at QB, or play his whole career doing what he's doing now. He's too valuable as a backup QB to waste that ability by totally leaving it behind. Most teams will jump at the opportunity to get extra production of one of those two dead roster spots (#2 and #3 QB). And what makes him good is he has the physical tools of an H back or running back, playing QB. If you took away the QB part, I'm not sure he's dominant at his size and skill level Those tight ends are pretty good at what they do. (I honestly don't know).
1. It's not "everything BUT quarterback" however, and won't be that way either. At THIS point in his career, Tebow offers a lot more value as the gadget player than as a conventional QB - you will have to acknowledge that. I am just saying what if it is possible to maximize that value. 2. For this reason, Tebow as anything other than offensive player will hurt his value. (Seriously, I did like how Tebow recovered the onside kick, but Jets didn't need to risk Tebow on the return team. I absolutely hated to see that. His value does not lie there.) 3. And you need to realize that, his value comes from that he can play QB from that spot - thus his presence alone gives Jets offense an option to do more than they could without him. If Jets do go 2-TE set with Tebow as one of the TE, then spread them all wide, the defense will be seriously fucked - especially if they are in heavy personnel package, to counter spread option running attack. Tebow can be utilized in pick plays or bubble screens out of this - either he can throw the screen or he can carry the ball. Heck, he can even launch a long one after taking the hand off, while Hill or Holmes streak deep down on the other side. Now that he is on the roster, Jets would do very well to make sure they use his skill set as much as possible to create mismatches. 4. And he should be playing in special teams as well; in punting unit and kicking unit, but NOT IN RETURN UNIT. - no other team in the NFL has a QB playing in special team, waiting to pull a fake and throw a deep one. Jets are the only team. Do you know just how valuable that is? It's absolutely fantastic asset to have on any team.
I agree, this is Tim's role on this team for THIS year, hopefully he can turn a corner with his passing and get a shot as the starter somewhere else next year or whenever. But for now, I like what the jets have him doing, his role will expand on the offense as the season goes on, fitting into what opposing defenses are doing to stop them. No other backup gets on the field in anything but mop up time, I dig it.
Yeah, but do you think it's wise as a career move? I'm starting to think it would have been better for him to stay in Denver and learn under Peyton Manning. There's less shame in that then playing behind Sanchez, and much better learning opportunity from one of the greatest. No disrespect to Sanchez, but playing behind him is just not the same on the basis of prestige as playing behind Peyton Manning.
Denver did not want him this was not an option. This will not hurt his brand at QB what hurt his brand at QB was his horrible performance in the Preseason. If Tebow refuses to except his role there is a good chance no team picks him up then he is out of the NFL. At least in this capacity he is on the roster still a QB and has time to work on the passing part of his game.
1) He doesn't get to decide these things on his own. 2) It is every bit a part of his makeup, quintessentially Timmy, for him to do all the things they are asking him to do. You chose the word "brand" (unwisely, I thought, but you've explained it enough and I don't want keep piling on about that). Well, even if there is a "brand," I submit to you that Tebow doing all these things is his "brand," if he's got one. He would kick the kickoff if they asked him to. Winning games is what matters -- team first.
Elway wanted nothing to do with him. The second Peyton was signed, Tebow was as good as traded. I also believe that even if Denver did not land Manning, Elway would have drafted a quarterback, and traded Tebow anyway. Elway wasn't going to let the Tebow media circus, or rabid fans that followed him, anywhere near his team. He saw enough of that shit last year. Even with Peyton Manning under center, a first ballot Hall of Famer and 4 time MVP, there still would have been idiots chanting Tebow every time a pick was thrown, and articles by morons like Skip Bayless saying that Tebow should be starting. Manning is far too good to put up with that kind of infantile pandering.