yeah she was yapping away... Oh well someone should have sat her down before it went that far. Firm believer in equal rights......... and lefts.
It's still assault, not to mention women can do plenty of damage. It's also humiliating to get hit, have a drink poored onto you, etc. Every situation is different, but I'm not gonna feel any remorse for a girl who attacks a guy thinking he won't retaliate, only to find out that she pushed him past his limit and he responds with a little force (ie pushing her away).
I think that all people are equal. If somebody comes at you with a malicious or harmful action, you should defend yourself, whether its against man or woman. Saying women are weaker is not always true, and what about a man punching another weaker man? Isn't that just as dishonorable? I don't like how there are double standards for things like this. Violence is violence. It doesn't matter who the victim is, its wrong. Saying that you should never hit a woman no matter what is silly. I agree with the person that said you should never hit anybody except in self defense. Personally, I see physical violence as an utterly primitive and retarded mindset that never solves anything.
To be honest im surprised there are not more fights at NFL games. Lots of beer and banter and fans mixed in is a recipe for a fight.
Hahaha, youre such a buffoon dude. But you're not alone. And there are plenty of people who agree with you. I'd love to see you hit a woman bro. And I would knock you right off your fuckin feet.
There's no reason for someone to get that liquored up that they get their beer muscles out and start acting like a tough guy. No reason at all. Who knows what provoked it, but visiting fans should also keep their mouths shut as well. You'll never win a fight in an opposing stadium. Never.
I can't imagine what you would have said if the guy was wearing a hoodie. Also, did you notice the tye dye pajama pants your fellow Jills fans were wearing. Not for nothing but the early 90s was like 20 years ago and they were in poor taste then.
The biggest shame is the people who are so banged up (most) don't realize or care. There is a guy who sits in my section who is totally shit faced walking in prior to kick off and double fisted most of the game. NO idea how he gets there or goes home but I pray he does have the stones to drive. Hey I am NOT saying you should not drink but either be presentable while interacting with others or the team/person serving you should have MORE sense when you could barely walk . . . . just my opinion
Interesting the Bills fans still wear the sweatpants from the last time they were good. Seriously, those pants are like, Thurman Thomas pants. No reason for brawling in the stands. All the restrictions about alcohol sales, and perhaps even the high beer prices are due to a-holes like these who get drunk and can't control themselves.
This is just one of the reasons why I watch the games from home. Hey lets take the kids to the game and have some fun, UMMM no thanks. Plus 25 bucks to park I heard its 50 bucks now. Someone please clear this one up. Go Jets
I noticed a few classless Jets fans while I was there. Fortunately other Jets fans like myself were there to correct issues. Is there really a reason to take your drunk ass and take a Bills fan's hat and throw it 20 feet away? Really classy. I'm going up to Buffalo for the final game this season and would hope to not have to deal with that shit. Heckling is all part of it, but escalating from there is just stupid. I have to give props to the Bills fans I met at the game, they weren't looking for trouble and just miserable at the results on the field. Yet they didn't take their misery out and start shit. just my take on it... i know there will always be those few that drink a bit too much.
At what point of the game did the fight happen? If early in the game, weak crowd, too early to be alcohol related (or at least should be). If it happened after the JETS beat down had set in - empty seats are understood and punk had probably spent his trailer rent money on several beers.